French Resistance Enemy Front Gameplay and Review

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)


Hi guys and welcome to another game review as related to the game titled Enemy front.

Last time we did a review on it, the main character called Hawkins went back in time during a resistance fight way back in the country France.

Today will be looking at the game-play/ review of that scene and truly its quite interesting with lots of challenges, dangers all around you. Your only option and choice is to fight your way through if you ever wish going home again, but that soon changed after your fight with the resistance.

So, sit back, relax and enjoy.

The story starts with our author or narrator known as Hawkins and it centers around a lady called Isabella, the lady was supposed to be our Intel while we were in France, and our way out as she knew the landscape of the region quite well but unfortunately for us, she was soon captured by the enemy troops and alongside with her were some citizens.



Unlike her, that had valuable Intel that could assist them, the other citizens where all kid not minding their age or who they were, they were instantly put in a death row, lined up and shot repeatedly until they were no more, or that was left of them was just their dead body not even buried, left by the road side and away the hostile troops drove off.



Upon seeing this scene with my photographer, he decided that we were doomed and were cursed to stay in this city for eternity, as our only hope of ever leaving as just been cut short with Isabelle been captured by the enemy force.

Although, I disagreed with this and I was determined to take a closer look also rescue Isabelle as the case may be, now you might be wondering what can a single man achieve? With a pistol on my right and a binocular on my second I quickly jumped the fence we stood as we watched the massacre take place.

Advancing forward, I soon come across two hostile troops, both were armed with a riffle and a smg gun but luckily for me they didn’t see or notice me yet, quickly I shot them both simultaneously with my pistol and repeatedly until they fell to the ground.


I ran to them and scavenge the weapons they were carrying, which was the smg and the riffle and I soon moved on.

Just minutes from my previous location, was a house seems like it was a camp for some few enemy soldiers as it was armed with a machine gun and also guards moving around searching for any non-related activity, was able to pin point their location by viewing with my binocular and assigning a eye like figure to each of them, thereby showing me their location at every moment.


Moving forwardly gradually and smoothly, went under a bridge that would provide a shelter for me and block any damage that might come to me, with my newly acquired weapons, took position taking down the enemy one after the other but I didn’t go unnoticed as the sound from the riffle was quite loud and could be heard from a distance away.


Not minding the sound my focus was the enemy in front of me as they were the only challenge for me presently, upon taken down the ones closest to me, I advanced towards the building which was guarded by three soldiers, one with the machine gun and the other two inside the building all alert cause of the sound earlier on.

With my riffle, I took position take down the one with the machine gun first as he would cause more damage compared to the others.

Taken down the soldier with the machine gun, I quickly moved towards the house shooting at the direction of the other two-armed hostile troop, but they soon fell to my gun.

Into the house I went and a note I found, stating the direction of the soldier who captured Isabelle but just before leaving, I immediately intercepted by more hostile troops and there were quickly alerted seeing the bodies of their fallen comrades, but I was not that bothered as I took position waiting silently for them.


Waiting patiently, they soon climbed the stairs and came within range of my gun and quickly I fired into their direction leaving most dead and the rest I took out with my riffle one after the other as they didn’t climb up together with the others.


Upon clearing that location, I immediately moved out but what I found along the way were traces of blood left behind, minutes later, I came across a carbine with a cry sound coming out crying for help, it was a resistance man and was seriously injured but about to be giving the final blow by the hostile troop when I immediately intercepted, killing them both but the resistance looked he was far gone and no help could be rendered to him anymore.


I moved out once more and soon came across a new building and this time, it seems like there were some individuals inside armed and the enemy troop were shooting rapidly towards their direction and I couldn’t help but rendered my services by waiting and killing hostile troops from a distance, with my rifle, they didn’t notice me cause of the sound coming out from their guns as well.


Rescuing the friendlies, I inquire about the whereabouts of Isabelle and I was told they moved out few minutes back and the direction was pointed to me, along my path I came across a deserted city seems it was under intense fire and what was left were destroyed buildings and enemy troops everywhere you looked and the only way to pass was if I killed them all, also a tank was just some distance away, luckily for me it was yet to be manned.

It was an intense battle which I came out victorious and just some distance away from the clear site was the tank and it was operational now, some few meters away was a RPG gun, took it and aim at the direction of the tank leaving it destroyed and forward I moved.



From a distance away I saw a huge mansion and it was heavily guarded, from the a distance away, was a station covering the entry and enemy troop could be seen far away discussing and also armed, the only way I can move forward is if I take them all down. Took my position and quickly I shoot at their direction taken them out.

Moving forward into the mansion, could hear a sound coming out and a commanding officer was inside listening to a radio channel between communication from higher ups, immediately I breached the door and before he couldn’t get his gun he saw himself fallen to the ground after taking a bullet from my riffle.


A detailed map of the location and terrain was just lying on the table waiting for me and the location of I Isabelle was no longer a mystery to me, as it was run down castle some distance away.

Moving forward, I soon came to the castle and snipers could be seen from different direction, all armed and ready to shoot, from the previous battle, I found a pistol with a silencer attached to it, meaning I could kill with no sound at all sweet, moving into the castle, taking down each hostile I troop I came across with.


Soon killed them all and it was just me, the hostile troops guarding the interrogating room where Isabelle was being held and the interrogator.

My mind was made up, that the only way the interrogator was leaving alive is if I was killed during the process of freeing Isabelle, if not I was going to kill every hostile troop I came across with, moving forward into the castle, I quickly encountered the guard troop and the final show down between me and Isabelle broke down.


Gun shots coming from all direction, immediately pushed my way through and it was just me and the interrogator left, Isabelle was being held in a building along with the interrogator.

Quickly, I breached the door and with my smg gun, I rapidly fire at the interrogator leaving him dead instantly.
All that was left was freeing Isabelle from the ropes.


Our agreement was reformed again, about leading us from the country into Switzerland and I handed our passage fee to her, we moved back to were my photographer was and sadly I told them I wont be going back with them, as I finally found what have been looking for, A STORY WORTH WRITING.


All images were gotten from the game Enemy Front

List of some other games I reviewed so far


Terminator Salvation


Dota 2

Titanfall 2

Enemy Front

Farcry Primal

Warface Christmas special

Tiny Toon on Sega

Call of Duty MW3

Medal of Honor

Beach Buggy on PC

Tiny Troopers on PC

Like the above, follow @otemzi

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Nice review bro, the graphics looks awesome too

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