DOOM Review

in #gaming6 years ago


Afraid of the dark? Well with doom it takes it to a whole new level, making the dark and scary movie a child’s play, in other words if you get scared a lot I won’t advice you play this game especially at night lol evil laughs.

Hello everyone and welcome to another beautiful day, it’s still myself @otemzi and here with a new game review titled DOOM.

Today will be looking at the game DOOM.

First, I would like to say this game have been around on many different consoles and to me back then it was not interesting, didn’t see it as a must get game until I found the PC version and I must say it’s quite superb and quite scary.

Doom is a first-person shooter, brutal action game, where player gets to play in a multiplayer platform or a solo mission, although am yet to play the multiplayer.

Today will be looking the game-play as it relates to the solo mission and I must say it’s quite scary, would go as far to say this game is not meant for kid below 13years and if you easily get nightmare then please and please don’t play the game, the sound, background songs and the voice you hear while playing it, make it all the more scary.

Doom as been out far back since the 90’s with different action packed, like I earlier said didn’t knew it was interesting as the game name doom was not that catchy to me, but while playing it, saw that the name doom befits it a lot as we are actually doomed.

Waking up in a what seem to be a laboratory or medic room with a machine just above you, probably you were been operated on as your hands were handcuffed in both side, probably to prevent you from getting up during the operation. I don’t really know as you were a little dizzy upon waking up.



Just when things couldn’t get any worse, you were soon approached by a not so familiar creature, approaching your bed side and you were still handcuffed to the bed, quickly you try to remove it as it was quite secured, but with brute force you soon break the shackle from your right arm, but you couldn’t remove the other on time, quickly you grab the creature close to you with your right hand and slammed its head into the bed side leaving it splattered all over your bedside.



The creature was called The Possessed.

According to information provided from your menu,

It says they are creature created in Lazarus wave event, a phenomenon first discovered by a doctor known as Dr. Olivia Pierce during her Lazurus project,

Source: The game Doom.

well I don’t know what the phenomenon is all about, but I will say she probably devoted her time into, if only she knew it would turn out this way, or did she?

Moving forward, upon killing the Possessed, you quickly free yourself from the other cuff, soon enough you were up on your foot and as luck may have it, there was a gun just close to your bedside and two other possessed were gradually approaching you, quickly you shot them down.


The gun was a common pistol that is found with all UAC employee guess some were close to you before they met their demise and from using it, it seems it does not require a reload, firing rate not rapid, and it requires sometime to take a shot. At close range quite deadly, but for better damage you are required to aim before shoot there by increasing the damage capability.


After taking out the processed, you moved close to the room exit and it was locked, but what awaits you was a message probably from the doctor who operated on you or so, the images shown to us, was a box surrounded by four individuals seems like they were praying but to whom? Looking at them, there was some kind of carvings/drawing just close to them, and the lady was seen moving around them telling them that box needed to be sealed and what so ever was inside should not be let out.


Moving past the scene, the door soon opened, you soon move forward into a room and a suite was what awaits you, like I earlier said, you woke up quite nude or almost naked with no cloth just your pant.

The suite is called the Praetor suit,

and it says it’s been around for quite a long time, formed from different components and what have you, quite old and same time deadly when put on.



You quickly put the suite on, and it soon adjust to your body as it needed some time to calibrate itself to work perfectly, all functions started working upon completing its sequence and it was time to move out.

Some distance away, you saw a fallen soldier, well don’t really know if it was a soldier or not but it had a combat shot gun, very deadly at close range but a long range fight not so much but it would really come handy, quickly you dragged it from the dead soldier, from what it looks like the door came down on him and he was unable to move fast.


Upon relieving it of the gun, with your super human straight you raised the door up and quickly you advance forward.

Just some distance away from your previous location were more possessed and this time your combat capability has been improved, not just armor but rather your fighting skill, as you were able to grab the possessed, draw them close to you and impact a lot of damage with just your bare fist, more powerful than the pistol I must say and more fun as well.


Moving forward, you soon approached a new type of enemy, a creature unlike the possessed and it looks more powerful than the possessed, not just look, its actions as it was able to climb and move faster, unlike the possessed, it looked more intelligent and didn’t just approach you aimlessly.


But against a combat shot gun, it stood no chance as it came fallen with just two shots.

Advancing forward, you were soon given three new missions which were

  • Destroy the Gore Nest

  • Find the site 03 exit

  • Find the Resource Ops entrance

Few distance from the Gore nest, it was heavily guarded by the possessed and your only way destroying it met you had to fight your way through the possessed and I mean kill every single one of them, your pistol alongside your combat shot gun, they stood no chance against you let alone your brute force that would instantly kill any of them.


After fighting your way through them, you soon arrive at the nest and quickly you slipped your hand into it, what you found inside was some sort of heart shape thing, beating quickly you smashed it and what awaits you was a scary sound with voices coming from different directions what came next was….


Like the above, follow @otemzi

All images were gotten from the game DOOM

List of some other games I reviewed so far

Terminator Salvation


Dota 2

Titanfall 2

Enemy Front

Farcry Primal

Warface Christmas special

Tiny Toon on Sega

Call of Duty MW3

Medal of Honor

Beach Buggy on PC

Tiny Troopers on PC

Bitmap in Untitled-11.jpg


@otemzi Doom is the balls! Bethesda knocked it out of the park with Doom.

This reads more like a walkthrough than a review.
It was still a fun read, though.
Definitely picking this up in the near future.

yea sure is, and thanks for stopping by

Wow! Interesting. I love games and i must try this out.

-- From steemitbloggers

Sounds exciting! Have you ever played this game Five Nights at Freddy's? It's not for the fainthearted at all.

Even watching someone play will scare the shit out of you! Maybe you could review it. It's the scariest game ever created.

Wow! I remember playing the original doom, with its very pixelated graphics. It's come a long way since then!!!!

Wow, this is an avid review. I am pleased and perplexed weldine work.

you are a gamer man. I also play games a lot.My favourite games are Far cry,
Battlefield 1,overwatch and many more. For a couple of days i am playing fortnite. have you played it yet. Its really fun to play.

From the visual and effects point of view, it's beautifully made. But the gameplay didn't seem very interesting. I played in total for around 6 hours and I just didn't enjoy it that much, because it kinda felt monotonic.

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