Call of Duty MW3 ACT1 Black Tuesday Review

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)


Hi Guys.

Welcome to another gaming review, so today will be talking about call of duty.

Call of duty is a first person shooter game made up of multiplayer and solo mode. COD is one of the most popular FPS game around and among the best, that’s if it is not the best. It has been released on so many gaming platform ranging from java phone to android, XBOX, PlayStation and it always stand different from others every time.

First person shooter games. These are games were the player gun, hand is seen alone and the graphics are usually out of this world, it usually falls under the action, adventure genre in games. Most gamer prefers FPS to other games especially multiplayer, reason it brings about competition between gamers, the thrills, the pounding of heart don’t know if there is a sniper just around the corner or if you are been followed but at the end it all comes down to skills. Skills are highly needed here, although sometimes it requires the player to purchase many functions online like guns, grenade, and armor to give you more edge over others while playing. But still it all comes than to skill at the end, even if you purchase the full store but your skill level is low, when you battle a player with good system better specification than yours and better skills than you, you might just end up losing the game, yes even with all the paid functions.

Modern warfare, from the term modern it means existing technology presently in this era and warfare as to do with war. So the term modern warfare as to do with the development of advance technological know-how to the war sector, talks about advance building of machines to replace human soldiers, better arms that pack more damage and easily portable generally technological advancement that has come into existence after world war II.

So today I will be giving you a walk-through on call of duty modern warfare 3 with respect to act 1 of the game, titled BLACK TUESDAY.


The game call of duty basically has been released far before the MW3 and the start-up is usually a prolonged about the game with respect to particular time in the game which you will get to see later on as we progress also the prolonged talks about the previous battle and what lead the current situation, call of duty is centered around the western world and every new version or new story-line comes with new and improve gadgets with respect to guns, armor etc. Call of duty is a must get, and if you still contemplating on whether to purchase it or not been a FPS game then you no longer need to think cause it’s absolutely worth the money.


The game is made up of various acts which get saved upon completing each episode and it normally takes a long time to complete one act, the producer probably did this to entertain players more and increase the game map as well, each game map could take you close to an hour to complete, it all depends on your performance and ability to think fast when presented with difficult position.

Black Tuesday

The U.S army has been pinned down behind enemy line and all radio communication are jammed in other words, no calls could go through to call for air support or ground troops, due to the present of an enemy satellite/radio tower jamming all frequency, so the closest team is needed to take out this satellite and that’s where you come in, your patrol leader is called, call sign Metal a special Delta force and given instruction to go behind enemy line and destroy the satellite tower blocking all communication between the units, and yes it won’t be easy cause the tower is heavily guarded by enemy troops, your team is made up of Sandman, Truck, Grinch and you Frost and a whole lot of comrades you meet along the way.

So you arrive at the site conveyed by a vehicle but you didn’t land safely as you vehicle has exploded, probably by enemy chopper, the whole city is under fire, buildings been blown to pieces everything falling part, get out fast says price and behold you were welcome with hell, looking at the front-line only death awaits you but I prefer to say the death await those who stand against you, your enemies. You quickly equip yourself with a rifle, step out of the vehicle but still shaking from the crash you just had to pull yourself together, price all yelling out to you to advance forward, you quickly encounter the enemy force. No way out, the only way is to push through but that would soon been difficult as more enemy are been deployed to your area.

Quickly you cut your way through a building, moving back the building exit, found some guards pushing some loads out, take them out says Sandman and move forward. You quickly enter a store like building probably was once a jewelry store but all goods has been damaged due to the war. Trying to move out of the building but soon got halted by the enemy troops pinned down, the only way out is to take them all out, with the help of your trusted comrades they were no threat to you as they easily meet their demise. You all came out unharmed, moving away from the building to join up with other comrades to complete the objective.

Just some meters away from the stock exchange building were the mounted satellite is at the top, you are immediately confronted by the enemy troops, and you later find out that the building is heavily guarded by the enemy troops armed to the teeth with rocket launchers, machine guns and grenade you immediately switch to your secondary weapon a XM25 riffle, somehow like a grenade launcher but packed with a lot of damage, shooting at the enemy and taking cover. Together with your comrades in arm you are able advance forward into the stock exchange building, although there were some casualties but no one said it would be easy. Inside the building, the down floor was a container to refill your ammo, you refilled your ammo as it was much needed for the battle to come next.

Inside the stock exchange building which was heavily guarded by enemy troops, even more guarded than the outside, enemies kept on coming in probably from another exit not too far, the only way out is to fight and take them all out, using your grenades flash bang and a grenade, you were able to take out some reasonable amount of troops with little or no damage, under rapid fire and been covered by your comrade you soon found a way up via a ladder but careful, the top is not as safe as you might think cause hell awaits you there as well.

From your right enemies, your left enemy as well quickly you take cover and prepare to battle it all out. No going back now as you are just some meters away from your mission/objective tossing a grenade every now and then to take out the enemies but you soon find out that the only way is to advance, just move forward trusting your comrades that they got your back. Moving closer to the radio and taking out every enemy along your path you soon get to the radio immediately you plant the bomb and take cover away from the bomb range with the detonator on your hand boooom goes the radio lol.

This is one of my best scene watch as the radio tower explodes with just one click from the remote. Capture30.JPG

Your objectives has been completed time to get your ass out of there but wait, your plane can’t come any closer due to the present of enemy bird chopper as well as other ground troops located at the far end roof from your location, at first you tried to take them out with your gun turning on advance scope but words later came in telling you, you now have access to the predator sweet quickly you take cover in other for you to concentrate and avoid damage while operating the predator.

The predator is a drone like plane hovering at the air some distance away from the reach of any fire, fully armed controlled with a mini system operated by Special Forces. source from the game.Capture32.JPG

You logged in, into the command system taking cover away from fire arm, take control of the bird says ISR as it is fully harmed and hostile troops closing in on you, immediately you send out missiles to hostile troops. Although, even after taking your shot, you still had to control the missiles so as to hit is target properly am telling you it was sweet operating it, as if you were invincible taking out all enemies from a long range without them even responding in time to the attack, you immediately take out the enemy troop at the roof as well as the enemy bird that intercepted your position.

Upon eliminating all hostiles, Your chopper immediately arrived, jump in says the pilot but all is not okay yet, as enemies kept on coming out from the roof all aiming at your plane quickly you jumped into the machine gun to take out the rest troops located at the roof top, your chopper advancing home and been debriefed about your next mission sooner did you know that you were not out of the hot zone yet.

Just some minutes away from your last checkpoint you soon encounter enemy birds in the sky, aiming for you about 2 at first, then later increased to four coming one after another sometimes two at same time, armed with the machine gun, you immediately take them out from the sky, the last chopper didn’t live you unarmed. Upon exploding, the impact got to you and for a moment your pilot lost control thinking this was the end, everything spinning around you, hoping to somehow get to a safe landing zone and land or jump out of the plane if opportunity presents itself but somehow the pilot was able to regain control, although the chopper had taken some damage but it was still able to fly to take you to your next destination.

Source: Video was gotten from my YouTube account uploaded by me during
Image: Where uploaded from my computer via a screenshot app

Had fun with the above, live a comment and a upvote to encourage the writer, more coming up just stay tuned and thanks for reading.

Source Image1 was gotten from Image1 other images were gotten from my pc via a screenshot application and the video was from my YouTube account uploaded by me as well

Like the above post check some of my previous post @otemzi

Bitmap in Untitled-3.jpg


I wish I had all the whole in the world to play video games.. And draft reviews this crazy... I am only crazy at murdering all the teams featured in dream league

lol sometimes it becomes boring especially when you get to a new stage the boss keeps on defeating have to start all over from checkpoint but then ita worth it and thanks for your comment

Nice one brother

Thanks boss

This is lovely and great

Thanks for stopping by and your kind words much appreciated

What a thorough review. Nice one bro

thanks a lot

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