Enemy Front: Act 1 Get The Explosives From Nazi Storage Review

in #gaming6 years ago


Hello everyone, decided to try out a new game I once had on my previous pc which was quite laggy and am telling you, it’s amazing and wish you could try out yourself titled ENEMY FRONT

The story line is a little confusing and with time we are going to explore it together.

Enemy front is an FPS game, First Person Shooter for those who don’t understand the name, these are games played where only the player gun is seen, to some persons they consider it quite boring but to others the reverse is the case and am one of those that find it quite entertaining and interesting which in turn lead to me getting it.

The video below is the game preview or startup giving quite a detail about what to expect to come, not your friendly preview I will say, shows soldiers fighting, the brave fight for their homes, families becoming brothers in arm and am telling you, with this the game already got me hooked, can’t wait to start playing it.

What comes after is a writer taking the stage and telling us what the game is about and am telling you, hearing him speak can get one really motivated, according to him, this is a story of freedom fighters who fought the brave war and he was opportune to fight alongside them.


With his vast knowledge in literature, he was able to draft a storyline which clearly talks about their experience and the experience each soldier passed and went through.

In his words,

I have travelled with this remarkable people call them freedom fighters, I have lived with them, fought with them and seeing the sacrifice they made in the name of freedom, I have documented them, and this is a story of resistance.

The next scene shows you, the story teller in a battle field assisting brothers in arm, defending a line but soon you were over powered with more firepower’s and it was time to advance forward, come Hawkins said your ally and down the tunnel you went together with him. Along the way you are told that you were quite good with the gun and if truly you were a writer, your response was that you were actually in Spain for a while.


Act1 talk about you saving a priest and stealing some explosives from behind enemy line destroying whatever is left of the place.

Would be discussing the operation involving the explosives capture or store raiding.

In this episode, our task is to move behind enemy line and secure a storage facility get the explosives from there and move out as fast as possible.


One more thing, do well to leave a message behind by exploding the storage building.

After meeting with the other fighters, we soon make our way out of the tunnel but before leaving, we were asked to pick between two weapons, that’s an automatic rifle with low damage and a sniper rifle but without telescope. Although, with this you can knock an enemy down with a single shot and the accuracy is good when compared to the automatic rifle.



Soon we moved out, taking the riffle, a pistol and a semi-automatic rifle, in other words our ammo storage was made up of three different weapons.

Moving out of the tunnel, we soon encounter some enemies and we are expected to take them out, careful so as not to alert others, from our left there is a map that shows enemy whereabout and a flag pointing to the check point.

We need to take the enemy out but not alert others, guess we are lucky today, on the background a land sound is heard, and the vibration can be felt, the game screen showing a somewhat vibration icon, quickly we take them out one after another and we successfully advance forward.


We move through a building and what awaits us are more enemy soldiers but these time, they are more alert, and the only way out is to take them down fast and safe as possible.

Quickly we get behind an obstacle and the battle was soon drawn, with our map already red, meaning all hostile troops within this area is alerted and a fierce battle is about to take place, taking cover from the obstacle and exchanging shots, you soon took them all out.



You move into a new building and it seems it was heavily guarded with hostile troops, some interacting in a foreign language, others on ground guarding, your map still silent as you are yet to engage them, you are told to throw a stone to distract the hostile troops, but we rather face them head on lol, so we ignore the warning and advance forward.

Just above a collapse building stand the enemies two within your close range, discussing and your present is yet to be known.


Time to battle, we immediately take one of the hostile troop, with a single shot straight to his head and soon others were alerted, we immediately move to the nearest cover, taking each hostile troops out one at a time.


Down the stair we go upon killing all hostile troops and into a back door we advance further slowly and quickly looking out for any hostile troop within our site. The door lead outside the building.



Soon we are back into the street and it seems the next building houses the explosive as the street was seriously guarded with hostile troops at every corner, but lucky for us there seems to be many plants which will provide a good cover for us, slowly we move pass them heading for the house at the end of the street.


Close to the building, we soon encountered lot of soldiers guarding the entrance and it seems the only way to get in, is to take them out or find and device a mean to distract them but that probably would be too stressful and boring as we rather want the action and all of it.

Taking them out one after another and still sustaining some damage, carefully take cover if you think you have been shot and heal up before facing the enemy back, with this tactic we soon make our way into the building and it seems the building was also guarded as well.


After several minutes battling, we soon make our way to the storage room and behold the explosives was sitting and waiting for us.



Taking them all and leaving a small gift behind for them, that’s one explosive fully active with the counter on, we ran as fast as possible to the exit and watch as the building exploded, we soon found our way back to the tunnel waiting for our next mission.



All write-up was gotten from the game while playing.

Image Source from the game Enemy Front

Video Source uploaded by me to YouTube gotten from the game

Bitmap in Untitled-11.jpg


Game looks nice. Cool review

It's been a while since I last played a PC game! Great review mate! Cheers!

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