Terminator Salvation Review

in #gaming6 years ago

Ever thought there will be a time when machine will become smarter than us, get fed-up on how will handle them, would like to become superior to us since they are programmed to involve faster and solve work faster?
Well let’s take a look at this.

Hello everyone, still my humble self @otemzi and today will be giving you a review on the not so popular video game titled Terminator Salvation, but wait not so popular one may ask.

Well the movie Terminator was a blast and during the early 20’s I could watch it repeatedly never bored with Commando that is Sir Arnold Suaseneger as the terminator on the first other parts, he was the boss sent from another world where humans battle against machine or was it from the future?

Well seems like I need to watch it again and maybe give a review for those who are yet to watch it or even yet to know about the name.

Terminator Salvation is a third person playing game, meaning a good view of the character can been seen and it was released in 2009, a game with a video name that popular should have been more popular then, or was it the fact that way back then my gaming platform was not this good, and I was not yet into gaming properly. But whatever is the case glad I found it out.

As I was saying, it’s a third person shooter game and the main character is Connor, who you get to play as, hmm the name sounds somewhat familiar. OK, yes from the movie Terminator, Connor is supposed to be the boy who would one day free the humans from the hands of the machines and supposedly the leader of the resistance.

The game comes in a co-op mode, meaning it probably has the option to play as a two-player team or more, but am yet to test this out, but the co-op mode should probably be with a game controller and not an online co-op, so I think, but when I do get to try it would inform you guys about it.


You started the game behind enemy line as you been shot on from different directions, move Cornor said the resistance group as they were initially two you started with, but the party gets bigger. Quickly, you were asked to advance forward and you soon found yourself running and leaving your safe position, wondering if this is the option, wouldn’t it have been better to stay alone instead of going into battle and fighting against humongous machines with the odd against your side, who would dare fight against them.


But on the other hand, a world run by machines is no world to leave at all, as the need for them to go down was quite necessary and called for, soon later you advance into a building with the resistance troop and the entrance behind you was immediately shot and came fallen, now you are trapped with no place to go only forward awaits you.

Advancing forward, you soon came across other resistance troops and you soon became a party of different NPC that’s non-playable character, just added to the storyline to assist you doing your journey or adventure as the case may be.

Just some few distances later, you come across wasps, they are little bird like robotic plane equipped with machine guns, not that dangerous against the real deal but still they pack a lot of punch behind them, the best part about them that favors you, is their defense capability as they are not that strong, with a single shot it can send them flying, especially with a shot gun, one shot one kill but only when close by.



The ability to pick weapon drop is quite available feels somewhat realistic here, taking guns, grenade and what have you even RPG from falling comrades, unlike your normal store/in game market where you get to buy this equip and a game money is required for such purchases but here everything is giving out free so far, I think.


Moving forward we came across another set of wasps but this time we came prepared as we knew what they are, and we could take them out with a single shot via a shotgun and the gun we picked earlier on was a shotgun, it still had some ammo, the ability to pick equip from the ground still applies to ammo, if exceeded you are required to look/change gun or swap to a secondary weapon.


Like most shooting games, Terminator salvation comes with two different weapon selections and that’s a primary and a secondary selection weapon. Here, we have a AK rifle as our main weapon that’s primary and a shot gun as our secondary weapon quite deadly I must say.

Remember, we can always change weapons upon picking another weapon which is difficult if you would love to own the three different weapons.

Taking than the wasps was not the only machine visiting us today, as a fully armed robot called Endo was on our trail as well and those who decided to fight back were immediately killed with it never ending machine gun shot.


Quickly we fell back, and we soon arrived at another check point with few more resistance waiting for us, they asked about the falling resistance and we just had to give them the bad news about their sudden death from the hands of a machine.

Our next checkpoint was supposed to be a safe zone, with choppers steadily waiting for us to fly us to our destination but to our biggest surprise, there was no chopper and movement would be done via the road, not the safest I must say, just advancing forward, the HK re-appeared to us and seems they came prepared.

Our new target was to destroy the HK with the RPG lying around the floor and the other NPC were to take out all wasps that may probably appear and distract the HK giving me time to focus and shoot. After several shots, it came down crashing and we were once again safe.



Immediately taking the HK out, a new treat approached us and that was the previous robot that had attacked us earlier on but this time as well, it also killed some of our best men and we were once again some man short.


Advancing forward, we soon get on the vehicle and about moving to our new destination, when suddenly, a new HK machine came raining down on us and the best part here, is that the vehicle was armed with a machine gun shooting at a very fast speed.



We gradually shoot different part on it and just immediately approach a tunnel a came down crashing, when we thought it was all okay once more our greatest fear awaits us

A robot soldier that's the Endo came right us and this time it drove a car chasing after us which was one of it biggest mistake as it meant its end quickly but before that, it was able to take some of our good men once more.



Thanks for reading and I update you on the happenings later.

All Images were gotten from the game Terminator Salvation

List of some other games I reviewed so far


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