Tiny Toon Adventures Game review

in #gaming7 years ago


Hi Guys.

Welcome to a new month like seriously we already in November and it just feels like yesterday was January 2017, wow how time flies. This month I wish you the best of everything, your heart desire and to remain in good health forever, hope you wish me the same.

Today I will be taking you back, sometime 20yrs back not literally like is there actually a time travel machine that takes people back or to the future?, but seriously this game been around for more than or up to that long if am not mistaken and back then it was a killer game a must to acquire, just like the Mario on Nintendo and Sonic on Sega genesis this game top the list of adventure game back then and to think it’s not even up to 10mb. How time changes so you probably know the game name from the title but once again it’s called Tiny Toon.

It is a Sega base game produced alongside the Sega genesis console which was quite popular in the market during the 190’s, it comes with a lot of action, adventure and one maniac for a boss although the storyline says he was brilliant a mad scientist I must say, each scene brings something new and the boss was like superb but then it was still easy to kill. Just playing with you but seriously this game was interesting so let’s bring back a little memory.

To play this game you didn’t require the total function of the joystick pad but rather the down keys which was the A, B, C buttons it didn’t require much control and it was user friendly as well, the game rating should be family then, all members of the family could play it and the interface was not too bad, if one would say it was superb back then.

It all started with some toons, they were actually close like best of friends if I must say so they found a treasure map some wanted to keep it for to themselves and others wanted the group to explore it which brought confusion but these best of friends became enemies when one of them called a mad scientist. He used his technology to hypnotize them making them forget their loved once and their friends but somehow one toon was not affected with this hypnotize machine, so he managed to escape and now he is tasked to beat the mad scientist and rescue his friend from the evil hand of this doctor alongside his minnows.

Press Play

The game menu starts with three different options, that’s new game, Password, and Options.

New game just like every other game which came with this function to start play but from other games perspective, upon saving a file and you didn’t end it well you could restart from the new game and start afresh that way your last game is reset to its default mode but the game was a little different as it didn’t come with a resume menu or last checkpoint when you exit the game but rather password.

Password after defeating each boss, you are given a long digit code that serves as a check point on your current progress, yes all Tiny toon adventures cartridges have the same password, which made it easy to finish the game, you just had to meet who ever had finish the game back then, to get access to all missions.

Option, here you can modify your control keys to meet your need.

While playing the game, the character had so many functions and power-ups which came with it.
You could double jump, this can be done while close to another building or hill, you jumped onto the building and immediately press the jump key once more to bring you up, the benefits about this was when you were trapped inside a pit and there was no other way up, all you had to do was a double jump and sometimes if not fast enough, you might just get killed cause of the structures coming together.

Just like sonic the hedgehog the only way to kill enemy is to jump on them but sometimes it’s not that easy some enemies are far up and what they do is drop apple on you, right apple? What harm could that do rather than make us rediscover the principle of gravity but under this game the only thing you will be discovering is the removal of a life point from you if you are not careful. Not to mention the creature on ball, when you kill them and you don’t invade the ball it might just get you killed as well and there was no way to stop it rather than let it pass.


There were spring set up around the map, some would assist you, and others just direct you to the enemy if not properly controlled might lead to your death or a removal life point. The spring goes up and others straight, others goes through a curve and all you needed to do was run close to it, push it backwards till it reached its limit and let go, your character is released forward in a very fast sprint and the only way to stop this then was to press back or jump up from your controller. Other spring are placed on the floor and you just have to jump on them, which takes you high to a certain elevation distnce.


Power-up could be gotten in game while playing one of them was like a star its function was to make the character invincible not literally but a mini god mode he can get close to enemies and kill them without jumping but rather just by touching them but it only last for brief seconds and then you become yourself once more.

Life point power-up was a bell like shape what it does was to regenerate the amount of life point you currently have and as well add a bonus one to it, let’s say you had three life points at start, with this power-up you get an addition +1 to it making it 4 and it stays there throughout the game and it also gives you back any life point you must have lost upon collecting that power-up.

Trial power-up this gives you an addition time to complete a stage, with this you get to start from your last checkpoint with all your recently acquired power up still available, but then one of this power-up is deducted from your character every time you exhaust your life point.

Continue power-up, if for any reason you are unable to complete a stage after you must have exceed your trial points, this power-up gives you a new chance to start from that level afresh and with all your power-up still available, but it is very rare to come by and not easy to get.

Also there are some traps laid across the map, some are can like structure usually after this obstruction is a pit. So what happen here is, when coming with all speed and you didn’t see this can, your character would lose its balance and fall into the pit just ahead of him. Some pit gives you a way out by double jumping, others are filled with sharp object at the end, usually accompanied by quick sand so if you are unable to get out fast, you might just get killed.

The names of the power-ups were formed by me, I do not know their names, I did it for proper separation. I just had to come up with something.

This game can be played on the Sega genesis console but with aid of an emulator which have been discussed earlier on, you can play it on pc as well as on android mobile device to get this you can check my other post @otemzi you sure to get a better understanding on how to run this game.

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Follow me @otemzi
Game name: Tiny Toon Adventures
All write-up was gotten from the game
Image Source, all images were gotten from the game while playing via a screenshot software.

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