Beach Buggy Racing Review

in #gaming7 years ago

Beach buggy racing is a car racing game were you get to play against different NPC Non Player Character. The game is pack with so many features, ranging from wide map range to customization of car, upgrading and unlocking of new players.


These are non-player character in other words character that cannot be controlled by any player they are just there to act as a competition, characters designed with specific command/instruction on are to react when face with a particular situation.

So the game beach buggy racing as you already know is a racing game, where players get to compete with NPC, unlock various items from the store and purchase lot of things ranging from abilities to custom paint work.

At start-up, you get to see the settings and play menu

You are able to change your graphics option, to the one that best suits your need or that plays fast on your device be it android or windows, but I prefer you just live it alone and don’t temper with it, cause it has already been configured to meet your particular device, changing anything might just decrease the gameplay that’s rendering the graphic to low quality so best to stay out of it. Next is the control, here you are able to change your control keys, to the keys you are most familiar with or connect a USB game pad to it, but on android phone you can as well change the play mood to Tilt that way you no longer need to use any button but rather tilt your screen to the position of choice while racing. This can be difficult sometimes, tends to make the game harder than it may seem. There is also the option were you can change the audio setting, can be decrease as well as increase if you see fit. And the last is the credit, talks about developers of the game truly the developers were amazing to come up with this game.

Now over to play mode.

The play menu comes with different challenges and each it’s uniquely made.
Daily Reward

Each day you are given a free spin to try your luck out, items to be won are very many as it ranges from traps to money new cars etc. you name it, so each day or after 24hrs you just have to open the game and claim your daily spin as it comes with different prizes each time you spin it, although you still have a second spin after the first but the problem here is that it requires two gem to re-spin and gems are actually hard to get, although you can purchase it from the store with money I you wish. But if you rather play this game without using money then I advise not to spend your gems here as there are other uses for it.

Split Screen

This option gives you the ability to connect it into a multiplayer mode and battle it out with friends and families it gives you connection up to 4 game pad to fully enjoy this option would advise it, you connect your system to a much wider screen for better view while playing, but it requires little money to open at first and a minimum of 2 game pads is allowed reason since it’s a split screen, it all about multiplayer and a single gamepad can’t act as a multiplayer lol right?

Quick Race

It gives you the option to just play the game without actually putting much effort, it just gives you a preview of the game and what to expect as you progress not much stuff is unlocked here, although each stage you pass here unlocks the next and to better beat the mode I would advise you first unlock a more better car cause as you progress the harder it becomes and the more better cars you need rather than you default vehicle, so try completing other missions before accessing this page.


Just like every championship you know it talks about competition probably the highest competition the game as to offer, to play this mode, you better come with your ace games as the NPC have been programmed to respond very fast and agile here, you need a good vehicle to partake in this mode and you must have probably unlock must of the parts to better utilize it, if not you won’t even get a glimpse of them before they cross the finish line lol serious speed and better handling is needed here, if not the game would just be crashing from one point to another.

Daily Challenge

As the name suggest each day you are given new challenges to complete, the best part is that you get to use new cars, players and get to play on new map without needing any money to access the map, each day comes with its own objective as well as the prize upon completion of the daily challenge, might be money other times some other prize, so each day you just have to access it and get to play a new challenge with different car and different character which you probably haven’t unlocked yet so its best you try it out to see.


This is the main aspect of this game as it involves everything about the game that’s upgrading your gears, unlocking new vehicles/character etc.


This menu you are able to add more features to your unlocked vehicles say the top speed. This talks about the highest speed your vehicle can reach while racing, so if other vehicles are higher than yours, there is every possibility you would lose unless you probably set a trap for them, or they crashed into a wall or fall out of the road or so, but if none of that then you need to upgrade your top speed to the max. The accelerator talks about how fast your car can move, you also need to upgrade it to increase the speed as well while racing. Handling, this is very important reason is that if after upgrading others to max but your handling is low, you would just end up hitting every corner and unable to make a proper bend when it present itself, so it is very necessary to max this as well. The strength, sometimes vehicles often collide while racing and if your vehicle strength is very low, it will just get tossed away every time it hits another vehicle. To upgrade these cars we need coins which are gotten from career mode after successful beating an opponent or from spin/daily challenge.

Under the upgrade option there is still a part to add colors/paint car that’s you get to add design to your vehicle time to get creative as the colors are many and as well some watermark to add to the vehicles as additional design but it is not free as each custom job requires you to pay with 1 gem although I will say it is worth it cause the conversion is pretty cool and beautiful that’s if you were able to mix the paint well if not am sorry you probably just wasted 1 gem lol.


While playing there are question mark you often come across this question markers has different power ups some are offensive, others are defensive are some are meant to slow your opponent. The powerup menu shows you the list of powerups you have unlocked and you still able to unlock them manually with the aid of gems, like I said earlier they are hard to come buy so I would advise to only unlock them if you have enough gem to spend or if you bought cause they quite expensive although they are worth it, as they tend to give you more advantage while playing with others.

Switch Car

This option provides the list of cars you have probably unlocked while playing the career mode or during spinning the daily free spin also, you are able to purchase new cars from here as well but they are quite expensive as they require large amount of coin personally I think the only way to unlock these cars with money is to spend a little some of money to purchase coin from the store cause it takes a long time to gather the required amount needed to unlock the car and you still need the coin as well to upgrade your already unlocked cars and give them more advantage over others. The cars are quite much and each comes with its own unique feature for different terrains, so it will be better to own more than one.

Switch Driver

Here you get to change your character that’s the driver, as each driver comes with is own unique move, so they might just affect the way the games end, as each have a special move that can only be perform once during racing and its best to use it last when you close to roundup as it gives you more edge over others, they are mostly boost but some driver come with boost and camouflage even blind that tends to blind the other racers when activated, they can be unlock by beating other drivers on one vs one match to do this, your car need to be fully upgraded to max as they are not as easy to beat as you might think and their cars have been upgraded as well.

Choose Series

Now this is the main feature of the campaign mode as you get to play against other drivers usually 5 at once the first to reach the finish line wins and gets rewarded, at the end of each series mode you are expected to beat a particular driver in other to advance further and the driver car probably been upgraded to the max so it’s best not to challenge them until your car has been upgraded to the max as well to avoid wasting money for playing each match, yes money is required to play any match except the daily challenge, how do you earn the money? It is earn every 24hrs as one is added to your savings every time but if you can’t wait, this is also earn purchasing with gems and the gems are as well earned by completing an objective. Some objective might give you one gem others two depending on our difficult the objective is, you can as well purchase gems from the store with money if you wish to, at the end it all comes down to you.


Each map is unique, there are some that is straight others a lot of bend and requires proper handling, some with lots of holes and you can easily fall into them while coming with full speed can be really annoying and frustrating because you have to start behind every racer after falling. You can as well wish to restart the game if you see the players are far ahead of you and there is probably no way to catch up to them , restarting does not require any money, you just start from the start line again along with the other drivers really the map are really interesting and sometimes frustrating.

Powerups as we discussed earlier they are used while racing, some are defensive others offensive some are just there yes I don’t know their function probably they act as siren but seriously who need a siren while racing lol. Well proper handling of this powerups can give a player a great advantage over others, as come with boost to give your car a long boost away from other players. Some come with oil spill to make the other driver lose control of his vehicle. But the best is the rocket as it takes out the driver and his car instantly but then you have to aim the vehicle properly and you can only take out vehicles that are already in front of you. If you have a powerup already you cannot take others, as you need to dispose of the current one first before taking others.

Obstacles a lot of obstacles are along the way, trees, houses and even crabs lol yes crab mostly the beach map they just come out from nowhere to obstruct your vehicle and when you hit them they tend to slow down your speed as well and the other obstacles. Some might even halt your movement and require you to start all over again behind other drivers, probably have to restart the game again when face with this situation, making the game boring having to repeat each stage over and over.

At the end the game is really interesting with lots of cars to choose from, drivers and different map uniquely designed also they are kind of wide from start to finish this way it gives players time to catch up with the front man it’s truly a must get for android and windows users.

Till next time stay tune.

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Thanks for reading till next time.

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Great review. I was playing this game when it first came out and they sure have changed a lot of things since then (I stopped playing shortly after the snow level was added).

Such a great racing game. Also, in general, this game and the other in the series, shows just how well mobile games can look and play if developers take the time to make them.

Exactly the developers really took their time and tried to make everything perfect, it just goes to show that anything worth doing, is worth doing well. Both the android and windows platform the game is superb, but I do get annoyed on some maps especially those narrowed path cant help but fall out of the map and then have to restart. Thanks for dropping by and good to see people actually played this game like me lol.

Yeah, the lava and snow levels were quite rough, especially the first few times through. I hated them actually. lol

lol but am guessing you later found a way to beat that map, or you just played it and hope to come out victorious lol

Play and pray. The only way I know.

lol very funny but am trying to upgrade my car handling that way it should give me some advantage when I come close to those bends and I need to reduce my speed while playing lol

Yeah, car handling and, is it, start speed or something we're what I upgraded first. That way if I came a dead stop or slowed way down I could get going again quickly.

I need to reinstall these games and just play. Lol

lol yes they are worth it and I do play Nintendo nes sometimes lol just for the fun, especially super mario and contra

Very nice review. A very good game indeed!!!

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