The Weekend Freewrite - 5/26/2018 - Part 3 - The Dramatic Twist

in #freewrite6 years ago


Make sure you visit the Freewrite House!!!



Weekend Freewrite

If you want to do the full weekend freewrite and you haven’t done “The First Sentence” don’t read on, click here

Or if you want to do a single prompt freewrite, click here.

Now comes your dramatic twist - the conflict.

Prompt 3: crying is bliss

  • Write the twist as the continuation of your story
  • Set timer for 5 minutes
  • Write
  • Use #weekendfreewrite and #freewrite
  • Publish your piece
  • Paste a link to your freewrite in the comment section of this post.

What do you think? Do you like this weekend freewrite challenge. It does go a bit deeper than the one word or one prompt freewrite. A bit more challenging. But so much fun!!

Prompts are taken from books, your suggestions, and my brain.

I am presenting a three-part prompt one of the weekend days (my weekend). I will try for Saturday since some of you are many hours ahead of me. But often, my Saturdays are very busy - then, it will be on my Sunday.

Hope you are having fun with this!!

Remember, drop the link to your completed three prompt freewrite under this post.

Please visit as many other freewriters as you can!!

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Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.

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All images are my own unless otherwise cited.

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My recent posts

More than one Picture on Steepshot

My favorite App on Steem

Day 6 - Gratitude

Commenting on Steemit

My Front Garden - a Short Tour

What Do I Consider a Worthy Post on Steemit

Garden Projects - D-Live

First D-live

I got replaced 😟

Gratitude- Day 4

My Three Favorite Movies

Gratitude - Day 2

Freewrite Prompt Day 211

Gratitude - Day 1

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Award by @japhofin8or


Thank you @enginewitty for the banner

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Click on the graphics to vote for Enginewitty as a witness

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My Contemprary Suspense story synopsis for those who've missed the beginning:


"My name is Natalie. This is my story. It all started months ago when I thought I was being stalked. I was positive. I had the deep down knowledge that something was terribly wrong. I took every precaution and soon started feeling like the threat was over. My friends from work were relieved to see me getting back to normal and we planned a girl’s night out. We were all out having a blast that night. Drinking, partying, dancing, doing all those things that people like to do to get away from it all. Letting my guard down was the worst thing I could have done and because of it, my best friend was murdered. Now I was in a haze of chaos and grief tinged with guilt as the investigation finally gets started.

"Nothing like a murder to get the police to take you seriously. Officer Franks (Mark) is one of the detectives on my case and he's the one making sure that I'm home safe. He promised me that he is going to make sure this gets solved and for some reason, I believe him. There are some sparks flying between us, but this is definitely not the time to explore that."

A bit dark, but I swear it's not my fault... it was that first prompt that made me write this:

My sometimes longer than supposed to be, Weekend Freewrite. I also wandered down a bit darker path than usual. I guess it's all in that jump-start prompt ( :

Post: Blood-Red Wine

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