Sucking Down A Blood-Red Glass Of...Wine? ~ A 28-Minute, Weekend Freewrite - In 3 Parts - 5/26/2018 ~ Original HorrorHumor Story and Original Photography ~

in #suckindownwinelikealeech6 years ago (edited)

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~Sometimes, You Just Gotta Finish The Story~


This story gets a bit, umm, creepy. Since it's sort of a horror story. It DOES get better at the end. But you might not want to read it, if you get wiggy about odd little creatures, besides vampires, that suck your blood. But it's what sort of 'surfaced' (PFI), with the timer running today. I realize I usually stick to the more mundane ( :

A Tale In Three Parts

Prompt-First Sentence:

The red liquid looked like blood. But she couldn't be sure - and who has blood in a glass on the table ?

The red liquid looked like blood. But she couldn't be sure - and who has blood in a glass on the table? Then again, we WERE in a big old dark, dank castle. And the guy at the head of the table DID look a bit odd, in his black-hooded robe and those teeth. Not sharp, pointy ones, but big hay-gnashers. Like a cartoon horse would have on the TV.

But what really gave it away, was the guests. "By Invitation Only”, the embossed card with the gold lamé had said. But who invites only one human to a party, in the middle of the night, in a castle, with a bunch of aquatic, annelid worms? Twelve of them, to be exact. If anyone was counting.

All looking down my way at the far end of the table. Each with a huge smile, if at all possible, for a 172 pound leech, with no spine. Yet the unmistakable ability to sit in an upright form in a chair. And 'smile', with those odd, floppy attachment lips and stubby teeth.

Our host clinked a small fork onto his 'wine' glass, and proposed a toast, and all the other 'guests' raised a glass high. I noticed they were all empty, except for our horse-toothed host at the head of the table. HIS was full. And red. BLOOD red. With no 'legs' twirling down the side of the shiny glass, like so many snifters of wine I've had in restaurants over the years.

The hooded man spoke - “to our guest, may she enjoy her evening....” - they were all looking down the long, dark, oaken table in my direction. I took a huge gulp of close, dank, castle air. “What the...” was about all I got out, before a huge gong went off from somewhere in the bowels of the stairway, leading down into what I assumed was the basement of the bastion-like building.

~ § ~

Hugo loved flowers and everyone knew this. At least everyone but me. I was the only one. The only guest WITHOUT a flower. A single white rose, in a small vaas, in front of each of the twelve greenish-brown, bottom-dwelling bloodsucker's at the long dinner table. I knew our host HAD to be Hugo. He had a vaas of twelve stark-white flowers parked in front of him.

Plus, no self respecting leech mother would THINK of naming her kid Hugo. They use simple names down on the pond. Or numbers. Leech one, leech two, leech three, leech four...leech one thousand two hundred and thirty seven. But NOT Hugo.

Hugo stood, and beckoned for me to come forward, to the head of the table. I slowly made my way past all the leeches in tall-backed chairs. Each looked at me as I passed, by turning into a blob on the seat, and then re-forming as a more vertical bloodsucker as I went by. Each with only an immense mouth and no discernible eyes, 'peering' at me over the back of the chair in my direction as I passed. SO creepy at best.

Once I reached Hugo, I was beckoned to sit in a chair at his right-hand side. I balked, and suddenly a huge man with a patch over his right eye nudged my knees from behind, and I dropped with a ka-lump onto the hard, oak chair. Hugo raised his glass again, “We are gathered here tonight, to help our guest pass into another realm...”

~ § ~

My mouth was dry as an old dog-bone. My knees were shaking, and my stomach was in a series of knots. Then I remembered what I used to mutter to myself, whenever my boyfriend was being a schmuck, and made me feel bad about myself. “Crying is bliss.” It sure worked for me. He would do anything to stop me from crying. So I thought to myself, “Why not?"

I conjured forth all the sad things in life, to start the tears flowing. Maybe it would work here as well. It was difficult in such a scary situation, but I managed. Tears began to stream down my face. Wet, soppy tears, of completely real, terror-filled fear, once they commenced. Hugo gave a chuckle, “ah, salt water, that should add a bit of interest to the mix !”

Then he spat out- “COMMENCE," and all the leeches pushed their chairs out from the table in unison. They proceeded to body-scooch along the floor, toward my chair. Slowly, methodically, they all sidled up to the four legs of my seat. Then each stretched out, first rising back to full height, then fattening down toward my being. They made NO sound. I could smell the pond-water on their blood-sucking breath.

Then, one after the other, they attached to my body. Legs, torso, arms, back, chest, then to my face. All 12 of them, stuck to me like a horrid, blood-sucking...mud leech. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. It promised to be a death beyond imagination. To be slowly sucked clean of blood, by twelve, 172 pound leeches.

They started rasping my skin with their odd little blunt teeth. It hurt, not a lot, but enough to give me the willies. I tried to scream again, again nothing came out. Then a bright sound woke me out of a dead sleep.

What ARE you thrashing on about? ” It was my boyfriend, groggily lying on the bed next to me. He turned his face toward mine, “Eeewgg! There's a giant snail. Stuck to your forehead! Gross!!!

The huge thing must have crawled into the screen-less window during the night. And found my sleeping head on the pillow. Then attached to my forehead for one snail reason or another. I scraped it off, tossed it out the window to the dark yard below, and rolled back into a deep sleep. All too glad it was only one large, harmless garden snail, instead of a dozen Northwest, Giant Banded Blood-Sucking Pond Leeches.

~ Finto ~

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"Doodee Whooo Dooo, Doodee Whoo Doo, Eeeernt, Eeeernt, Eeeeeerrnt..."

Here is the link to the post about the Weekend Freewrite, put on by @mariannewest:
Weekend Freewrite - 5/26/2018

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the third installment of the 28-Minute, Weekend Freewrite. If you have any thoughts about blood sucking leeches, the BENEFITS of such leeches to the world (there are many), snails on your head while you soundly sleep, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 05/27/2018 @ 19:35

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 71

28 minute freewrite Blood red wine leeches -Domestic Cats.PNG


What a free-write!! That dream is right up a Freudian's alley with the symbolism used. This one was sorta darker, yet it maintained that distinctive dds kookiness, bravo!! (The description of his teeth, you got me with that one, I lol'd.) I'm going to wait 'til morning to vote it so you get a bit more thrown into the hat from my way.

"Doodee Whooo Dooo, Doodee Whoo Doo, Eeeernt, Eeeernt, Eeeeeerrnt..."

How'd you do that? I heard the sound as soon as I read it, that spooky-type, weird-stuff-going-on sound effect. Nice touch! Speaking of nice touches, I am so touched to see Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat remaining in the footer!! That's good stuff right there. ☺

Ha haa. Thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed it. Much darker than my usual fare. But fun none the less. As you say, I'm not able to stay too deep and dark, forever. I did add a bit of a dis-claimer, in the beginning, since I don't want to creep out my peeps in the end. Not the intent, but it IS supposed to be a horror story ( :

Thanks about the Late Night Conversations too. I'll probably keep those going as well. Even though my partner in crime is now a fond memory. And bummer, the Cat Facts went away. Luckily, I responded and have about 100 of them or so. Before he quit. I loved that little know-it-all cat. So now I'm just adding more to the originals. The cat that just keeps on giving ( :

That vote thing does drive me batty too. I have to wait, as I drain it pretty low, and have to wait 3-4 days. Which can look bad not voting often enough. But I like to give as much as I can. Well, cheers and have a nice night.

Oh...glad you like the 'bad-thing behind the shower curtain' music too. Fun to try to figure those things out. Just have to hope no-one hears me in my office as I practice O :

Look what I just encountered (^v^)


All I can say it, YAAY, dogfacts. Though I don't have a dog. But maybe I can get one. But more potential for discussing facts with a robot. Such fun ( :

Even in my wildest fevers I don't think I've dreamt something that horrible, haha. I like how you broke convention with the guy at the head of the table - horse teeth! Makes him seem slightly ridiculous and added to the comedy of it all. For a minute I thought you were going to go the gory route at the end but the wake up call was a nice twist.

I do hate those fever dreams. SO very odd and macabre, usually. Haven't had one in awhile, knock on the desk real hard, even if it IS formica. Glad you enjoyed my romp down horrorville. If not at least with a bit of humor tossed in for good measure. Can't ever stay too serious for too long. Though I've got some ideas for some other, rather late-night BW TV writings, that would hopefully curl some toes. Maybe they'll see the light of monitor, someday. We can hope, I suppose. Have a nice night.

wowww. I felt a lot of things while reading this article. and I had a lot of fun. excellent as always, my dear friend!

Glad it could bring out many ideas and thoughts. It is a bit out of my realm, writing about horror things, or whatever you might call it. Though not that scary, I suppose. But it is fun to branch out from usual fare. Thanks, and have a nice night.

Now that is a horror film I'd LOVE to watch :)

I am forever finding those snails on my walks around here, though they lessen as you get closer to the shore. As if they are the country cousins to their posh relatives who call the shore their home. I sometimes imagine the inhabitants of the soft pastel shaded shells I find on our beach thumbing their snail noses (do snails have noses?) at their country woodland cousins.

"Eeghad, Hortensia, did you SEE the shell she was donning, so garish and bright!"
"I know, Annastasia, Bright yellow swirled...after labour day!"

Or some such.

You know how to write my kind of horror :)

Ha haa, the snails of Toad Hall. Are yours introduced, and therefor a huge pest? Or part of the natural environs. Though I'm still nice to ours, even though they should not be here.
As for snail noses, I think they do possess an nostular appendii of some sort. And never-mind anyways, as I pictured your shelled denizen's in olde-world dresses and twirling parasols at your there, realism gurus. We great minds, do...SOMETHING alike ( :

I have thought about writing some REAL horror, now and then. But it is just not my thing, most of the time. I can't seem to stay in horror character for long. And I do NOT like watching horror movies. I saw the one with crop circle monsters long ago, and my heart was going wonky in the theater. Just prefer good old humor or romance or other fare. And chop-em-ups...forget it. (Though I DO have a thing for the old monster movies with fakey monsters and mouths of the horrorified victims that don't match their fearclamations (Fearful exclamations). THOSE are classics. And anything by Ray Harryhousen, who was WAY ahead of his time, is peachy by me. (Ever see Metropolis. That's a whole post on it's own. Amazing). Think I need to catch up with these things )))))). I really stacked them up there.
ANYWAYS...I better end this tome and move on to weed whackin'. I hope all is well on the shore. Keep on keepin on, garden'n and art'n.

I totally agree on the movie front and I adore the old B movie horror. Vincent Price in anything in the 60s and 70s and all the old 50s and 60s horror. Even the very campy films like 'the giant spider invasion' from the 70s staring the man who played the skipper on Gilligans Island.

I can't really take too much gore. I'm amazed how much shooting and cutting and real horrid death is just a matter of course of most shows these days, especially just things meant to be of a fantasy ilk. It's not really for me.

I loved MST3K and they always made fun of the old horror films in a way I could relate to.

I am forever making comments and thinking,"Well, that's a post" and then I think, "Now, I just have to write the bloody thing".

Fun facts

  1. Did you know that some women puts leeches in theirs vagina, for rejuvenation?
  2. Did you know that until 20 years ago, in Italy people were drinking hot blood from cows until the EU regulation made it illegal?
  3. Finto means fake in Italian. I think you intend to write "finito", which means the end?

I like fun facts. I did NOT know women did that with leeches. Seems it might work, at least as far as I understand the basics of female anatomy. I do know they don't hurt all that much, when attached. And if they DO attach, you are just supposed to let them finish up and fall off.

And I certainly did not know Italians used to drink cows blood warmed up. Did they take it out of the living cow, like a vampire bat? At night and sneaky? Or get it from the butcher? Or just drain a little from their own cow now and then? Either way, have you ever had it? Was it good? And why is it illegal now? So many questions. Are there answers?
And as for FINTO, well, I thought I made it up. But now, maybe it is apropos for my writing, since most is rather fictional. It is ALL fake. Now I have to make some heady decisions about my writing life. Change, or not change a thing that's gone on for quite some time. I need a nap.

Thanks for the fun facts...always great to learn something new. And I think I usually learn a lot from you. Have a most wondrous day. DD

Italians would get it from the butcher! I warm glass of cows blood, please! I never had it and I don't intend to.
Here in Cambodia they have a dish with soy beans, tofu and dark cubes made of condensed blood and beans. To vomit!
I usually come up with stupid fun facts and that's also what I do when I make conversation, so people wonder if I am too smart or too dumb. I like to leave them in doubt.

That's a great ploy. Keeps em' guessing ( :

Oh, you woke up!!! That was a great scene in that dark castle!!!

Ha haa, thanks, glad you enjoyed my dark castle or horror, sort of. A new direction for me. Though I can't always leave the humor out for long. And I was glad I woke her up, before getting all the blood sucked out of her being. Can't have THAT.

hahaha - could have turned her into a new being LOL

I really felt compelled to leave a comment.

I enjoyed this pretty thoroughly. Not often I find writing on Steemit that I enjoy. The writing flowed really well, the analogies were great, and the language was refreshingly rich.

Made me feel like I should add some more color in the descriptions in my fiction, as well.

This wasn't really my genre, honestly, but I read through it anyway, and had a good time.

Good job! You earned a follower.

Thanks, always glad to get a comment. Except the ultra-obvious, "nice post", as made famous by @meesterboom's hammer-tossing, stick figure super-heroes.
Glad you enjoyed the freewrite. It is not my usual fare either. And I don't seem to be able to stay in horror character for long, or whatever this might be called, even DURING the write. Much prefer humor most of the time. Lord knows the world needs all it can get.
Thanks for following. I shall head over and check out your writings after my bike ride. Have a nice night.

Don't forget to read this one as well. It's very good indeed.


Oh yes I was thinking she might use her tears coz I know leaches hate salt, yet I suppose a few tears may be no match for twelve 172 pounders! YIKES!

Oooh, I like that. Can I use it? If I do a continuation..."she cried on the leeches, and they shriveled up like slugs sucking up a box of Corry's". A real page-turner. I'm sure you ARE glad there aren't any 172 pounders in your lake, trailing your new kayak. I've had some pretty long ones follow my canoe in Minnesota, but not THAT big. But the 1 footers will still give you the willies efficiently enough!! Well, all creepies and crawlies aside, have a good night, Mon.

Haaaaa!! I didn't expect that end! Good to have your "not 5 minute freewrite" again!

Glad you liked the ending. I couldn't just kill her off with no blood left. Or could I? Z :
Happy you like the freewrites off the rails too. They are fun to write, and that little timer really keeps you moving along. Really have to think fast. Cheers

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