The blind date - Chapter 14 - Fiction

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


Olivia closed the curtain and did a quick examination. It was clear that Sam was in severe pain, but she couldn’t get anything out of Sam as he was in and out of consciousness. She decided to do an immediate MRI scan to see the extensiveness of the injury. She suspected a spinal injury, but didn't tell James when she went to find him in the waiting room.      

Sylvia had arrived in the meantime and James and Sylvia were comforting each other when she walked in.  

“I can’t tell you anything yet, Olivia said. I’ve sent him for a scan and I will know more after. I will keep you updated.  Olivia felt out of place. It was weird to see Sam on that hospital bed. Sam and James looked so much alike. This made it difficult for her to be objective. 

She excused herself to find doctor Steward, the physician on duty. Olivia explained the situation to him. With Sam safely in the hands of Doctor Steward, she went back to find James and Sylvia. She took them some coffee to calm their nerves. 

James was totally beside himself, and she could clearly see the connection between the two brothers.  They were clearly connected in a way that nobody else understood. They sat in silence not really knowing what to say when Doctor Steward came to find them in the waiting room.  

“So far so good. There are no broken bones, and we can rule out a spinal injury, but he’s still in a lot of pain and I suspect some internal injuries. I am taking him up to theater now to see if I can find the damage.”  

“Oh dear God” James sounded anxious. “I need to see him before he goes in.” Olivia stayed with Sylvia. Sylvia did not want to see her husband in this state. She knew that James would tell Sam what he needed to hear and sat on the bench clutching Olivia’s hand. 

James was shocked to see the state of his brother. Sam’s eyes were open and it sounded like he was trying to say something. It was clear that he was in tremendous pain and James suspected some broken ribs which might have punctured a lung. 

James realized that time was of the essence and bent over to kiss Sam on the forehead.  

“You’re going to be fine bro…. I’ll be right here waiting for you when you come out.”  He bent over to kiss Sam and then heard him say in a very faint voice… 


James watched as they pushed his brother into theater and his heart was broken in two. It felt as if half of him had just died, and he sat there alone in front of the theater waiting for his brother to come out.  Half an hour later the nurse came out to tell him the good news.  

“Dr Steward found the damage and repaired it. He is going to be fine.” 

She disappeared back into theater before James could thank her, and he immediately went to find Olivia and Sylvia.  They were overjoyed and Olivia sighed with relief. It was a terrible weight off her shoulders. Sylvia went to the bathroom to wash her face and wanted to look good when Sam got out of theater.  

James sat down next to Olivia and then it hit him like hammer between his eyes…  

“Oh my God. Sam used my car today…and somebody tampered with the brakes.” 

Olivia felt the anger push up in her throat when she realized what had happened. She grabbed her phone and dialed detective Harding’s number.  

“Detective Harding, can you meet us at the hospital.” She quickly explained the situation to him and he told her that he would be there in a matter of minutes.  Less than twenty minutes later detective Harding walked into the emergency room and followed them to the ward where Sam was transferred after the operation.  

Sam looked so much better but was still asleep from the anesthesia.  Sylvia sat next to his bed and she looked surprised when they introduced her to detective Harding.

"He's going to be out for a few hours." Olivia said.

"Would you mind following me down to the station?" Detective Harding said. 

"We need to finalize your statement. I'll come and take a statement here later when your brother is awake. This guy has now gone a little bit too far."          

To be continued

Chapter 1 - 

Chapter 2 - 

Chapter 3 -

Chapter 4 -

Chapter 5 -

Chapter 6 -

Chapter 7 -

Chapter 8 -

Chapter 9 -

Chapter 10-

Chapter 11-

Chapter 12 -

Chapter 13-



Sabotaged brakes - A classic. It seems I missed a chapter though! I'll go back to it later. Really good storytelling as always! In regards to what you said in a reply to some other comment about getting tired of stories - How about you focus more on individual short stories? Or plan out stories with less chapters? A bit like stage plays.

Shakespeare, for example, employed a 5 arc structure in his tragedies that may be emulated and adapted to other kinds of stories and not just tragedies and plays.

A book doesn't have to be a novel, it may be a compilation of short stories, even short stories sharing a similar overarching theme. The sky is the limit!

Very true. I think with all the short stories I've written I can actually publish a book already. Honestly I am not planning this at just happens. This was supposed to be a short story of just one chapter and here we are chapter 15 coming up!

Nice post with lots of informations. Enjoyed reading. Thank you

Aha... The plot thickens!

I get tired too quickly of one story...don't know if I will ever be able to write a book.

Do what I do... write a while, then stop. Then start back up. I'm trying to come up with a kids story for tomorrow while writing a chap of the NG's... try putting those two things together (by the way- I'm seeing a lot of improvement in your writing)

Thanks. Appreciate this. Go look at pictures of animals then you will find a story for me!

I'm thinking about one about a fox and a dog who become friends. The moral (it has to have one) is that differences don't mean we can't get along!

I'm waiting for it!

Hello @giantbear

I love the series of this blind date. am anxiously waiting for chapter 15


I really like it very much.

wow.. intrigued by reading all this... thumbs up !

I see through the comments that you seem to be struggling with the longer format, that you want it to be done but it has so much more to be said. Think in little chunks like Asimov did. He started with short stories, along a theme, and turned them into a book, then started writing books. And like Rich said, take a break, write something different, these characters will call you back.

Maybe do a short story on Starr, how he was rescued, then how he got to be a police dog, and why he likes soup bones so much, do it through his eyes, I think that would be a nice story. It would give you a break from this one, but still sort of keep you focused on it.

edit: I must apologize, when I saw detective at the end of the story, and then read all the comments, my mind must have jumped to another story and another page. Maybe a short Children's Story, those seem to be going around or a quicky scare the pants off of us for halloween story. Please accept my apologies for confusing your wonderful story with another.

I think you're like me - following too many stories, and they start to get tangled up. Star is in the other story by johnjgeddes, isn't he? (but I do like the idea of hearing his back story)

Yeah, sometimes hard to keep them fixed. Thanks, I need to fix that.

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