Astounding Steemit Stories Volume 11steemCreated with Sketch.

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Astounding Steemit Stories

Volume 11

November 15th 2017

Found a few more for us to take a look at.


@josephlwiess found @majorx3thom to add to our ever expanding circle. Per Joseph he has written three parts of a character backstory that he calls Akolipsis.
The parts are here:
[Part 1]
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
From Joseph:
I could tell a lot of work went into this, and it's worthy of inclusion into the next issue of your Astounding Steemit stories.

I looked over @majorx3thom, and he just recently joined steemit in October 2017.
He is from Johannesburg, South Africa, and has a few short stories already available for our reading pleasure. Along with the story that Joesph pointed out you may want to review As the Crow Flies


I found Cheah, via a late night cruise of new post on the feed stream. I took a look and liked what I saw. I have not finished the story, but the beginning of it was very good.
Night Demons
As one of his commenters stated,
"Shamanistic mystery set in Singapore? Loving every bit!", that was from @hunterwritlarge. I will need to pop over and visit his page.
Cheah is from Singapore, and per his short bio - - "Hugo and Dragon Award-nominated SFF writer from Singapore." - - -
He was one of the early steem adopters from back in December 2016.
Just a quick scroll and it looks like he has a lot of content to keep us readers happy.


Thats Lota in the picture, she was an adoption, that right there should be enough for you to go look at his page, but there is more. He has only been on steemit for 5 days, joined on or about November 10th. His steemit intro:
My name is Mario and I live in Croatia. I have been on steemit for 5 days now and I just realized I forgot to introduce myself. I'm photographer, writer and the proud owner of one cute adopted dog named LOTA.

He has a very nice story already posted The End, it is a very well written and nicely, (well depending on point of view), done story, the story is about a young person dying, but like I said very well done.


bigpanda short bio: "Fiction Writer With A Side of Crypto" bigpanda joined steemit in July 2017.
They started their story "The Black Oak Sword" on 9/14/2017. If you look at the comments section you will see from bigpanda "This one will has just three parts. If everyone enjoys it enough, I will build on it from there." I'm thinking there was more than enough interest, as they are on part 35. The intro to the story was well written, and well received judging by the comments made, and from a 3 parter to 35 parts, a full blown story..I think this will be a nice read when I get time to fit all the chapters in.


Like bigpanda, I found their page via a scan of the fiction feed. @poeticsnake has been around almost since the inception of steemit, July 2016. Her short bio - "Freelance artist, creative writer and dreaming poet." -
The writing of hers that caught my eye was a question - What if you could pause time?, and like her profile bio says, it was a very creative writing. Be very careful in your reading of it, some parts could get you pretty well choked-up.
They have several stories, and if you can manage to scroll back some you will find art works,, v-logs, poetry, and of course more stories, along with some helpful links.

Don't Forget

@pibara (Rob J Meijer) edit contest request. Beta reading contest Ragnarok Conspiracy : Part three; $23.5 SBD in prize money. Like in the previous installments of this lottery, I am looking for beta reading style feedback on my draft chapters. This month there are ten prizes to be won:

A $ 1.5 SBD prize for each of the chapters.
A $10.0 SBD prize for part two of Ragnarok Conspiracy as a whole.

I have been trying to help so has @doughtaker, so come and give us and @pibara a hand. And yes he is serious. I did win some in the first round, odds were against me in the second round, but it is still a fun thing to do. By trying, and I do mean trying, I think I am becoming better at edit help, I have like 200,000 miles to go before I am even a half assed editor, but I am trying, and by trying I am learning, You can too. Read and let him know where things were hard to read, that simple.

"photo credits on authors pages"

Storytellers and Authors from previous entries. They keep writing, and I keep reading.

If you have a nicer way of organizing the list above let me know. Using dots to separate and try to keep them somewhat organized as on volume 9, seemed to be a little bit messy. I am not sure I prefer this method either though.

Improvements and or suggestions

Feel free to make them in the comments section; and a great big thank you to all the authors out there, for providing me with reading enjoyment.

I also use the comment section to leave post of Authors I find, and the occasional writing contest, or when someone ask for help. And feel free to just leave a general I need to contact you kind of post if you want.

Also story Link's are not spam so feel free to drop a link you find, or your own when you have a new story out. Remember as an Author/Storyteller, you need to let people know you are out there.

Past issues

Astounding Steemit Stories ...... Volume 1 ......... September 5th 2017

Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 2 ........ September 10th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 3 ........ September 17th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 4 ........ September 22nd 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 5 .........September 29th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 6 ...............October 6th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 7 ...............October 7th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 8 ...............October 15th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 9 ...............October 21st 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 10 ............November 7th 2017

All the links to past issues


Please help with this situation, do not let it continue, you could be next on his hit list. Find a way to post a comment to @ned. I don't know if he will take care of this or not, I don't know if anyone can, but unless we fight back we are nothing.

I hope you are able to read this @ned - - - Something seriously needs to be done. - - - Please read this post

Here was my comment to her "That totally sucks. I as you know, really appreciated being able to read your stories. It is what I enjoy doing, reading, then to have as ass wipe drive you away, I am more than slightly pissed off. And here is the problem child:

"The only way I will be able to reconsider sticking around and only curating is if @transisto removes all the flags from my work and goes and does something useful with his/her votes instead."

Can I as a new user do anything about this, other than to inform you of the problem, he has 495,379.986 STEEM (-130,561.023 STEEM), my downvote to him would not even be noticed.

Excellent, as always @Bashadow. I've got another one for you. Numb this author is grounding her fiction in science, and it's riveting. I think you should take a look. So far it's up to 7 pages.

She has a lot of short stories, I bet you would not believe she just turned 21 not to long ago, I found her back a bit, I really liked he Stranded Short Story. She is like the next Issac Asimov, she includes l inks to all the science stuff she is good.

I noticed that. She is a great author.

Hope you are participating, saw this late, I'd see if they'd be time to participate. Thanks

Nice collection. I will try to visit some blogs.

Thank you for posting theses new and interesting authors. I ill be sure to try to visit a few...

Thanks for the shout-out!

Nicely collected. A collector's item. Thank you.

A few more than last week. Not as hectic a week for me this last one. Still way behind, but still having fun.

You'd catch up. Just a matter of time.

2 more to look at and review his story is literally being told, Audiobook, i think this could be a steemit first The Traveler My comment to him "Pretty exciting start to the story." And it was, this is going to be a good read people, I can feel it.

Thank you! I always appreciate good reads!

Yes, sometimes reading is life. Has some stories need to look still.

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