Did you know #74| End of the cold war

in #facts7 years ago


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By 1970, both the groups realised the futility of the cold war. They realised that in the case of a nuclear war, no party would get victory and both Would be destroyed. Further, the cold war impaired their economic growth. The cost of maintaining armed forces and military bases outside required huge funds. Therefore, they slowly favoured the end of the cold war. The American President, Richard Nixon, visited Russia and China in 1972. USA withdrew from Vietnam in 1975. The Soviet President Leonid Breznev and Richard Nixon signed strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) in 1972. When Mikhael Gorbachev became the Piemier of USSR in 1985, he started talks with the USA. He introduced two important reforms- "Glasnost" or Political Openness and "Perestroika" or re-structuring. By the end of 1989, USSR began to disintegrate. The communist influence declined. In July 1991, Russia and America signed Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) which ended the cold War.

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