Did you know #61| History of earth?

in #facts7 years ago


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As mentioned earlier, our earth is 4600 millions years old.

The time of earth is divided into three "Eons (period of time too long to be measured)
1. The Archean (4600 million years ago 2500 m.a.)
2. The Proterozoic (2500 m.a. - 530 m.a.)
3. The Phanerozoic (530 m.a to the present)

The Archaen and Proterozoic are referred as Pre Cambrian and the Phanerozoic Eon is referred as Cambrian.

The he Phanerozoic is subdivided into three "Eras"
1)The Paleozoic (530 - 250 m.a.)
2) The Mesozoic (250 65 m.a.)
3) The Cenozoic (65 m.a - present)

The "Eras' are again divided into "Periods" and Epochs".

This long geological time can be understood if we imagine 4600 million years of earth's history taking place in just 12 hours. The Precambrian would take up the first 10+ hours.

The Cambrian would take up 90 minutes. The dinosaur became extinct only 9 minutes ago. The entire history of human kind would make up the very last second.

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