Application to become Curie curator

in #curie7 years ago (edited)

When you get Curied your reward go flying

This is an application for those who are interested in becoming a Curie curator. Curie is a community witness that discovers promising authors with exceptional posts and add value to the platform. At the same time Curie empowers quality curation. If you would like to be part of Curie and join as a curator I would like to help. Curie operates based on meritocracy. If you would like to become a curator you need to be recommended by top curators. Top curators list change every week based on curators' performance. This week I managed to be one of the top curators and I am able to recommend new curators who can demonstrate that they can perform quality curating.

To learn more about Curie please visit @curie blog and our discord channel here. You will find up-to-date information about Curie guidelines in this channel. Curie guidelines change from time to time, and newest update are announced and pinned in this channel.

How does Curie work?

When curators find an exceptional post that fits Curie guidelines they submit it to for a review. Then reviewers review the post and determine whether to approve or disapprove the submission. If the submission is approved that post receives a generous Curie upvote and that approval is counted towards curator's Curation Score. Curators will receive a finder's fee of 10 Steem for each approved post. If the submission is disapproved, that post will not receive a Curie vote and disapproval will lower curator's Curation Score. There is a formula to calculate the Curation Score:

Curation Score(CS) = Number of Posts Approved x (Approval Rate x Approval Rate)

Approval Rate is equal to the number of posts approved divided by the total number of submissions. For example, if I submitted 4 posts, 3 of them got approved and 1 got disapproved my CS would be 1.68

CS = 3 x 3/4 x 3/4

Maintaining high Approval Rate is very important. Because a single disapproval can lower CS significantly. Curators who cannot maintain minimum 50% AR for the given month may be disqualified. On the other hand curators with higher score and approval rate may become top curators. Also, CS determines the number of posts curators can submit for that week. There are 3 tiers:

  1. CS < 2.5 get weekly limit of 5 submissions
  2. CS > 2.5 get weekly limit of 15 submissions
  3. CS => 7 and AR => 90% get unlimited submissions

To review the Curie guidelines please visit the Discord channel and read the pinned posts. Please get familiar with guidelines before considering to apply to become a curator.

How to Apply

After reviewing Curie guidelines, if you still have questions feel free to ask in the comments here. I will try to answers them to the best of my knowledge. However, if you are going to ask questions that are already covered in guidelines I may ignore them.

Once you have a clear understanding of how Curie works, practice curating and once you find an exceptional post please leave the link in the comments. I will review them when I get a chance. After reviewing if I think post qualifies for Curie, I will respond. Some comment may not receive a response from me if they do not fit the basic guidelines. That would just tell me you are not serious about becoming a curator.

Applicants who can prove to be quality curators will be recommended. If an applicant submit 3 posts in the comments that I find exceptional or of great quality, that would be proof enough for me to recommend them. However, constant submissions of poor quality posts that do no add value to the platform or do not meet the guidelines may be ignored.

Quality curating is not an easy task. It does require time, patience, practice and learning. I do not mind mentoring promising curators, as long as they are willing to put in the effort to learn. So please visit Curie Discord channel and read the pinned messages to learn about the guidelines. Also, read this post on Expanded Explanation on guidelines. After reading those if you still have questions, feel free to ask in the comments.

Curie is community witness that has been involved in making Steem work for everybody for more than a year. Please vote for @curie witness to express your support.


@geekgirl, thanks for sharing information about @curie. I just joined the curie discord channel. I noticed that you are the moderator there so I wanted to stop by your blog to show some support.

I have been blessed two times to receive an upvote from @curie. Thanks for the time and effort you invest to make those upvotes possible.

Thanks again!

Thank you for creating awesome content and your kind words.

Wow, this is an amazing opportunity. Thank you @geekgirl. You are too awesome.
I aspire to be one of the curators too to help promote a Steemit culture of excellent content. I'm looking for posts for a while now but dang, it's a really tough job.
If you'll be interested to look at these posts that I think almost made it but ultimately don't qualify XD:
A post about handcrafted toys with beautiful insight about their tradition. Good content but author was just recently curie'd.
Another post about building their cabin, which highlights the progress of the construction. Good content but the user does not engage community much.
I ran it through a plagiarism checker too, and both passed. Am I on the right track?
But I'm going to look for something that would pass all criteria :)

I searched outside the popular tags and found these two posts that I think qualifies:
A passion-filled post about how she "evolved" as a cupcake baker. The mouthwatering pictures won me over. (6 hrs ago at $0.01)
Another post about her love for tea. The exotic-sounding tea varieties from all over the world are quite interesting. Author leaves brief but personal recommendations on how to use each. (12 hrs ago at $0.56)

First two are ok-ish, second two are better. I think you are in the right direction. Haven't seen exceptional yet.

Thank you for the feedback @geekgirl. This is incredibly tough, but fun.
How about this post about dyeing using herbs, flowers, etc? Seems like a good post for lifestyle blogs. edit: seems like this one was recently curie'd too
This post about making ricotta cheese, but author had recent curie vote.
Or how about this post about a hike with a summit view shot?

All 3 would be good, if there were no other issues. First one got Curied couple days ago. Second one got Curied yesterday. Also, second one has a video of making cheese from last year. That tells me all photos are old. Third one, if you inspect the photos you can see photos are from 2014. In other words old content.

I think you get the idea. But need to make sure you follow those guidelines. If you know it doesn't fit please don't share, otherwise it is just waste of time.

That's a great eye for detail. I failed to notice that they were old materials.
Sorry about that, I decided to share it to get an expert curator opinion on the level of quality. Learned a lot from your feedbacks. I'll make sure the next ones qualify. Thank you for your time.

I think you are doing good as far as identifying posts. Just need to work on investigating a bit more :)

Sorry, this thread got too long. But I hope I got this now.

  1. Crafting + Letter Post with a dose of inspiration.
  2. How to make Kombucha post, but I guess you've seen it already.
  3. A quick but beautiful sketch with a step-by-step process (can qualify after an hour)

Hello! I think this is a great initiative and I would love to be a curie curator since I really love helping the newbies and spend a good amount of time pouring through new articles. I usually have too many tabs open, busy with my own curating!

This will be the first comment/suggestion that I am making. Liz Blake is a really cool chick who makes quality content focusing on health and chocolate and she has not had much recognition lately!

Next gem found by me! Real information about outer-space and being an astronaut!

Lastly, here is a post by another health conscious girl. She has had some success this last week, so I am not sure if it totally counts. The post really is excpetional though, well researched and in her own words with her own insights. I learnt a lot from it! If I like it so much I want to bookmark it, it must be good.

All three seem to fit guidelines, but not exceptional. I think you are in the right direction. Try again.

Alrighty I shall :)

For reference, what makes a post truely exceptional to you?

Look at the posts that @curie has resteemed. Those are exceptional. Those are posts that you would normally see in professional blogs, and are engaging and adds value to the platform. Just because there is a lot effort put in, doesn't mean it is exceptional.

That said also consider other factors, such as author's persistence without much success. I hope you have read the expanded explanation of the guides. It is explained well there.

Yeah I read it, it is pretty thourough! I will check out the Curie posts. A few of mine have been chosen by them so I figure I would know lol, but thus, as you say, curating is not easy! Sure can be fun tho..

If you are signed up on Streemian, you can see the list of latest approved post there as well.

" Because a single approval can lower CS significantly." - just to prove i read this.... I guess you mean "rejection"

lol. omg. You are so awesome. Your are hired! (Fixed it. Thank you)

Thanks for sharing this with the community. And congratulation to all the Curie Curator, it's a not easy job but you guys do a wonderful job for that ! Thanks for helping all the minnows. It gives hope !

Hi Roxane! Thank you for your kind words and your support. Great to hear from you.

Question, if you are looking to asses someone´s hability to find quality posts, why do you need the post to be less than 24 hours old? You want to see if the Steemian can find good posts, if they are not even curating for Curie yet, what difference does it make the post age? They are still proving or disproving to you they have the skills to identify exceptional content.

You are absolutely right some guidelines like 24 hour limit doesn't matter much for this purpose. At the same time some people ignore to read and understand the guidelines. Following guidelines is as important as ability to identify quality posts to be a successful Curie curator. That is why I want potential new curators to be fully ready to start as Curie curators.

I have done these mentorship posts multiple times, many have become successful curators. One time when I lowered the bar, and that time curators I recommended failed.

At the end of the day, all I am expecting from the applicant to convince me they can be successful curators. If there was any easier way I would be all for it. It is not like I want to be going through all the submitted posts.

After this step, I invite some promising curators to discord chat where we discuss and share ideas on curating more. Even after recommending we continue discussing and learning from each other.

But yes some guidelines can be ignored for this purpose. Are you interested in getting involved in Curie ?

Being fairly new to steemit (1 month tomorrow:), I have to say that I love this initiative! I am still in awe of the community spirit on this platform. When I began, like most newbies I'm sure, I blogged and waited haha. Then I spent hours 'travelling' around before I figured out, with the help of several, that in order to have followers, I first had to earn my membership, so to speak. I had to become a real part of a community, and then my followers would come naturally out of that. For me, that meant reading and genuinely commenting on other posts, and slowly developing real relationships. I am over the moon now when someone finds my posts worthy of their comments! In the end, it also 'forces' better content too, and that brings me full circle back to you. So, thank you for all you're doing here! Cheers!

Thank you. You are absolutely right, engaging with others is a key part of the platform. Often times poeople just focus on blogging and forget that this not only a blogging but also a social platform.

It is indeed! And interestingly enough, I landed on facebook the other night just to get a message to someone (I feel the need to explain, like a confession haha), and it is such drivel on there. So yes, this needs to be social as well.

Thanks for sharing! A link to your post was included in the wiki article about Curie. Thanks and good luck again!

wow, that is great. Thank you.

I would like to say thank you for curie reward last week. It gave me some hopes that my post can be seen without paying to bots. It inspired me to spend last week and create this little figurine exclusive for steemit and give it away. Here is results

Oh nice. That figurine is awesome. Thanks for doing this.

It was my pleasure. I felt excitement like at the beginning of my adventure with sculpting when I decided what I want to sculpt and not the client. I hope steemit will help me to make more independent projects in future. If you wish you can take part in the giveaway of this kitty.

In fairness, it's harder than it looks this curation business. Shame I've only just stumbled on this and it's back to work tomo, almost certainly won't have time to find you three golden nuggets.

I have a hunch that following a few promising newbies is probably the best way to go about this, rather than stalking the 'new' option for whatever category...

This is an ongoing process. You don't need to find all 3 same time. Just one at a time when you get a chance. That is actually better approach. You are right it is not that easy, but over time it gets easier. Definitely time consuming. You can revisit this post when you can in the future.

Yes following new promising members is a great idea, as matter of fact many curators do just that.

Thanks for the advice. It's definitely something I want to get into, although I'm probably best waiting for a few weeks until I've got a bit more free-time on my hands (works a little intense right now!)

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