Paper letters. Inspiration,good stories,kind of art :)!

in #art7 years ago

Hello,Steemians :)!

Let me tell you today about one of my hobby that combines my various interests and hobbies!

I'm talking about communicating via paper letters


In summer 2017, I spent time with my dear friend ( @katherinalive ) at her family's summer house. We laughed a lot,talked,drank tea in the fresh air close to home ...

Then Katya told me that for several months she communicates with people from different cities through paper letters. Katya told me that now paper letters is something like creativity,self-expression,art.

Different people find each other in social networks. And then create beautiful letters - they make handmade envelopes from special paper, they put inside the dry leaves,flowers,tea,drawings,photographs,postcards,...They tell their stories,talk about their favorite music and books...And just sharing the warmth,inspiration,smiles,and then sent this paper letter in the mail...



It made me very impressed and inspired! Katya showed me some envelopes,which they made with their hands. She showed me different beautiful cards and pictures that she usually puts into their envelopes with letters. She showed me a page on a social network where people find persons to communicate through letters.

After that I placed my profile on that page. A lot of girls from different cities wrote to me after that,that want to communicate with me via paper letters! It was nice and unexpected at the same time ^-^ !!

Since then I wrote and sent many letters and received many beautiful creative letters in response!




It turned out that it is very inspiring! Such letters = the opportunity to meet many new people,even with those with whom you would never have met in real life ( because you live in different cities)!

You can share each other experience,inspiration,support,motivation,real success stories,...

Letters like these it's always about creativity! I can create small postcards, draw cute monsters,flowers,leaves,ice cream,tea mugs and muffins :)) I can put in the envelope the petals,which I made myself. I can mail a small gift or poems... And always very pleased to receive in response a warm letter that creates a good mood and gives a special atmosphere! Very nice to know that my life stories, my letters inspire girls from very different cities :)!!





After a few months when I created and sent my letters I stopped...In my life was hard time (bad feelings,change of address, ...). So I stopped writing letters...

BUT! The girls continued to write to me! They have not forgotten about me. Before Christmas I got a lot of incredibly beautiful and warm letters ! There in letters was gifts,books,postcards and good stories !!!

I realized again that bad times are long gone :) Now I feel very good! I have a lot of wonderful emotions in my life! I want to share them!!

So I decided that I will write my letters again ! So a few days ago I went with my friend Katya (@katherinalive) in specialty stores and again happily bought stamps and postcards ^-^!

So now in my life new amazing good time,new emotions,new impressions and new letters ;)!!

Have you ever wrote paper letters?
What do you think about this?

I will be glad to know your opinion and your thoughts :)

Thank you for your attention!


When I was at school ages I wrote a lot of letters. There was no Internet and mobile phones on those times, all communication was only thanks to letters and postcards. Now I absolutely do not want to write letters. I guess I wrote too many letters then :)))

:) may be its so good for me now coz i never write papper letters before :)

The last time I wrote letters a very long time ago. About 20 years ago. Then I was captured by the rhythm of active life and changes, the letter faded into the background. Perhaps this is even now interesting - correspondence on paper. There will be an opportunity - I will send someone a letter :) Thanks for the story and advice.

Yes, sometimes life sooo fast ! And we just have no time for something like that ( like pepper letters). But if we have,its good ;)!

in December there was such a time when I stopped writing letters, and now it's very difficult to get used to it again.

i understand this feelings really good!

@happyolly I feel like this would be a hit here on Steemit. Especially since there's people already from all over the world on here.

This is such a cool idea. Looking at your photos I can imagine how receiving these letters would be so inspiring!

I've quite honestly never heard of this ever before so thanks for opening my eyes! I think that if I were to do this I would write poems to people :)

How does it work with addresses? Obviously in order to receive the letter you have to put down personal info to a stranger. Does the network have a way to protect that info or is it more so a trust thing?

i am glad ,that i sharing new good information ^-^ that i can give new information to you :)

about addresses - yes,like trust :) but...i dont know ,what really bad someone can do for me if that person will know my name and adres :)? you can also give stranger only post office adress and take letters then from office :)

Well I can appreciate your choice to trust those you're engaging with. You're not like many ladies I know in that sense.

Super cool though. Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you ,dear @axios ^-^

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