Announcing The Winners Of The 'Learn To Draw With Friends' Contest!! Plus Theme For Week Four!! 55 SBD IN PRIZES TO BE WON!! :)

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

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Image Credit - @w0olf! - Week One - Winner!

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Before we get to the moment you've all been waiting for and I announce the winners, I would first like to pay a special thank you to someone who has gone above and beyond in their support of both myself and our little contest in his short time here on steemit and someone that I'm sure you have all become familiar with over the course of the last week or so.


Thank you so much my friend for all of your efforts in helping to promote the contest and for being such a helpful and friendly contestant and commenter. I'm sure you will have made a few new friends this week with all of your encouraging and supportive words and I for one would like to thank you for them! :)

I would also like to mention that @steempowerpics son, @steempowerkid has just joined steemit and I would encourage you all to give him a friendly welcome by checking out his first post below.

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We have had an absolutely incredible week with a total of 24 people taking part, 40 amazing entries, 199 votes for our entries and 299 comments! There is one small issue that I do need to clear up though before I continue to the winners and this is something that I take full responsibility for. I should have made the rules more clear so as not to disappoint anyone but unfortunately I will have to disqualify one of the entries by @justaboutart. :(

The reason for this is that they received automatic votes by using the esteem app to make their entry which gives them an unfair advantage over the other entrants and for this reason I don't think it is fair to the others taking part and will not be accepting entries from esteem app users in future. @justaboutart I am very sorry for any disappointment that this may cause you my friend. I only noticed it this morning as I was tallying the votes otherwise I would have informed you earlier but please accept my apologies and if you have any problems with my decision then please get in touch and I'm sure we can sort them out.

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And So To The Winners!!

1ST and 2ND PLACE.

First place and second place will be equally split between @steempowerpics and @kristyglas who both received 13 votes and are our joint winners. They will each receive 12.5 SBD!! Congratulations to both of you!! :)

3RD Place.

Third place will also be shared by @therealpaul and @kalemandra who both received 8 votes for their entries. They will each receive 2.5 SBD. Congratulations to both of you also! :)

5 Runner Up Places.

There will actually be 6 runner up places this week. @fole, @omega-not, @giraffeonskates, @djynn, @primal-buddhist and @deveerei all received 6 votes and will all receive 1SBD. Congratulations to all of you also! :)

All prizes will be transferred to your wallets by the end of today (UK). :)

To everyone else who joined in but did not win a prize, I hope you all had a fun time taking part and that you will join us again for some more drawing fun either this week or at some point in the future.

Thank you all so much for your time and efforts as well as your support for the contest!! :)

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Week Four Theme!!

So now it is time to look to week four. For this week I have received a special request and have decided that the theme will be ...

Doctor Who!! :)

And the images I have chosen are..


The tardis!



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The Dalek!



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The Doctor!

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The Rules!!

Your entry must be one of the three images above!

You must resteem and upvote this post for your entry to be valid!

You must post your entry in the comments section of this post for it to be a valid entry! It must be visible for others to see and upvote! If you decide to make your own post that would be great but I will not accept a posted link only.

It must be visible!

You can enter up to three times. Once per category. Each entry must be posted individually!


The contest will close after the seven day reward period!

Edit - Please use the hashtag #ltdwf when posting your process post so that we can group them all together for easy viewing in future!

This week instead of the winner being determined by votes received we will have a special guest judge who will choose the winning entries, @steempowerpics! He will also be entering the contest but will obviously not be eligible to win a prize and he has very generously donated 15 SBD towards the prize fund which means that this week we will have 50 SBD in prizes and they will be broken down as follows...

1ST Place will receive 20 SBD

2ND Place will receive 15 SBD

3rd Place will receive 10 SBD

Plus 5 Runner Up Prizes of 1 SBD

As well as this @steempowerpics has also decided to offer a special Triple Pay Judges Bonus which means that if the winner of 1ST place has entered with all three images, they will also receive an additional 5 SBD direct from him. Another extremely generous addition to the prize pool. That makes it 55 SBD in total!!! :)

Thank you so much Chris!! :)

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So there you have it! Week four is up and running and I look forward to seeing if we can repeat the success we have had in week 3. Good luck everyone and...

Have Fun!!! :)

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image credits

Tardis -

Dalek -

The Doctor -

Page dividers by @concept and @aleister!

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Have an excellent day everyone!!! :)

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Banner by @son-of-satire!


It's great of you to run this contest! Well done!

Thank you so much @kus-knee! I really appreciate your kind words and support my friend!

Hope your day is going well! :)

Hi @tonyr i would like to join as well here's my drawing of the doctor he looks more like Dr House when i finished the drawing

Thank you so much for entering the contest this week with a fabulous attempt at the advanced image @errymil! We are very pleased to have you with us.

Some of the other entrants have chosen to make a process post for their own blog and these have proven to be quite successful so if you are going to be entering for the other images also I would encourage you to do the same and link it with your entry so that I and others can visit your post and vote for you. :[)_

Thanks again my friend. Hope your day is going well!

O sure Thanks for the tip @tonyr, i wish i knew it earlier, i wanted to do the lion but the contest was over yesterday. Thanks for having me, i dont really draw so this kinda help me to improve my skills

This is very good :)

Very nice entry Errymil, thank you for taking part in Tony's contest.

Thanks @steempowerpics this was a nice idea to have this contest, as it teaches more steemians to be creative, and its also good as you only need a pencil and paper which everyone has a chance to participate!

Very true. Tony has done a good job putting this all together and doing it in a way that people can enter with any level of drawing skill.

Cool! And you also got a @gentlebot upvote.

My Intermediate Entry
Hope you like!! 8D


By 12 year old giraffe on skates

You've done a great job on the intermediate image of the Dalek @giraffeonskates. It's a really diffficult one to draw. Very glad to have you back with us again this week. Hope you had fun taking part again. :)

Good luck to you my friend!

Thanks! @tonyr I have lots of fun with this contest, it's a really great idea.

I am glad you are enjoying yourself @giraffeonskates. It really makes me happy to hear that! :)

I posted this comment originally on the esteem app and i think i kinda get what happened

The only way I have figured out is to upload to Imgur first which is a bit of a pain, if there's a better way I'd love to hear about it!

@justaboutart I am very sorry about this whole situation and especially so if I have made it seem like you deliberately used the esteem app to gain more votes. That is not what I meant to say or suggest in any way. This comment you have made has received 8 votes automatically due to the fact that you are using the esteem app. I am still pretty new here and don't exactly know how everything works myself so I couldn't tell you how to upload from a mobile device without using the esteem app but I hope you can find a way as I would love to have you continue in the contest and would be very pleased if you could overlook any mistakes I may have made and any embarrassment I may have caused you.

I'm very sorry again for the misunderstanding. This week judging will be done differently and won't be determined by votes so you should be fine to post via esteem for this week. Hope that helps and really sorry for being a twat! :)

Thank you for your apologies, and it is all good :) You have been perfectly fair in what you have been saying. I am looking foreward to this weeks contest. And thank you very much.

Thank you @justaboutart. You are very kind. Good luck with this weeks contest and I sincerely hope you have fun my friend!

I made a colourful Dalek!
close up of head:

process post here:

Thanks this was fun once again!

Very nice Julia, Daleks do come in different colors - EXTERMINATE!

This is so adorable!

So sorry for the late comment on this one @juliakponsford. I saw it in my replies feed but don't know how I managed to skip it. :(

An amazing entry Julia. I absolutely love the colours! :[) I can see a Dalek Pride parade soon! :[)

Haha no problem I'm sure you must still have a lot of commenting going on? Sometimes I straight up don't see replies I don't know why... I know the judge said accuracy was important but my colored pencils were so deceptive they did not come out as advertised so I just decided it was a happy little accident lol :) Did you reach your goal of 500 comments yet?

Not yet I'm afraid and haven't made the seven posts I needed to either. :( Time got the better of me ion the end and I wasn't able to complete the challenge but it was really fun taking part and I learned a few things along the way so I'm not too disappointed. :)

Love the Bob Ross reference! :)

Oh well I'm sure you got something out of the experience! I love Bob ross I put him on o the background sometimes when I'm doing other stuff it's so relaxing!

He just made it look so damn easy! :) Love Bob Ross! :)

I'm actually back in with a shout of finishing. I just posted my seventh post for the challenge, another LTDWF update post and I am on track to get my 500 comments so I might have a new badge to displat soon on my posts! :)

I've proposed some changes to the contest in my latest post. I'd love to know what you think about them! :)

I know I tried to do one of his paintings digitally but I couldn't find a good equivalent to his palette knife technique. He did one where he made wood cabins and in one swipe the wood looked so textured and real! If I am rich one day I will buy loads of paint and follow along for real. I'll go check out your update!

Don't forget the big steel trash can for smacking your brush against! :)

Cheers Julia. I'd appreciate your input. :)

My entry for the Advanced category:


Here's the close up no edit photo with flash:


Used grid lines to help me draw. Added lines to the original photo via software and lined the sketchbook with a ruler. Used a graphite pencil #2 on a Monologue Sketchbook. Added in a grey backdrop on software and edited the brightness and contrast, no further edits.

Thanks for having me on this contest!

You can support my work if you like it by clicking this link and viewing my post

Edit: Should have drawn the whole piece. Sadly, that's almost the whole paper's length. Can't add more to it, there's not even an inch of margin on the top, left, & bottom sides. The other entries were drawn on the right side.

Yeah .... i hate you :D

Hahaha. That's alright. The drawing loves you. XD

Great entry @deveerei, I am very impressed with the details in Peter's (I mean the Doctor's ) eyes. Nice shading work as well.

Thank you. Got to practice a lot on my portraits. Haven't done portrait drawings lately. Glad you like it!

If you make a post page, be sure to add the link to your entry comment above.

Will do that. :D

:) You don't waste any time @deveerei! A fantastic likeness you have captured!

Good luck to you my friend. If you have not already done so I would suggest you make your own post for each of your entries. The process posts so far in the contest have been very useful and well received. :)

Thank you for joining us once again and good luck to you!! :)

Thanks for the tip. I will do that once I get on a laptop. However, I have not photographed any part of the process cause I was eager to finish the drawing, I only took photographs of them when they were done. Didn't want to break the momentum.

The finished entries are fantastic as they are @deveerei. I only mention it as it may be a good way for you to gain more exposure for your work as others have in the last few weeks taking part and some have earned good rewards by doing so. :)

this is @seempowerpics post from last weeks contest,

He did a fantastic job of presenting his process and was rewarded well for doing so. :)

Hope that helps! :)

His post was good! It deserved those rewards. I'll try adding all my entries into 1 single post and add the links into my entry comments. Maybe that could happen to me too. I was planning to do a step by step post as well with 1 artwork I finished days ago but I didn't have the time to do it yet.

This post may interest you:

He's the reason I can draw good. That's my Dad there. His posts are not getting much attention yet. Will try to make a feature again for Steemian artists and I will include him in it.

He is a very talented artist like yourself @deveerei. I hope you will convince him to join the contest at some point and make some process posts along the way. Hopefully it will help him get more attention which is part of the reason for the contest!

Thanks for sharing the link with me. Have a great day! :[)

I did invite him. He's finishing the advanced one now I think and he did photograph the process he was sending it to me haha.

I'm glad to hear it @deveerei. I look forward to receiving his entry!! :[)

Nicely done @deveerei ! You are very talented!

Here's my entry for the intermediate category:


The Dalek was pretty hard to draw cause it's full of geometrical shapes. Making an accurate drawing will be quite hard. I decided to use a pen for this. Supposedly, the shading was going to be in pencil but I made a small drawing so it's harder to shade it properly or I just got lazy. I tried making the shadows as accurate as possible.

Thank you for having me in this contest! Cheers to all the participants!

You can support my work if you like it by clicking this link and viewing my post

So good and cute xD

Thank you so much!

Very nice @deveerei, Lots of details for such a small scale sketch.

This is amazing!!

Very nice sketch @giuatt07, nice work on the shading.

A beautiful entry @giuatt07! The shading is excellent and really brings the drawing to life. Very subtle but effective. :[)

Hope your day is going well my friend and thanks again for entering. I wish you good luck!!

Thank you, shading is my favourite part of sketching and drawing.

Here's my entry for the beginner category:


I made it in ink. It was intended to be bigger but it's easier to draw it at this size and it's cute. Ink pen on Monologue Sketchbook, next picture for size references:


Thanks for having me in this contest! Hoping to win!

You can support my work if you like it by clicking this link and viewing my post

That is an excellent drawing. :) Did you also enter the tiny drawing contest by @oceansoul13 I think it was? That was a really good contest!

Thanks for another great entry @deveerei. I'm sure our judge will have a difficult time this week! :)

Have a great day my friend!

I haven't got the chance to join that but the entries I saw there really blew my mind. They paint in micro, that was really amazing and quite difficult.

I'm sure he would. Last time there were tons of great entries here.

Interesting. There is also a mico art contest someone had posted, I will need to find the post again. This could work in that contest too.

I did see that before too. The entries there were really good. There are micro paintings there, hard to match.

Some of the ones I saw were incredibly detailed.

Haha hi meep

Hey, ionlysaymeep! How is your day going my friend> Are you enjoying the contest?? Why not have a go yourself?? I wouldn't ask you to say anything you don'y feel comfortable with. You could express yourself through art! :[)

Hope you are doing well my friend!

I love it :D
One micro challenge is Tiny Art Challenge by @oceansouls13, the theme was animals, and hopefully new contest next week :)

The entries there were awesome, hard to catch up.

This is really well done, especially for being so tiny! Very cute!

Thank you! Maybe next time I can write the tiny words too, hehe.

I did the Dalek pretty big and I wasn't even able to get all the details in!

Your Daler was very nice, I like the colors of it! I really don't have art materials anymore . I gave it all to @jeseemei (my sister) last Christmas.

Thanks! Coloured pencils can be bought pretty cheap though!

Yes, about 10$ for a good set. But I don't have much to spare now, I'm broke.

I wish you some good steem payouts then!

Gorgeous. Just gorgeous. So cute. :3

Thank you! Thank you!

Man! That is tiny!

Haha. It is. :)

Here's mine. 😊😂 And the post goes here.

ohh-lahlahhh!! wonderful drawing and the elaborate description on the post you made is now giving me second thoughts drawing the tardis. LOL

"Isn't it just a rectangle?!" - you, on TARDIS. 😂

nyahahah... i eat back my words...

Very nice Aira. The skin tones and shading are great. I like the final image you have on your process post page - with the pencils next to it. The colors show more accurately. - Maybe edit you comment to add that one too for everyone to see.

Thank you @steempowerpics! 😊 I've just now edited the comment and added the image.

oh gods ...this took lots of time, coloring looks great!

Thank you @atopy! Yes, it did take a lot of time. 😭😂

A fantastic entry for this weeks contest @erangvee and the process post that accompanies it is fabulous also. I would advise everyone taking part to have a look. :[)

Good luck to you my friend and good luck also to our judge @steempowerpics, in choosing a winner from all of the amazing entries. It will be a very difficult task!! :[)

Aww, thank you @tonyr! 😊

Your the best... amazing.... i cant do that exactly... but i can try ahahaha

Thanks kuya @kennyroy! Try it too! 😊

dang this is good. that has to be hard to do. I don't think I could do anything like that. :)

Thank you @kanedizzle08! 😊 You can do iiiit! Try to join this contest. It's basically for everyone.

maybe I will enter the next one. thanks for the kind words

Awesome colors especially the skin :D

Thank you @kristyglas! 💕😊 It took a while, but I like how the skin ended up, too. LOL.

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