Day 32- Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 109.016 SBD

in #contest6 years ago

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Day 32

I can't believe how many of you thought about Mountain Dew - the drink.... Never even occurred to me 🤓

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The Contest prize is growing every day!!!

We are grateful to our contest sponsors. The prize is now 109.016 SBD!!!!!


You too can donate to the prize - any amount is welcome. Just transfer with a memo: to 200-day celebration.

SBD will be added to the SBD payout. Steem donations will increase the SBI memberships we give out.

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Eliminated players

I am so very sad. today, we are losing our friend @mmasim. He posted his freewrite - but no selfie. I checked the prompt page, his post and here.

We are sorry to see you go.

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Some Fun Selfies from Yesterday

So many of your selfies were great!!! This is a random pic and yours will also be here someday 🤩

See if you recognize each other's faces.




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See if you can list all the names 😊

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If you haven't checked the Daily Prompt yet...

Prompt: Miami

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Remember you have 24 hours to drop your selfie with you freewrite link into the comment section.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces - or masks - every day 🤪

Your selfie + freewrite must be posted by 8 AM Pacific Time on 6/15/2018

I know that many of you are in timezones where that might be a different date already. Use a time converter to make sure that you enter on time.

If you are late - you are eliminated. No exceptions.

This contest is for Registered Players Only. Registration is Closed.

But there are many fun activities at the Freewrite House - check them out!

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Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


I used to live in West Palm. I would take solo trips to New Orleans (just get in my car and drive myself the 9-12 hours it took to get there). I made some good friends and went out about 5 or 6 times and would get a job selling shooters at a club on Bourbon and just 'lived' there for a month or so several times. One time when I was out there I got a call from a friend who had been taking the role of manager for my djing saying he "got tricked by a rasta guy I know who wanted to start a TV show". Now that they went and got money from some businesses to begin filming this guy was not getting back to him. He wanted me to be a co-host for this show, which was called HotSpots. We would go to clubs, restaurants, points of attraction in West Palm, Lauderdale and Miami film how cool they were etc. I definitely said no immediately because I don't like Miami, I don't want to be famous and I sure as hell didn't want to be famous in Miami . Yadda yadda yadda. But, when I moved from WP to Utah (trying to get some place quiet so I could go to college and maybe actually go to class) I was djing, filming the TV show four times a week, co-hosting a radio show and skydiving on the weekends lol. Sometimes your friends can be very persuasive ;)

That sounds like some gig! I've been to a number of clubs in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Boca. The people in Miami really know how to paaaaarrrttttyyy!

Yeah South Florida is wild haha. It was a blast, I'm glad I said yes. I even had a night we were at Nikki Beach and we had a vip bottle service next to Jay-Z ... Pre-Beythough and he had two chicks under his arm . I did chat with him for a minute and got some props from the HOV himself lol

Haha too cool!

please, put your hand somewhere in the selfie. I don't want to eliminate you!

Yes you hands @killbride your hands. That is the 1st thing I thought of when I see your selfie.

I thought you said "at least my hand or more" ...

so "at least hands and can be more" got it, sorry I'm kind of foggy these days ;)

We need to see your hand. Lucky you too... At least you are still in the run. Thanks to @freewritehouse

You don’t like Miami? I wasn’t expecting that haha.
Phew! Saved by the Bell freewritehouse 😊

haha I swear I thought my face was worth MORE than my hand lol

and nah, there is something very superficial and uncomfortable ... but that's not the WHOLE city obviously, I just meant the places I would have gone to do a TV show and as a dj if you are on the make . I went to bboy competitions and WMC and had a blast, but I'm just not a fan in general of the "downtown' crowd, even here in SD.

Yay!! got the hand :)

So how I was thinking about it as that you weren't going to force those of us with anxiety to do more than what we signed on with but I thought by doing a real selfie I was pushing myself and doing more when I can, so I wouldn't just be lazy and take advantage of my hand only pass. I guess you are really just doing it to kind of try and whittle the group down? It was my mistaking the intention that made me do the face... Face > Hand in the selfie equation, but no hand = eliminated for this particular instance lol good thing I saw your comment xo

Well, yes, for those of you who didn't want to show their face or who are anonymous on the platform, I wanted to give options.
But it is an elimination contest and I was asked by a few to be a bit stricter. I didn't want to add new rules - but upholding the ones already stated from the beginning seems like a good idea. And I really tried to give everyone a warning.
and we had talked about your hand needing to be in the picture +whatever else you want to show :)

got it now, no more no hands. Like I said, I just thought I was doing you one better by having my face lol . I wasn't processing it , but I do now thanks ;)

you are!!!! 😘

Me, wondering if this pink swan will pass as a pink flamingo and also wishing it was warm enough here to shed my gray sweatshirt and wear a summer dress I might don if I were in Miami!

wow thats thats wowww
yay summer dress! (thinkn) :)

I love dresses, but mostly cold here and not many opportunities to put a warmer one on and still feel comfortable.

where are you that its so cold? even alaska warms up in summer 😛😂

North Oregon coast. It will warm up, but seems we usually have rain from now until mid July or so. Warmest months are usually August and September. Plus, I'm just always cold ;P
Just checked and it's 59 here right now. Usually there's a wind coming off the river/ocean and unless it's 72+ I don't like bare arms and legs out.

and that's why i didn't move to oregon. LOL

:) That's also why a lot of people move here after visiting on a sunny, late August day and after a year or so, they're on their way!
Where do you live?

yeah ive heard 🤣🤣🤣
i have friends there on the coast. im in colorado. :)

You know, with all the GMO food floating around in the world, flamingos might just look like swans now :)

True! And, who has ever heard of a pink swan anyway? This one carries cotton balls in our bathroom :)

I really do want to do something other than these silly papers... But since I only get to my computer literally right before bed... I can't really make much more than this happen... It's hard as is to even keep up with prompts... :3


I thought you were wearing a big pirate earring for a minute. My selfie is just with a paper today too. My creativity wasn't helping me out much with this one.

oh dang it wasn't an earring muahahahaha

Hahahha oh my! I am a pirate by heart, but.. no... Can't be that obvious in public, earring. :3

i gave you a penny cuz i like your earring ... :p

Well.. Maybe... Since the two of you liked "it"... I should just get it for real...

yeah it would look cute. hehe

I'm so far behind on Wild West but I can't wait to see how you fit 'Miami' in!

Oh is that so?
Have you been in a sugar induced coma for too long?

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My sincerest F-U to whomever came up with this prompt today because now I have that Will Smith song stuck in my head and I’m pretty sure it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. (Just kidding—no F-Us sincerely meant to anyone.)

Here are the things that the word “Miami” reminds me of:

  1. As mentioned before, Will Smith (bienvenida a Miami! — ugh)
  2. Dexter. I have no idea why, when I haven’t seen that show in years and it’s not like it figures prominently into my thoughts these days.
  3. That one time I got stranded in Miami for a night when I was 15 years old and on my way to Brazil, and since I was under 16, they had to pair me up with an employee from the airline to (literally) babysit me in my hotel room, and she was lovely but she spoke not one word of English, and I felt bad because honestly as a Los Angelina I should definitely have learned Spanish by now.
  4. Bachelorette parties, spring break, and all other manners of what I would consider basic revelry that I would likely never participate in—no offense to the basics among us. Well, maybe I would if I had the opportunity, but I can’t say I’ve ever been invited.
  5. Cuban food. Mmmmmm.
  6. The state that always creates weird situations in elections. Come on Florida, get it together and make a real decision.
  7. The fact that Miami probably won’t be around in a couple of centuries because we treat our planet like garbage, and the politicians that Florida keeps choosing (see #6) evidently sees no urgency in the matter versus the people who finance their campaigns.

That Will Smith song is the first thing I thought of too ;P

Oh my gosh me too! Haha

our word associations here are ON POINT.

Will Smith is exactly who I thought of as soon as I saw Miami. Crazy! I enjoy his music (some of it is deep) and films.

Mountain Dew and Will Smith. Killin’ it.

Miami was a fun write. Thanks

So, I wanted to write the next part of the Stranded series...but I waited too long in the day! I find that my creative juices flow in the evening, after dinner when the hubs and I are just chillaxin'. However this night we are getting ready to go on a date night! A date night for us is going to bed early and watching a movie while we snuggle!

So, for my freewrite I would, though like to take five minutes to ramble about the prompt Miami. Whenever I think about this city, I think Florida. Probably because I'm from Ohio and everyone I was around vacationed in Florida. Sure, there were plenty of other beaches within a day or so, but Ohioians, atleast the ones I know love Florida! Especially for retiring. Which isn't abnormal for any eastern state, I would imagine. I do think it's funny that I wasn't aware of Miami, Ohio for longest time, and everytime someone went to college at Miami University...I thought they were off to Florida! It was considered a party it just made sense! But now having full reflection on this, I bet not that many people from Ohio actually travel to Florida.

ooo thats a cool shot

Thank you! I just downloaded the pixlr app a couple days's been a lot of fun!

yes it is a good one

I didn't even know that there was a Miami in Ohio :)

Well upon further research just now, there's not! Haha Atleast any more. So, there's the University, then there are two rivers, The Great Miami and The Little Miami, and also a city named New Miami...but not a Miami all by itself. So interesting!

still - a lot of Miami for Ohio LOL
I am sure it was named with wishful thinking to attract the sun rays in the cold, cold winters LOL

Hahaha I think you are right!

Almost didn't do this all today. Physically & emotionally rough day. Love to all.

Photo is of me holding the Lush can I purchased from my nephew at that store on South Beach with a cool shampoo bar inside which I still use!

awww your face looks like a faerie in this picc

Thank you, my dear friend!

youre welcome, you look good and happy. hugs.

I'm sorry you had a rough day! I've been close to not doing it as well for the same reason. But I'm glad you decided to!

Thank you! I'm definitely benefiting from writing no matter what! LOL. I'm glad you're still in the game, too.

Haha yes! And thank you!

Hugs to you. Hope things are better now!

I'm doing better migrainewise, but experiencing side effects. The devil of all man made pharma. I'm hoping things settle soon because I'm exhausted. Tgif because I have less planned this weekend. Thanks for the well wishes and I will just keep monitoring the symptoms. hugs

Spring Break Sexy Adventures. Don't worry, I didn't have enough time to get too explicit yet. 😘


bwahahahah you got me on this one ... miami.jpg I would like to be more creative with these selfies, like take it wearing a beach shirt and in front of a palm tree, but I always do these during the baby's naps, so I can't go outside or in our room to get a shirt, lest I wake him.

awww such a nice
smile! :)

Oh, the tyranny of the babies nap!! Non parents have no idea how much that time needs to be protected LOL

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