Fifty-word challenge: results and a new prompt!

in #challenge6 years ago (edited)

It was another awesome week in the #fiftywords community. We had excellent contributions come in for last week’s waterfall prompt.

The spectrum of storylines amazed me this week. We had nods to science, history, pirates, and hunters, as well as the parching of falls and of the earth, appreciation for our natural wonders, loss, self-discovery, and more. Thank you, and wonderful work, everyone!

We are continuing the #fiftywords story challenge started by @miniature-tiger who is busy creating a seafaring strategy game called Archipelago. Check it out!

(Image credit: Original image by pixel2013, Pixabay)

Fifty-word prompt results

This week I have a top pick of the week, and I also want to do a few additional shout-outs:

  • I want to commend @ablaze for absolutely superb commenting and engagement. He managed to comment on almost every post! Kudos!
  • I also want to give a shout out to @deirdyweirdy whose Honeymoon story was not only a first-rate story, but also launched an amazing (and very amusing) discussion.

The #fiftywords shining star of the week

There were so many great 50-word stories, as always I had a terrible time making a top pick. But ultimately, I chose “Power of Life” by @marie-jay.

This story achieves the very thing that is so difficult to do in 50 words: It puts us readers in a setting, with a cast of characters, a critical point in time when a drama is playing out, and a resolution. Well done, @marie-jay!

Note: I don't want to say "NSFW," but be warned of harsh language.

This week's 50-word story prompt

The prompt for this week is “field.” Sharpen your pencils, #fiftywords friends!


Here they are:

  1. Write a story in 50 words. (It's especially cool if you can hit 50 words exactly!)
  2. Use the #fiftywords tag, and post the link in the comments of this post.
  3. Be sure to read and upvote the work of the other participants. It's all about community!
  4. Use only artwork that you have the right to use, and attribute it properly. See the “Proper use of images” topic below.

Proper use of images

Proper use of images means one of the following:

  1. It is your image.
  2. The image is public domain, or under creative commons licensing rules.
  3. If it is not one of the above, you have actual permission.

Be sure to mention that the image is yours, or attribute its source. And if it's not public domain or creative license, be sure to state that you have permission.

I have two resources for you, from my friends at #thewritersblock:

Deadline: Saturday, April 14th

Have fun!

The 50-word story clan

I'm mentioning you here if have participated in the #fiftywords short story challenge in the past. Please let me know if you would like your tag removed in this or future posts.

@ablaze, @adigitalife, @agmoore, @ahmadmanga, @aksounder, @alheath, @andyartland, @anixio, @anjkara, @awhsarada
@beginningtoend, @bentheredonethat, @bhop42moro, @bitsendpieces, @botefarm @brandonsadventur, @bryarose23
@caleblailmusik, @carlosparejo, @carn, @charlesmackenzie, @cizzo, @creatr, @curtwriter
@damianjayclay, @deirdyweirdy, @diebitch, @dinavice, @dirge, @divineinyang, @douglasbalmain
@eaglespirit, @ebitularmbert, @elementm, @emwalker, @enjar, @evgsk
@feebie,, @fireawaymarmot, @fitinfun, @freewheel
@godwine, @gonzo
@iamthegray, @ilt-yodith, @isa93, @isufbakaj
@jadams2k18, @janine-ariane, @jakeybrown, @jayna, @josecarrasquero, @joyyrush
@kaelci, @kainos-success, @kamalkennedy, @kingernie, @ktfabler
@ldacey-laforge, @lonestarpoet, @loraine, @lucylin
@Mammasitta, @marie-jay, @mark-dahl, @maxiemoses-eu, @metzli, @mikesthoughts, @mineopoly, @miniature-tiger, @momzillanc, @mydivathings
@naquoya, @naso, @navaneeth, @negativer, @niallon11, @nicolexu1337
@paintingangels, @photovitamin, @pixiehunter, @poeticnest, @preparedwombat, @prydefoltz, @purpledaisy57, @pyrowngs
@saoirseronan, @sciencevienna, @sharoonyasir, @skoolielove, @spalatino, @stayoutofherz, @steemitdiversify, @sukhasanasister, @superjongky
@tanglebranch, @thatlovechild, @theblackcrow, @therosepatch, @tiatu, @tibra, @tin-tin, @tony-duke, @tygertyger
@udayakumarage, @upen-srv
@vaitelavicius, @vivek-g
@whitewizard, @wilfredn, @wordsalmighty, @wylde
@yimiipsa, @yomibolo

Thank you to all participants!



Wherever the inspiration comes from is a good thing!

So glad to see you back this week! Thank you for your contribution to the challenge!

Hi @jayna! Finally there it is, I finished my story...

Now I'm ready to start reading the other writers!

Hooray! Wow, where did the week go? I still need to write my own.

Ha ha ha, hurry up!

Hello guys!

This is my first entry, I'm very excited and eager to read your work!


Welcome to the club!

Here's my entry, I'm not sure about you but I think it's one of my better stories:

For those too lazy to click the link and enjoy the cover photo:


"They're here."
He guided his fellow soldiers through the flower field.

"This was your old backyard wasn't it?"
One solider stepped on the roses he had always cherished.

"Does it matter?"
His grip on the shotgun tightened.
"It's their backyard now."

He never thought his home will become a battlefield.


Thanks for helping to fuel the #fiftywords fire!

I knew I could count on you, @negativer! I still have to write mine. :-)

First time participating!! I hope I did ok haha there are some awesome works here! Great idea to improve creativity and writing skills. Thanks a lot.

I can see that you were inspired by the 50-word challenge!

Yes :) I was! And I enjoyed it a lot. Waiting for the next challenge.

I'm a bit late this week but finally here it is, my entry for this awesome challenge. I've enjoyed reading all the short-stories. The prompt of this week let open the imagination for too many ideas to write down. Thanks for keep doing this @jayna, I really love writing for this kind of challenges that allows you to learn, practice and grow as a writer and story-telling.


Nah, you're fine. I should let people know what timezone I'm in so they know how much time they really have. It's pretty loose... as long as the post comes in before I write the next one. :-)

Hi, @jayna, and friends!

Please check out my entry in this week's challenge:

"Fantastic, Futuristic, Floating Flyer"

I had fun, fun, FUN!



Yes, I can see that you did have fun with that!

Thanks for making an opportunity for fun... ;)

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