🍌 F.U.D, as explained by a teenager 🍌

in #bananamemos6 years ago

Know-it-all teenager Tay'Tran Bananamon explains FUD...

Hey everyone! It's me, Tay'Tran, back to explain more of the crypto-blockchain world to you. Don't feel bad if you don't know this stuff already. I just happen to be, like, a natural-born expert on this.

So today, let's talk about a term that goes around in the online crypto world: FUD. "What's FUD?" you ask. Well, I'm gonna lay it all out here.

First off, if you remember from my post about cryptocurrency, it's basically, like, worldwide electronic money. Bananas don't really have much use for money (and no pockets to keep it in), but people seem to like them some money. Even if it's electronic. And they especially like when they get some crypto and then, sometime later, it's worth MORE. (But that's talkin' about HODL, which was last week's post.)

If the price of crypto doesn't seem to be goin' anywhere, or is even gettin' lower, people sometimes say they're feelin' FUD, or Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. To me, though, those letters have, like, a way different meaning. It's a way to get through the Down Times and have some fun while you're at it!

F is for FEED -- as in Check your Steemit Feed. It's not just YOU on here -- there are lots of brilliant people posting great content. Check 'em out. (And if you don't have interesting bloggers populating your Feed, you're missing out. Search out some new blogs to follow.) Which brings me to the next letter, U...

U is for UPVOTE! Use those bits of SteemPower to give some to others. For those Steemians who are here creating content and engaging with the community, let's give 'em a little encouragement! And...

D is for DON'T GIVE UP! Steem and cryptocurrency and the blockchain are all experiments in doing things differently than the status quo. If you're on here, you're a pioneer, an early adopter. We're just gettin' started, with lots of great things to come. Don't give up; keep goin'!

Okay, full disclosure here. I kinda wrote this with, like, the help of my mom, Roxana Bananamon, who many of you know as the overly-exuberant Banana Nutritionist for the Banana Memos blog.


I was, like, sittin' at the breakfast table this morning, feeling all doubtful, uncertain and fearful about how things will be at school this year when we start back in a coupla weeks. She gave me this super pep-talk about gettin' rid of the D.U.F., and then, bein' the sorta crypto whiz that I am, I realized that we crypto geeks talk about the opposite, F.U.D. And I realized how her pep talk cheered me up and how the same stuff could, like, apply to the way the crypto community is feelin' right now.

So that's how this post came out the way it did. Not my usually uber-cool sounding stuff about crypto, but hopefully you all feel a little better about bein' at the forefront of an awesome social and monetary wave.

That's it for today. Gotta split!

Elmer FUD Crypto.jpg
spotted on @mfxae86's blog post here


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line of palm trees.png

Tay'Tran's unique take on HODL / Crypto / Steemit

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Teenagers always think they know way more than the adults! (And sometimes they do!) :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, I can't help it if I just happen to know so much about the crypto world, @alom8.

Thanks for the mention and the kudos on my FUD Meme i made quite some time ago, still a good laugh tho isnt it ? lolz.

I think it's really funny. Didn't realize you MADE it, though -- great job!
I googled 'FUD meme' and yours was in the 2 first ones to come up. When I clicked on it, it brought me to your Steem post, so I figured I'd at least give props for finding it before me.
Even better that you made it, @mfxae86 :-D

yeah there is a lot of crap given to people who post memes on steemit, mostly its because people think they are "shit-posts" and also because the people posting them don't tend to be the ones who make them, they just search them online and post other peoples work. However, i like making memes when i see or think of something funny like this one in particular.

i grew up watching Sunday cartoons in the morning (it was a thing in Australia dunno about anywhere else)and it just clicked :) looked it up and found nothing.... honestly im surprised that no one else had thought of it.

anyway glad you enjoyed it and used it in your article :)

Hi, You have made a good contribution to steemit


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