🍌 GramNana's advice: "Penny Wise and Pound Foolish" 🍌

in #bananamemos6 years ago (edited)

GramNana thumbnail 190x259.png

Someone asked me the other day, What does "Penny wise and pound foolish" mean?

Oh, dearie me, we used to say that all the time back in the day... "She's penny wise and pound foolish." It had to do with the price of candy, or "penny candy" as it was called, because you could go in a shop and buy a penny's worth of candy at that time, and the clerk would put it in a little paper bag for you.

A penny could get you one piece of really special candy, or maybe quite a few pieces of the not-so-special candy.

You can probably see where this story is going. No? I'll continue then.

So, say you went to the candy store with one of your friends... I'll use my friend Mavis-Anna as an example. Mavis-Anna and I would go to the store and each get a penny's worth of candy. I got the special kind, one piece for a penny. But Mavis-Anna would get 6, 8, 10 pieces of a cheaper candy, all for a penny, so that she'd have a whole bag full. She thought she was getting the better deal.

But if you do that week after week, eat a whole bag of candy instead of just one piece, you know what happens? You gain pounds. Mavis-Anna put weight on like nobody's business, and before you knew it, she couldn't fit into any of her peels.

So, see, she was wise in getting more for her penny, but was so foolish about it that she gained pounds... "penny wise and pound foolish."

Thank you, GramNana, for that story and a look into your past. However, I'm not sure that's really what that phrase means.

Of course it isn't!! As a British citizen, I can tell you exactly what that phrase means! It means being careful with small sums of money, but not with the larger sums. Pennies are British coins worth very little, while pounds are worth much more.

I was only telling a story from when I was a wee little thing, Professor Dearie. I'm sure your story is just as interesting, to British people.

I... uh... it's not... (sigh)

I think it's a losing proposition, Professor Bananington.

Oh, alright. That was a nice story, GramNana.

Thank you, Professor Dearie. Want me to tell you the story of the phrase, "Balls to bones"?

Wrapping this up.

Right now.


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GramNana again. He's gone bananas.


Gramnana, I loved your story. My Nana also had a penny candy story. In the early 1900's her Dad owned a general store. Occasionally, she would help out in the store. When she completed her task, she was allowed to have some penny candy as a reward.

Oh, @emergehealthier Dearie, what a happy memory that brings back, of being in the general store, clicking on the wood floor, dust motes floating in the air, jars of penny candy calling...

You're story is way more logic than the cent/pound currency thing :D
#nobidbot is a thing?

Thank you, @harktheshark Dearie. My story is the way it really happened!

And yes, #nobidbot is an initiative to help bloggers who don't use bidbots. I think some of the Steemians involved with it are @byColeman, @whatamIdoing, @looktothefuture... Look on their blogs and maybe you'll find more information. It allows for manual curation of posts, with actual people actually looking at your post, rather than bots.

The old-fashioned way, just like GramNana likes! 💙

i like your creativity bruh xDD

Thank you, @stairway2heaven Dearie. Not sure if you mean my story, or the whole Banana Collective. But we appreciate your appreciation either way!

Haha! GramNana, I don't think that is the original meaning of that phrase, but I like your take on it. ;D

Well thank you, Dearie Squish. I mean, Dearie Squid. I mean, oh dear! Thank you Dearie @squishysquid. GramNana has lots of stories to tell!

I bet you do GramNana!
Will you be my honorary Gramma? Errr GramNana?

I would be honored, Dearie!

I hope everyone thinks of me as their very own GramNana! 🍌

Thanks GramNana!

Oh Gramnana, you're like my Grandma! She used to tell us lessons in life using anecdotes. But I will always remember your interpretation of "penny wise pound foolish". I was taught a different thing, but yours is more practicable. Haha!!!

Thank you, Dearie.

LOL!!! Loved this! I fell for the first story. I could have made sense.

@artemisnorth Dearie, so glad you liked my story. Sometimes Professor Bananington gets a little confused.

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