๐ŸŒ Steemit, as explained by 13-year-old Tay'Tran Bananamon ๐ŸŒ

in #bananamemos โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)

Tay'Tran Bananamon, like all teenagers everywhere, thinks he knows exactly how the world works...

So, I'm part of the Banana Collective, and we've got this new blog-like thing on this internet site called Steemit. Most of the grownup bananas don't even get how the internet works, much less how a new awesome platform like Steemit works. It's, like, super easy but they just don't get it.

So, like, Steemit is on this new technology called "block chain." It's the internet of the future, man! This stuff is so awesome! It's, like, every little bit of information that we write, and pictures that we put on here, and videos that everyone makes... it's all, like, pieces of information that are stored in little blocks. And all of the blocks are linked together in a chain. That's why it's called "block-chain." See?

Now, everything seems to need money to make people do stuff. Bananas aren't this way; bananas just hang out and enjoy themselves and share what they have to share. But people seem to be different. Money is important to them. So Steemit came up with, like, a money to use on Steemit. It's called "Steem." It's, like, a cryptocurrency. Which I don't have time to explain today, so I'll have to come back to make another post on crypto some other time.

Anyway, back to Steem, the sort of money of Steemit. Just like people can carry around paper money or coins or whatnot, Steem also comes in Steem Back Dollars or Steem Power. People (and bananas) can earn it, spend it, save it, give it to others, turn it into other money, buy stuff with it, fund projects with it. All kinds of cool stuff you can do with Steem.

Steemit, the website, is like a game, and the tokens you use to play the game is Steem. Just like all the other video games I play, I can get started, and I can earn or gather more power in the game that lets me do more awesome stuff. And I can sometimes buy more power in the game with money I earn in the real world mowing lawns or something. Except, as a banana, I don't mow lawns, and I don't have hard currency, which I already explained before.

That's pretty much how it all works. Steemit is a game, and games are meant to be fun. Maybe some of the peeps on Steemit could just, like, chill and enjoy hanging around in a bunch of people.

Gotta go!


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I am so glad I stumbled upon your post, Tay'Tran. Finally, I get to understand what Steemit and blockchain are all about. I always tell other Steemians that I really don't know how Steemit works and if someone could explain to me in simple terms. They tried but they still use some crypto language and it's still too technical for me to understand.

So I just post, upvote, resteem, comment, and pretty much that's it because that's all I know.

Who says teenagers know only skateboards, video games and stuff? I'd never thought I could learn so much from a kid! Very well explained, mate!

Yeah, people don't know how smart we teenagers are. I already know a lot about a lot of things. I'm glad we bananas have this blog now, so I can share everything I know. And I also like video games too, though! Thanks, @evlachsblog!

I am pretty sure you know a lot already, Tay'Tran! And hey, I also like to chill and enjoy hanging around in a bunch of.... bananas!

You are definitely a cool, honorary member of the Banana Bunch, @evlachsblog!

Tay'Tran, you are one well spoken banana! A simple and concise explanation of Steemit and the blockchain! I love that you used the analogy in your explanation. It really helps the reader to connect to your message!

I know that you are probably thinking something along the lines "It's just a nice comment from some mid-aged lady, with to much time on her hands." Which, in part would be true, but, I am also a high school debate coach. So, it is my job to recognize and nurture young minds.

Oh and did I mention that parents hate me, because I teach their kids how to craft killer arguments, that leaves them speechless! This often leaves parents muttering and when they can final put together a sentence, it is usually, GO TO YOUR ROOM! A true win for any teenager!

Yay for me, then, 'cause my mom is always telling me to go to my room! :-)

You would be the perfect teacher and coach for me, @emergehealthier, if I could learn to debate and win all the arguments. That would be super cool!

We are meeting some very with-it people here on Steemit! ๐ŸŒ

See I knew you had great potential. So your first lesson is we attack ideas not people! This is the most important rule of debate. Once we start attacking people it is no longer a debate.

eh, I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. Sisters are just too easy a target. Give me another 10 or 15 years, I'm sure I'll change my ways. ๐Ÿ˜

I think you will probably change your ways sooner than you think. I was the younger sister and once my brother began dating, he was much nicer to me. Not out of the kindness of his heart, but out of fear what embarrassing stories I might tell about him to his girlfriends.

Yikes. Maybe I better start being a little bit nicer to Havana......

A wise decision.

Lots of great info Tayโ€™Tran. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, @redheadpei. I'm working on some other blog posts 'cause I know a lot of information.

Good to know Tayโ€™Tran. I can always use info but have a hard time retaining it so you may have to keep repeating it. ๐Ÿ˜Š. Stay steeming ๐ŸŒ โค๏ธ I have been called Joannabanana. Itโ€™s got a nice ring to it.

What?! Joannabanana?

You are definitely an honorary member of the Banana Bunch, Girl!

Thanks so much! I, Joannabanana appreciate the honor of being a honorary member of the Banana Bunch. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Itโ€™s funny

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