in #art6 years ago (edited)


Drawing whales, dolphins and porpoises


10 days ago I started a contest and it's all dedicated to cetaceans.
These are carnivorous, finned, marine animals like whales, dolphins and porpoises.


We live in a time where plastic pollution and climate change are in a rise.
The first casualties will be these poor creatures, unknowingly eating plastics, getting caught in fishing nets and drowning, sonar blasting from ships looking for oil and some unfortunately are held captive for human amusement.

Our marine friends suffer more than we know. So many are endangered and critically endangered like Maui's dolphin and Vaquitas. Hopefully, this can help raise:

💡 Awareness ✔️
💡 Appreciation ✔️
💡 Action ✔️



In no particular order, here are the artworks and the artist description.


Artist: @lemareg
I illustrated the whale being inside the trash can because of the recent news of whales being washed up on shores with a stomach full of marine debris. They mistook the debris as food and ate them which caused them their deaths. It is an eye-opening case because it shows how marine animals are devastated with our inconsiderate actions of letting our wastes pollute their home.

Water pollution is now evident as recently, many photos have arised featuring the dead marine animals like whales who washed up on shores because of eating too much plastics, a bird being stuck with a cellophane and even a seahorse clinging on a q-tip. These marine debris are entering our seas at an overwhelming state. If this still continues, we all know the devastating effects it has not only to us humans and our economies, but also to innocent living organisms. We should be more considerate and practice proper waste disposal. Also, as much as possible, lessen the wastes we produce, use recyclable or biodegradable materials and discipline ourselves to not mess up our Mother Nature.

We can even engage ourselves on clean-up drives or just even picking up trash we see and disposing it properly. With just small acts like these and maintaining discipline, there wouldn't be any environmental issues and we can live a healthy and happy life. It is still not too late to change our ways for the betterment of everyone.


Title: Art Made from Coffee: Lonely Butanding (lonely Whale shark)
Artist: @Lavendero
You can see right here a whale shark(Rhincodon typus) Here in my country It's known as "butanding". The skin of the whale sharks has pale yellow spots and stripes. These pots and stripes differ from the other whale sharks. "Just like our finger prints".

You can notice that I only used the shades of color brown, there's a reason why. Because it's perfect or it represents the feelings of this lonely butanding. Where his friends/loved ones are all gone, for some of them died because of illegal fishing, and some died because they accidentally ate a plastic/plastic bottles that they thought it's food.

This is happening because some of us are lacking of discipline, especially in proper disposal of garbage.

I hope that this situation happening under the sea will make us realize that we need to stop doing such things that can destroy the sea or our beautiful nature.


Artist: @aboutart
My Chosen Cetacean
There are around 89 species of Cetaceans, and I need to choose only one Cetacean for my artwork.
I thought about it, I can't just pick a Cetacean that are already very well-known, well, I think for most of us, especially here in our country, Philippines. I want to introduce a Cetacean that is not popular here.
And while searching, I saw this article about this one Cetacean that is on the brink of extinction. I can't help but read it and search more about it. And I thought, this is it, this is the one that I want to create an artwork for.

Vaquita is a species of Porpoises. They are the smallest Cetacean and live in the Northern part, gulf in California. You can distinguish a Vaquita by the ring with a line on each eye and black curved lips.

Sad to say, Vaquitas are now critically endangered. There are only 12 left as of March 2018. It is the most endangered Cetacean in the world. The Vaquita population is largely decreased by catch, because of the illegal gillnets. Thanks to the President of Mexico as well as the government with the help of environmental organizations, the gillnet ban became permanent on June 2017. They also conduct a breeding program to help save the Vaquita species.
Let's just hope that the programs that the governments are conducting will help save the Vaquitas.
I think that we need the help of the whole world to save this beautiful species.


Title: A sperm whale, a cetacean deep in the ocean
You can see in this drawing, a Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus).
I drew because is listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

In Peru, cetaceans were present in ancient history as in the cultures of Paracas, Nazca, Chimu, Mochica, and they were respected. There is also a "Sperm Whale's Myth" or "Mito del cachalote" (in spanish).
"Sperm Whale's Myth"
It is counted that the fish were human beings who populated the Earth in the past. These men worshipped the sea, its storms, sands and shells, but did not like the sun, so they waited for the sunset to celebrate and have fun. One day the Sun took possession of the world and approached the men in the form of a sperm whale and ordered them to warm themselves with the fire that the sun offered them, to inhabit all the lands, to feed on their products and to drink their waters. The men ignored him, despised his mandate and even pursued him... this infuriated Father Sol, who destroyed their homes and turned them into fish, condenándoles to die when heated by their warmth and from that moment, the fish die as Out of the water.


Title: Dolphin at sunset
I Drawed the bottle nose dolphin because it is the best known dolphin in the world. since in the aspirations of some people, is to swim with dolphins and since this is the dolphin that stays more in captivity. It is also known and calls my attention particularly that they have an intelligence similar to that of humans.

This drawing was made with the objective that the dolphins look like the sea because if you think about it, how is the water? They are silent, mysterious, beautiful movements, used by humans and grouped. CALMED: generally the dolphins are calm, MISTERIOUS: until now there are still investigations about the dolphin and its form of communication, BEAUTIFUL: who would not see the beauty of such a beautiful animal, MOVEMENT: this swimming is good and moves at a considerable speed in the water, USED BY HUMANS: Dolphins like water are used for our benefits, because when dolphins are used as attractions or dolphins are killed, they are grouped: these animals are almost always in groups.
Come as these animals can be similar to the sea. I love this animals!!!


Title: Dolphin's Family Bonding

If you guys think I will draw an Orca like Willy, hmmmm! kinda but to be exactly I will draw a Family of Dolphins. Orca I think is the largest member of Oceanic Dolphin and I just want to share when I was a kid This movie is one of my favorite and this movie really makes me cry.

I really love dolphins
My last encounter with them I think it was last year when I visit the province of my mom. I saw two of them jumping on the sea.

This Group of Dolphins is the Bottlenose Dolphin. This is the type of Dolphin that I drew for my entry of this contest.

Bottlenose Dolphin or the the genus Tursiops they are the most common members of the family Delphinidae, This kind of Dolphins can find in warm oceans and tropical seas like in our country Philippines


Title: La Majestuosidad de la ballena azul
dibujo ballena.jpg
La ballena azul es uno de los cetáceos más grandes del mundo, esta mide entre 20 y 30 metros de longitud y aunque no lo creas, esta en peligro de extinción. La caza indiscriminada de ballenas por parte de los asiáticos ha disminuido sus números, aunque organizaciones como green peace intentan ayudar todavía no es suficiente el apoyo que tienen para luchar contra estos cazadores de ballenas que en muchos casos están fuertemente armados.

Las ballenas son mamíferos inteligentes, que se mueven juntas formando así una especie de grandes grupos cetáceos. Se ha descubierto que poseen un fuerte sentido de la camaradería, ya que los grupos de ballenas se apoyan y ayudan entre si. De hecho en muchos casos la cría nunca se separa de su madre ya que al crecer este no abandona el clan.

Estudios recientes han demostrado que las ballenas poseen una región en el cerebro capaz de procesar las emociones de manera mas eficiente que la de los seres humanos, generando así sentimientos de amor, celos y hasta en muchos casos empatía entre sus semejantes y otras especies. Los investigadores han podido observar casos en los que grupos de ballenas azules se unen para salvar la vida de otros cetáceos del ataque de orcas.

Entonces vale la pena preguntarnos. ¿Si son capaces de amar también lo son de sufrir?. Es momento de apoyar la campaña en contra del asesinato de ballenas y para ello dedico esta obra que refleja la majestuosidad de esta criatura en su ambiente natural.


Title: The sky of the ocean
resol Steemit.jpg
My illustration is called "the sky of the ocean" and I wanted to reflect the feeling of freedom, wonder and peace that can be generated by seeing a whale specimen in its natural habitat living in tranquility, an animal so noble that has been slaughtered unnecessarily to the point of bringing many of its species to the brink of extinction, I hope to raise awareness with this work and I hope that soon measures will be taken to prevent the indiscriminate hunting of these cetaceans


Title: Cosmic whale

In this drawing you can enjoy this wonderful cetacean as it is the Great Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus), it can reach a length of 30 meters and weigh 170 tons, you can find several oceans of the world, and Like many marine animals it is in danger of extinction, either due to climate change, indiscriminate hunting and environmental pollution.

With this illustration I want to convey the cosmic relationship that exists between this Majestic creature and life, since for some cultures they are spiritual masters because they are linked to the internal mental activity, the deep human emotions. That is why it represents this blue whale that symbolizes peace of mind, emotional harmony, communication, connecting with the tail to the mandala of the flower of life that signifies the connection that exists with the created and the universe, the respect we owe to all that it surrounds us, to achieve the perfect balance.


Title: Dolphin made in pencil

Is the largest freshwater dolphin that exists and lives in the swampy and rapid waters of the Orinoco, in its affluent amber and in the clear waters of the Negro. The variety found in our Orinoco is called Inia geofrensis humboldtiana and is considered a species in a vulnerable state of conservation.

Among the real threats of the dolphins are the indiscriminate hunting to use as bait of the fish called mapurite catfish. They sacrifice the dolphins and then use the pieces as bait.


Title: Una Verdad Amarga

Las Orcas son un tipo de cetáceo que aunque pensabas que eran ballenas, en realidad son la especie mas grande de la familia de los delfines, estas son los predadores número uno de todo el océano, y de allí deriva su apodo de "ballenas asesinas". Estas, al igual que los delfines que conocemos, son muy inteligentes, se comunican entre ellas, tienen estrategias y tácticas de cacería y además se adaptan a diversos lugares, por motivos de alimentación, fácilmente.

Estos animales se encuentran alrededor de todo el océano, habiendo más conglomeración en los mares de aguas frías en donde forman comunidades y clanes, sin embargo según últimos registros, la población de orcas en los últimos años ha disminuido de manera evidente y considerable todo esto debido a la contaminación marítima que ha venido en aumento en los últimos años.


Title:A Giant in my galaxy

When I was a child I always draw whales nd fishes,especially Orcas . To me they are the most magical living species on earth because they have their own world under the deep blue oceans.

Drawing them at this date is almost new to me, because I stopped to draw them ever since highschool. Thanks to Jacinta for letting me draw these beautiful creature again.


Title: Dibujando un Delfin

Al noreste de Venezuela en Mochima tuve la oportunidad de ver animales de esta especie ya que los delfines se acercan a interactuar con las embarcaciones, la especie de delfín mas común y predominante en la zona e el Delphinus sp. fue muy divertido observar estos animales aunque a su vez entendiendo que cada vez mas se encuentran críticamente amenazado por la creciente población, contaminación, turismo y los innumerables males de la civilización ya que en mis mas reciente visita no pude observar ninguna presencia de este animal acuático...


Title:Whitesided dolphin in watercolor

These dolphins live under the coldest temperatures in the north of the Atlantic Ocean, their name comes from their physical appearance which is the distinctive feature of a patch that ranges from white to yellow, which gives it a unique color variation between the different cetaceans, was named after John Edward Gray in 1828. It belongs to the genus of oceanic dolphins Lagenorhynchus.

The Atlantic White-Sided dolphins are also recognized for being quite acrobatic, that is, they are those who like to interact with boats, and of course, as almost all species of dolphins, they are very sociable.

Another reason why I chose this species is after looking a bit at its history, in the past they had been hunted between the 90's and 2000, and after a few years without the murder of dolphins, in the year of 2017, several were killed at the north of Newfoundland. However, the populations closest to the Baltic Ocean are covered by the Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas (ASCOBANS).


Title: Orca in galaxy form

In this contest I made The killer whale or orca (Orcinus orca).

Day-to-day killer whale's behaviour are generally foraging, travelling, resting and socializing. Killer whales engage in frequent behaviour at the surface such as breaching (jumping completely out of the water) and tail-slapping. These activities may have a variety of purposes, such as courtship, communication, dislodging parasites, or play, just like as humans.

In the painting showed in the picture being wild and free. Wild in the sense that the killer whale has its own freedom and can move freely, whether or not be tamed by human perhaps having the capability to be wild by making its life free in the ocean.

Humans sometimes thinks like a whale whether or not tamed by another human but no individual is stopping them from it's free will and internal freedom. Because no one commands you other than yourself alone.

Also I use galaxy on the killer whale to represent as a mask. All of us have our very own unique side. But not everyone is confident enough to flaunt it to the world, which is sad. And what's more saddening is that others would actually hide it with a mask, just to please everybody.


Title: Blue While
Artist: @gethachan

Cetacean is an order for mammals that live in oceans such as whalesand dolphins.
There are 86 species, and for this contest I chose to draw Blue Whale. The largest whale that can reach 100 meters in size.


Title: Cetacean Drawing Contest

Hello, I'd like to introduce you to the southern right whale that lives in the southern seas. They are found in the South Atlantic, South Pacific and Antarctic Sea.
They have calluses that are one of the most representative icons of right whales. These are calluses on the skin, the fingerprints that allow us to distinguish one from the other.
The ancient whalers called this whale a right whaler because it was easy to hunt because it moves slowly and once dead the body floats. This led to the right whales being chased to near extinction. Nowadays, hunting is forbidden all over the world and in Argentina it was declared a Natural Monument in 1984.
I wanted to draw it because of its history and nobility, as years after years it made the South Seas happy with its pirouettes.


Title: Cetacean Drawing Contest

Endangered species - Blue whale
Whales are very large animals and the Blue Whale is the largest of all the animals as it is 30 meters long.

Whales have smooth skin and a layer of fat underneath them like thermal clothing. Whales can swim thanks to their caudal fin which is set horizontally. They have no teeth and instead of teeth they have a blade or beard, with which they can filter out plankton or krill.

Blue whales up to 33 meters long and weighing 190 tons have been found, but they are usually 25 meters long. Female blue whales are a little bit larger than males. The Blue Whale, as its name implies, is blue but its belly or belly is greyish or yellowish. This whale is easy to confuse with the Fin whale because it is very similar in shape but different in size and its skin color is dark gray or black.


Title: Cetacean Drawing Contest

Hello friends of steemit, this is my entry to the whale and dolphin contest I hope you like my drawing.


Title: Cetacean Drawing Contest

Hello friends of Steemit, here my participation for the Cetacean Drawing Contest, which consists of drawing whales and dolphins.


Title: My Entrance: Blue whale
Artist: @inter27

This animal group is also known by the name of marine mammals.
Among the species of cetaceans for my drawing I chose the blue whale, because of its large size. This type of whale is in the Mysticetus group, in one of the largest animals known to man.

we must helps to find programmatic solutions for the urgent environmental and development challenges facing the planet, supporting scientific research, managing field projects around the world. Through talks in schools, institutes, educational programs, brochures among others.


Title: Orca Floral
Artist: @winizart

On this occasion, as the theme of the week are the cetaceans I decided to make a beautiful Orcinus Orca, one of the 89 species of cetacean in the world, this cetaceans odontoceto belonging to the family Delphinidae (oceanic dolphins), which inhabits in all the oceans of the planet. It is the largest species of dolphin and the only existing current recognized within the genus Orcinus. And as they already knew me, I could not simply make a common orca so I had to integrate elements that made it a bit surreal, because I love that style and what better to complete and make this illustration something super sweet than some beautiful flowers (;


Title: My dolphin

Hi steemit I am participating in a Cetacean drawing contest by @jacinta.sevilla and this is my entry


Title: Cetacean Drawing Contest

Hello friends of steemit, this is my entry to the whale and dolphin contest I hope you like the family of dolphin you draw


Title: Cetacean Drawing Contest

Hello steemians this is my presentation for cetacean drawing contest I hope you like it


Title: Cetacean Drawing Contest

Hello friend, this is my ticket to the whale and dolphin contest. I hope you like it.


Title: Cetacea art

Hello first mind I would like to thank @jacintasevilla , for this art competition but also for the conservation awareness of marine species especially dolphins and whales.
I present to you the "Pink river dolphin O Inia geoffrensis" which is the largest freshwater cetacean in the world. It reaches lengths of up to 2.80 m and weighs 180 kg. Its color is variable, generally when it is born it is dark gray and as it grows it can stay the same or present a great variation from gray to pink. Robust, hydrodynamic and very flexible body.
Inia geoffrensis is widely distributed in the Orinoco River basin and in all its tributaries.
The main known threats faced by Inia geoffrensis include habitat alteration due to dam construction, as well as water pollution (due to mining and hydrocarbon exploitation) and river traffic and deaths from interaction with local fisheries.
I hope you like it and a thousand blessings to all of you


Title:Cetacean Drawing Contest

This mammal can reach a length of 2-4 meters, weigh between 150 and 650 kg and live up to 20 years. Males are larger than females. Bottlenose dolphins swim at speeds of 5 to 11 km/h but can burst at 35 km/h for short periods.
It has powerful, sharp, cone-shaped teeth, arranged in 18 or 26 pairs on each side of its jaw.
They are required in a variety of activities ranging from therapies for people with a disease, to enemy attacks and mine detection in the United States.
I made a naive drawing, because I think dolphins have an aura similar to that of children, clean and sensitive.


All equally important, here's how I will judge the entries.

This deals a lot with aesthetics/beauty and creativity. You have to make your art harmonize!

(2) SKILL 25%
You have to do your best! And also, enjoy how you are making your art.

(3) MESSAGE 25%
Relating it to the theme, and putting in emotions puts a lot of value to the message.

(4) YOUR POST 25%
I have to include and consider how well you write about your topic, atleast try to neatly present your art. Especially with showing your audience your work in progress pictures.
Also, following instructions is a must! Let's not forget we are bloggers :)
We would like to know what species you drew, how you did it and why?
Share share share! 🐬

If there are any entries which I have failed to include, let me know in the comment section below! We are thrilled by the 28 awesome entries!

Good to know people do notice the struggles of our marine friends and are able to draw them!
The decisions and scores made by judges are final and cannot be changed.

Thank you very much! Let us wait for the results to come out! HAVE A GREAT DAY!

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Hi @jacinta.sevilla, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I found out that @henry1954 and @jacintasevilla don't exist on Steem. Maybe you made some typos ?

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Beautiful jobs! It was a pleasure to have participated in this contest.

Very good post to create social awareness and Beautiful Drawings! Greetings and success for all

Good luck to everyone who participated! :) it was so much fun making the artwork as well as trying to spread awareness

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Greetings to all the colleagues who joined this initiative. success to all

Good and thanks for contest

Wow so much talent there! So many great entries!

Woooow so many cool stuffs!!! They are really talented. It would be really hard for me to say which one I like the most.

Yes it was a tough decision. Thanks for the comment. :) Keep steeming

You are very welcome :)

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