"Bears Eat the Best Pears" A drawing inspired by the Steemit Comments section.

in #art6 years ago (edited)

My drawing today based on a Turkish saying, I think.


Full Image:

Something I truly love about Steemit is how we influence one another.

I often feel we encourage as well as push our own creative boundaries and ideas. For example, this morning reading comments, I happened to be on @beginningtoend post about one of his latest intriguing photo-collage when I saw a commentor mention that the image made him think of a saying from his country "bears eat the best pears".

He is @mnallica and he is a photographer and did a nice post about his lovely city He said this proverb means that often those who don't deserve it get the best. I thought that a funny saying and couldn't help but want to make an illustration of a bear with the best pears.

This is just an example of one of those moments where an off hand comment just hits someone and they feel inspired. I think this often happens here.

  • When has this happened to you and what did you make/write/sing/create as a result of it?
  • Do you agree we seem to really inspire and influence one another in a positive way?

I hope you all enjoy your day and watch out for bears if you have any pears, or maybe you are the bear eating up all our good pears! Either way enjoy your day.

If you like my work please upvote and feel free to resteem and by all means leave comments.

Check out my other posts:


My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.

(This piece was made with a sketch with pencil on paper then scanned and digitally made with ink and watercolour in Painter.)


Ah! That's so cool! Steemit is indeed a very positive and supportive community. I never thought I would participate to any sandwich challenge or beer challenge and I won both of it!?! I never thought I would take so many photos when I travel or visit new shores and now I do.
I am taking a lot of inputs from this community of course. I don't know if I am giving back as much.

I think we both know that you do indeed give back. What would Steemit be without the quirky silliness of @sandrina.life? Sequins in fountains and experimental drugs and wigs and more wigs and costumes. You brighten our pages with glittery comments too! :)

I just ordered on amazon loads of glittery shorts and holographic clothes! In 2 weeks I will show it. Stay tuned ;)

Love the Bear's n' Pears. Such a happy bear, and with a great message to boot. Never heard of that saying, but now I'll remember it. (Then again, I've not been to Turkey before either...maybe someday. I hope.)
Your followup collaboration is way cool. I'm sure he enjoyed it.

This is one of the things I LOVE about Steemit. The interaction between artists and the resulting creation of further ideas. Be it a visual, writing idea, or just an offhand comment that goes 'twiiiing' in the mind of the reader. It is SO much fun to follow up on and go wherever it takes you.

I have it happen every now and then. Sometimes it's by 'invitation', such as @ocrdu's rebound Shoe Shots, or Christmas trees, or it just happens by stance. They are SO much fun to create...though that whole follow through thing seems to get in the way sometimes. The old 'great idea' to 'final result' thread. Time is always a bit short in the world.

There are so many creative folks on here, and the reverse stealth collaboration is a real hoot. I've thrown in a few here that I've done. Since you asked. Not sure you actually WANT links, but they're here anyway. Guess folks can ignore them and just call them pretty green ink-things in the comment section, if so.

@rigaronib's Or-eeee-o's
@generikat's Floor
@therealpaul's MonkeyMilk Shines
Easter Doodles
@dreemit's Shoeshot
And my 4th post ever....an early reply to a swimsuit model/fall color competition, that had a wee bit of controversy, and the resulting post that went nowhere very very fast:
A REAL Swimsuit Model

Just doing a late night pop in and wonderful to see a @ddschteinn comment! yes, post away! I love sharing! I'll probably comment more later tomorrow, you know how we are, unable to comment under 10 sentences :)

"Whatiiiizzz this short comment thing?" Does seem very foreign and odd, yes. But I must go to bed myself. Life speaks, and (sometimes) I listen. Onward, to tomorrow...

And here shall be another short one. I am up early as usual, but have only little time this morning as I am off to be social today, a rarity for me. I need time to post this morning so proper comments shall have to wait. Until then, talk amongst yourselves.

I'll check those out too!

As if I heard it somewhere else before :) i am really impressed and surprised of this fast response...really great drawing...!

Thank you for sharing and have a nice day my friend...

Right? She is incredibly fast and productive!

I make sure to create art each day and I decided a few years back to try and make something I feel is sort of complete most days. So I used this idea for yesterday's finished piece. I give over a good chunk of my morning each day to my art, with a strong cup of coffee, no distractions and time just seems to suspend itself when I am at my drawing table :)

That's great and that's also why I can't accomplish much: distractions.

Wow, that came together quickly, nicely done. There must be bears in my grocery because there are never any good pears left to buy.

I have two small dwarf pear trees trained as standards (a single center stem/branch and a ball of of branches on top) I keep in pots. Each year they get full of flower and fruit and I've eaten maybe one of them. I thought it was birds, but now I suspect a Turkish bear!

When has this happened to you and what did you make/write/sing/create as a result of it?

Do you agree we seem to really inspire and influence one another in a positive way?

Like you, I find inspiration everywhere I look on steemit. It's difficult to choose just a few words to sum up the steemian experience!

This sketch came to life in my mind after seeing one of @winstonalden's posts about computer guts. His artful presentation sparked a scene in my mind, so I asked him if he'd mind me borrowing his muse. I present the fair My Lady Nicotine in her sketchiest form:



Such a strange saying, haha, but I really like the drawing. You have such a nice style :)

It just rolls off the tongue though, right? Bears eat the best pears. It just made me smile, a pretty good reason for me to art something :)

hahaha :) dear friend,
I will tell you a funny moment about this proverb.
Very old times my grandmother and grandpa go out for a walk.
My grandmother is a very nice woman.As my grandfather and grandfather walk hand in hand, someone from behind calls out.. one of those people who likes a lot from my grandmother. I think a rude man!

  • "Bears always eat the best Pears !!!"
    ahahaha. I think this is both funny and bad: D
    The joyous use of the proverb!

So you have heard of this proverb as well? Wonderful.

ahaha, my friend.yes .. This is a very famous proverb in Turkey!

I didn’t even know before if bears eat pears, but this is a cute drawing <3.

And it’s true that we influence each other on this platform. I’ve made arts based from silly conversation or to cheer someone up or just a small present for them. On Steemit, I discovered that my drawing can actually make other people happy, which is powerful to me.


The funny thing is, I think bears will eat most things. They are opportunistic which is why they are so successful despite man's encroachment into their terriotory. Like Deer, they simply appreciate that humans have made all this new food for them to just wander in and eat :)

I know, steemit is pretty amazing. There is nothing else like it, yet. I hope we see this as the next big movement of things to come on the internet.

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Ha! This made me think how bears actually do get around the best pears, do they pick the ones that other animals cannot reach or just eat the very ripe ones off the floor scaring everyone else away. Hm.

Anyways, I love your artwork, it has this watercolor feel to it that I enjoy haha.

Thank you. Yes, there is some sense to the proverb. I just couldn't help thinking of if when I read the comment. I really pictured it more like a wallpaper frieze in the style of the Arts and Crafts movement, thus the banner and willam morris style tree. It is done in digital watercolour!

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