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RE: "Bears Eat the Best Pears" A drawing inspired by the Steemit Comments section.

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Love the Bear's n' Pears. Such a happy bear, and with a great message to boot. Never heard of that saying, but now I'll remember it. (Then again, I've not been to Turkey before either...maybe someday. I hope.)
Your followup collaboration is way cool. I'm sure he enjoyed it.

This is one of the things I LOVE about Steemit. The interaction between artists and the resulting creation of further ideas. Be it a visual, writing idea, or just an offhand comment that goes 'twiiiing' in the mind of the reader. It is SO much fun to follow up on and go wherever it takes you.

I have it happen every now and then. Sometimes it's by 'invitation', such as @ocrdu's rebound Shoe Shots, or Christmas trees, or it just happens by stance. They are SO much fun to create...though that whole follow through thing seems to get in the way sometimes. The old 'great idea' to 'final result' thread. Time is always a bit short in the world.

There are so many creative folks on here, and the reverse stealth collaboration is a real hoot. I've thrown in a few here that I've done. Since you asked. Not sure you actually WANT links, but they're here anyway. Guess folks can ignore them and just call them pretty green ink-things in the comment section, if so.

@rigaronib's Or-eeee-o's
@generikat's Floor
@therealpaul's MonkeyMilk Shines
Easter Doodles
@dreemit's Shoeshot
And my 4th post early reply to a swimsuit model/fall color competition, that had a wee bit of controversy, and the resulting post that went nowhere very very fast:
A REAL Swimsuit Model


Just doing a late night pop in and wonderful to see a @ddschteinn comment! yes, post away! I love sharing! I'll probably comment more later tomorrow, you know how we are, unable to comment under 10 sentences :)

"Whatiiiizzz this short comment thing?" Does seem very foreign and odd, yes. But I must go to bed myself. Life speaks, and (sometimes) I listen. Onward, to tomorrow...

And here shall be another short one. I am up early as usual, but have only little time this morning as I am off to be social today, a rarity for me. I need time to post this morning so proper comments shall have to wait. Until then, talk amongst yourselves.

I'll check those out too!

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