The Schteinn Report -- A Real News Report For The Real People Of The World Of Steemit ~ Report At Hand:" @generikat Remodels A Floor" ~ All Original Content ~steemCreated with Sketch.

in #howtopullnailsfromaboard7 years ago (edited)


~Second Edition~

For All The News That Ought To Be News

"Tired of Fake News and Alternative Facts? -

No Worries, We'll Make It Up To You"

Welcome, to the Second Edition of 'The Schteinn Report'

Brought To You By: Variable Productions Limited

This one is : 'On The Vine'

-A Steemit Post Review: "The Frugal Floor Project" by @generikat

Rating: ᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥ - 10/10 !

(Happy heads @ the theater)

Recommendation: You Really Should Go Read This Article!

Photo: Taken from article, which was taken by @generikat with her trusty, sawdust encrusted i-phone, and used with permission.

"If you gotta re-do your floors, do it right". That would be this reporters motto, it he had any get-up-and-go in the floor remodelage department. And about that sort of thing, we won't ask. (I do mop the old linoleum now and then though.)

But obviously, some folks do have enough gettup to cover for a whole bunch of us. And @generikat is obviously one of these big-time go-ers. This looks to be quite the salvage project, and a really cool end result in the end, of the result. (Though I wonder if they know all those boards don't match in color? I suppose once the furniture is in, people won't notice so much.)

I might think about doing a project like this, except I don't have any old wood. Or a nail pulling hammer. And I don't have a "hold down" boy either. All I have are cats. Don't think they weigh enough to hold down a board, plus they move around a lot faster than a sitting boy. So we will leave these types of projects to the professionals, like @generikat. And I'll stick to what I am really good at. Reporting on them.

So a hearty 'good job' goes out to @generikat and the family for completing this project, and putting it out for us to share and read about. A very impressive job indeed, that's for sure.

Author's Note: I'm so glad to see these folks using real terms of home construction in their posts. Like Purlins. That's French, for any board with lots of nails to pull out. Gotta love when someone really knows their home improvement stuff.

Well, that's all for now on that Post. Head right out and check it out. You Just Might Like It.

"Old Fashioned Home-Improvement Reporting --The Way It's Supposed To Be" -dds

Thanks for stopping in, to get some REAL NEWS

A Huge Shout Out, with a reporter's official megaphone goes to @ocrdu for designing and creating this wonderful new credential (below) for The Schteinn Report. Not only is it gorgeous and well developed, but I now have access and entry into places I'm probably not supposed to be. ( I really appreciate @ocrdu creating this card for me, as I've been waiting for WEEKS for my 'Official Reporters Card' from The Newcastle Online Reporting School Of Pretty Good Journalism -Apollo Beach, FL. They have not been returning my calls, it seems they have moved to a new address.)




Please Check Out My Other Posts, If You So Desire


Excellent post @ddschteinn. Today is your turn to get a resteem! Thank you very much for your entry! I really like it! Cheers!

Thanks a whole bunch for the re-steem and nice compliment. I really appreciate the appreciation. Keep up the good work on the contest. It is a whole lot of fun.

I really like the rough-hewn look of old wood like that, nice post!!!

Thanks for the nice comment. Please make sure to send it on to @generikat as well. That is an amazing floor. They did an amazing job. Thanks for looking in.

Nice report! Congratulation! :)

Thank you. They are fun to do.

You're welcome! ;)

😂😂😂 My dear @ddschteinn, that was a positively captivating bit of reporting. I mean, I couldn't take my eyes off it, which is probably a good thing as it appears that I might be color-blind!

No worries though, I'll grow you about 20lbs of catnip, just sprinkle it in the polyurethane and voila! You'll have a respectable amount of hold down cats. Guaranteed!!

Many thanks to you good bird for such a glowing assessment of my cheapskatery! Lol!

I would appreciate the catnip sprinkles, then I can become a handyman. You may just be onto something there. I get half!!

Thanks for the kind words, and it wasn't hard to show appreciation, as it looks REALLY nice, and was a LOT of work. "No such thing as cheapskate when it comes to saving money". Especially in home repair. Have a good night, and thanks again.

Now that's a real press pass, not a fake press pass. Thanks for spreading the flooring info, I think you nailed it.

'Spreading the flooring and really nailed it'....still chuckling on that one. And I knew I couldn't get anything past I went to one of the best. Glad you liked the latest installment. Have a good night, unless you are smarter than me and have already called it.

Impeccable Credentials!
UPvoted, rEsteemed and followed.

Thanks so much for the view, and resteem and follow. I'm following back. Appreciate the compliment...those credentials cost a pretty penny, but were well worth it.

Excellent post dear friend @ddschteinn congratulations

Thanks so much for checking it out and the appreciation. Means a lot. Have a good night.

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