Username @mineopoly is discontinued

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Only the sole holder of the account key shall use the name "Mineopoly" hitherto. But why Mineopoly? Maybe you can guess. Now I was put to a challenge by @movement19 to give the reason why I chose this username.

The Rules of the Game

  1. Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
  2. Tell us your real name.
  3. If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it.
  4. Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out.
    Nominate 5 people for this challenge.

I nominate:

Here is my story. Last year I was interested in mining crypto currencies at the time I registered for Steemit thinking it was all blogs about crytpo. To me crypto was like a Mineopoly board game and I could mine them all. I found out later than mine craft already had used this name for a Minecraft Minecraft Mineopoly game. After a while of exploring Steemit I found a lot more than mining crypto. I was mining my heart.

I started by writing about groovy quotes from people I liked. Then I got more personal and shared some poems and music and paintings. I am a teacher and a father but want to grow more and share more. About a month ago I revealed on Steemit my real name is Christopher. If I could change my user name it may be Christopher but I like mineopoly better. One day I may start a user solely for groovy education as a way to reward teachers and students to engage in education innovation.

Original poem @mineopoly


The product is now discontinued
The username is not available.

Search near and far in this deep blue sea
There is only one @mineopoly.

Carat, Clarity, Color and Cut make me mineopoly
Mining the heart a little deeper each time.

Each time coming up with a gem
Sometimes dull on the edges.

With passion a diamond can be cut
Revealing 81 facets of light shining through the crystal structure.

Mineopoly becomes a little brighter with each cut he shines.
The cut of life hurts.

As mineopoly digs deeper he finds great cuts where the diamond was removed.
The mending is more painful than the cut was before.

There is a time for sorrow
And there is a time for joy.

Enjoy the name you are given
For it is here to last.

I skipped three days total. This is my 34th poem in the Steemitschool poetry competition @d-pend.(Steemitschool Discord)

Verse of the Day/ Mark 5:9

"What is your name?"

Mineopoly Quote:

What's up doc?


Check out my recent post @mineopoly

Crazy Love
When I'm 64
Tiger DMZ
Chorus Line
Cherry Blossoms
Poetry is Dead
No Gravity on the Moon
Feynman's Dream
I Feel the Conflict Inside You

Images here are public domain.


"Why did you choose your username?"

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.


I just love your poem - some very deep thoughts! I always wondered what your Steemit username meant. Very clever!

Thank you for visiting and supporting me @violetmed. You have spiritual insight through simple things in life. I don't think much about what I write and usually the environment is noisy at school or at home with my own boys wrestling. I'm glad I don't sit in front of a computer all day. It makes what I put here more authentic. My brother cuts diamonds and designs jewelry for a hobby. I learned a little from him but the work is too intensive.

So cool!!

One of my (@em3) best early experiences on Steemit was writing poems in @robyneggs poetry competitions.


Thank you @healthy-home. This is 100 days and I'm glad I started and met d-pend or I would lost my "voice". I never knew robyeggs. I will look at his blog.


@robyneggs is a lady.....

And I (@em3) am a dad... Artjohn said you said I was imsteins mom. Lol. Avatars can be a bit confusing cant they!?

And thanks so much for your encouragment and interaction with my son(imsteinsbrother)!

Kids doing a regular blog seems like a bit of a you said it can be sometimes for artjohn. But overall, I think it is worthwhile!!


Thank you @healthy-home. It was really nice to meet you although we didn't interact much directly. I think your family is real cool. We are urban homesteaders in a way. We live in two small two rooms in the attic of our church. The kids go to public Korean school. He broke his finger in a basketball game and he's been pouting that he can't play. Your comments make me think about what is important to me. Keep curating in Steemit even if you can't post much. Your influence is important. I think your husband knows his way around Steemit a lot better than I do. You guys have been here a long time. It's good to talk to you. Enjoy some real rest.

And blessings to you,


Hmmm.... Maybe I see where the confusion came from.... @healthy-home and @em3 are both run by me.... The dad. Yeah, it would be cool if my wife was on Steemit, but she has 0 interest.

Thanks for the encouragment!

As for posting.... I kinda have to post in order to make some earnings.... At least if I have to lease SP in order to do 'impactful' curating. I like being able to bump up people's posts by 25c or more. When Steem was at $6 and I had some delegated and leased SP and everything was perfect, I had an upvote of $1.25. For about a month. That was great because it seemed like I was making a difference on boosting good quality posts.

In reality.... As far as I can tell, the relative quantity(or percentage piece) of steem units that people get don't change much as long as the SP of the upvoter stays the same. But the posted upvote value, fluctuating with Steem price, feels better when it is 50c than when it is 10 or 15cents. As long as the receiver holds and accumulates, and only sells at prices above $5, then the actual impact is no different.

Anyway.... We'll see where things go from here.


Thanks Christopher for sharing how you decided on mineopoly for username. The only problem is I sometimes get the e and o reversed when typing. 😃 Keep on Steeming dear friend! ❤️

I noticed @redheadpei. That's ok. I pick up comments anyway without a shout out so you can misspell it. It's not a real name but has become a pen name for me and I don't regret my decision to be called mineopoly although it really sounds like a selfish name. You are right about

Keep on Steeming

At the price of steem I am tempted to take a long vacation from Steemit but I saw what happened to people that did that before. They became forgotten here and basically had to start all over. So in conclusion "Keep Steeming" means more than it used to mean.

I may end up taking a 'said vacation' and I'm not to worried about getting 'forgotten'. I havent developed a very strong follower base since I post about too much random stuff. Same with our family YouTub channel: Healthy Family Variety Channel

It has a few BIG videos on it, but too much random variety that most followers are not super 'faithful.'

Maybe one day I'll figure out my singular voice....and go on to become super famous!! Lol

I will visit your youtube. Sometimes a real @healthy-home doesn't have to be famous. Thanks for your support and contribution to the community. I've been mining the heart and still have found a few personal reasons to keep posting. I just need to slow down.

I love the story behind your name! :D

Thank you. I would have recommended you to write a post like this but I kind of figured what your name meant by looking at it. I like that too.

Yeah, my name speaks for itself. lol

Thanks @deuceace. I wonder what your username means?

Great challenge. I took this challenge. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Thank you Joey. I would have never guessed that @joeyarnoldvn really means "Oatmeal Joey Arnold" but I can see how it works. Oatmeal is my favorite grain. I will check out your post^^

Awesome. I like Mine Craft. I also love War Craft.

Thanks Oatmeal Joey.

I really love your "mining the heart" concept... Some hearts these days are in fact as hard as rock, and need some mining to find the gems within them ;P

I'm just a little confused about the title... How is the username going to be discontinued? o.O

There is only one mineopoly and no one can make another :)

I loved this - not only did you give us insight through your prose... you gave us insight through your poetry!!! :)

thank you for this :)

Thank you @dreamsteem for your contribution. You are one of the reasons I am still interacting on Steemit today. I see people like you giving a lot of effort and time to recognize new users in a positive and creative way and I am impressed. I just like hanging out here now and one day I'm sure I will not regret it.

You have no idea how much this means to me.... today, of all days :)

Words can have so much meaning... and they don't take very much to affect someone's day. You just really affected mine. so thank you! :)

and I don't think you will regret it. if you like hanging out here... it's because it's bringing something valuable to you! who knows what will happen financially - right? But we can GUARANTEE ourselves an immediate return on our investment - by just sharing ourselves with others who can appreciate the gesture!

and that is priceless!!

have a beautiful day @mineopoly!

(oh.... and my name has all E's... no A's hehehe.. there is a reason for that ;) you can read alllllllll about it in my Fireflies posts if you're curious! hehehehe

Hahahaha.... you and I know that but I will write dream steem more often than not just like people write monopoly or minopoly or minoeply. Hmmm... Get some rest. I thank God for you and your family.

hahahahahahaha - i have to admit - every time i write your name - i always have to check that i'm writing it correctly!!!! i'm like hmmmm that doesnt' look right!

and i knew people would use a's instead of e's for my name - and that's why I told GINA to tell me when either one came up!!!! LOLOLOL

i should be resting - but i want to finish this bucket list challenge first hehehehe

I thank God for you and your family.

so appreciated and returned :)

Hi @mineopoly :) I saw your comment under smartsteem post and wanted to ask you to delegate 100 SP also to @tipu (tipping and voting service). This way I would have direct comparision for the payouts :) more info here.

Sorry for messing around in your post, @tipu upvote this post with 0.2 sbd :)

I was thinking about smartsteem delegation for weeks. I don't know much about tipu and I am usually very slow at doing things so bear with me.

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