A love Story

in #steemitschoolpoetry6 years ago (edited)

I see thy visage from afar.
I see the beauty in every line

I would to hold thee and keepeth thee as mine
I has't addressed a bunch of flowers for thee mine love

I runneth to thee in anticipation wanting to see thy quite quaint visage
Thy must beest like the moon beams shining on a Summer’s eve.

But as I draweth near I findeth thou has't becometh a bacon-fed ape
How I do beseech you escape the calamity?

Who can save me from this disgrace?
Mine beloved what has't thee becometh.

I am hither for thee running to thy arms
Thee behold so joyous to meeteth me with flowers to giveth to me

But wherefore hath thy joyous visage suddenly hath changed?
Thee behold slightly disappointed as if 't be true thee expected someone else.

Wait! Wherefore art thee running hence?
I’m going to slap thy buttocks fartuous.

Receiveth ov'r hither now loverboy.
This is no time to playeth games.

She’s after me.
Thither is no lodging to runneth.

I should has’t known that wasn’t her real profile picture.
Now I gotta vamos.

This is my 32nd poem in the Steemitschool poetry competition @d-pend.(Steemitschool Discord)

Verse of the Day/ Luke 23:43

"Today you will be with me in paradise."

Mineopoly Quote:

I can't take Shakespeare seriously


Check out my recent post @mineopoly

When I'm 64
Tiger DMZ
Chorus Line
Cherry Blossoms
Poetry is Dead
No Gravity on the Moon
Feynman's Dream
I Feel the Conflict Inside You

img 1img 2 img 3


"Should I write a sequel?"

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.


I know this must be a winning post if a-0-0 is making comments.

I will be treble-sinewed, hearted, breathed, And fight maliciously; for when mine hours Were nice and lucky, men did ransom lives Of me for jests; but now I'll set my teeth And send to darkness all that stop me.

Haha ... very cleverth you writeth:)

You are beginning to see through my writing @prydefoltz. Sometimes my subtle sarcasm is not subtle as in this one. So sorry to disappoint you if you were expecting a love poem. I don't think I can write a love poem with a straight face. Thanks for visiting.

Not to worry ... I love a giggle too:)

Lol, very funny @mineopoly... very unexpected!!

Thank you for your comment and resteem. I had fun writing this. @steemitpoetry was teaching sonnets. I kind of liked them and was influenced by the style but I couldn't keep a straight face.

When I attempted to write what I learned in this mock sonnet. I also couldn't keep a straight face. I thing this song between lovers may originate from Solomon. He definitely had his share and his his old age wrote an allegory of a true lover to represent the spiritual relationship between God and man.

Well my title "A lover's story" is not click bait. The title is so boring so most people passed. But I still laugh when I read this and it's not do easy to make me laugh. It was a Monday. I really think love is so much more than the game society plays so I laugh even though I tried.

Even though your title was not click bait, I knew when I opened it, that it would be great. Your writings always are. I certainly couldn't keep a straight face reading it. I've never really thought about the games society plays with love, but now that I am, I couldn't agree with you more. I'm often locked away in my own world. Thank you @mineopoly for always giving me something great to read and ponder!

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