Cherry Blossoms from Heaven?

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

It's Spring in Korea and the streets are filled with flowers.

In my hometown Chicago the sign of Spring is melting snow but in Korea the sign of Spring is flowers on every tree. Can you imagine a little kid running through falling cherry blossoms on a sunny spring day? It is like a dream for them.


Original Poem @mineopoly

Cherry Blossoms from Above

Are cherry blossoms from above?
I look up and see a dormant tree
Begin to smile
As the warm rays of sunlight
Waken its slumber
Winter's phase long forgotten
Spring rains wash away
Dormant arboreal remains
Winds blow the dust away.

Deep down below
The mitosis of elongation
Spreads to tips of roots
Xylem and Phloem tubular
Spring up life to a sleeping branch
Awaken tender shoots unveiling lime green transparency

First the bud and then the petals
A flower awakens to greet the Lord of heaven.
Salutations and happy days to all who sing his praise.

What you see is popcorn for angels
Watching the celestial festival
A pink and white delicacy
But don’t pop one in your mouth.
Not for human consumption.

Join in song with cherubim
But don’t eat the popcorn
Gargoyles look upon it with envy.

Just be content
That when the wind blows again
Pink fluffy popcorn snow blossoms
Make their decent from above.
Pure unblemished white petals
Cover the ground below.

But are cherry blossoms from above?
Ask the roots.
They know.

I skipped 26-27 so this is my 28th poem in the Steemitschool poetry competition @d-pend.(Steemitschool Discord)

Verse of the Day/ Isaiah 40:7

"The grass withers and the flowers fall,
because the breath of the Lord blows on them.
Surely the people are grass."

Mineopoly Quote:

Take root.


Check out my recent post @mineopoly

Poetry is Dead
No Gravity on the Moon
Feynman's Dream
I Feel the Conflict Inside You
In Your Face
Community BINGO
The Universal Soldier

Img 1 source, Img 2 source All other images are public domain at pixabay or original works @mineopoly.


"Have you ever seen cherry blossoms falling down?"

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.


Beautiful poetry @mineapoly,make me want to go see the pretty pink cherry blossoms from Korea.

Thank you @luvabi. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Strange though. It has been raining all day since I wrote this. Flowers will come and go but Korea will remain a wonderful place with a mixture of new and old.




I see you really like flowers and included a flower background on your blog... beautiful.

Thanks, that's also a cherry blossom from Hase-dara temple in Kanagawa prefecture in Japan. We went early in springtime so I did not see a blanket of it like in your photo.
Korea indeed such a rich culture and history.

Thank you for sharing @luvabi. My kids like to run through those falling blossoms. ♥

one of the reasons why i want to visit Korea. ^^)

It's hard to get the timing right but it is a little bit of heaven to see them fall. Thanks @iamkuyaj

is it true that the speed of a fallen leaf of the cherry blossom is 33 cm per second? 😊

Gravity minus friction and any other wind current. Another great question to ask the roots. They know:)

That's amazing. 😊

But are cherry blossoms from above?
Ask the roots.
They know.

What a great way to end. Love this, especially from your poem. Blossoms are an especially special part of spring.

Thank you @naquoya. As long as I'm having fun I am very happy to enjoy this spring with you which on other poles might be called "autumn" down under...

Beautiful poem of the cherry blossoms, Christopher. A wondrous sight to see them fall and line the streets.

Thank you for your comment @redheadpei. I myself have a lot of root building to go before I'm ready to shower streets with popcorn balls of flowers. ^^

First the bud and then the petals
A flower awakens to greet the Lord of heaven.
Salutations and happy days to all who sing his praise.

Hello @mineopoly. It encloses the wonder of nature. The blessing of the Lord in a land full of grace. regards

Thank for pointing this out @corderosiete. One earth we see the "land full or grace" for only a fleeting moment but this moment has its place in eternity.

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I’m envious of all the beauty surrounding you in that beautiful country! In my city we have a wet snow (just looked out of the window and saw that it’s actually cold rain at the moment) falling from the lead-grey sky and landing into the heaps of dirty snow and puddles of muddy water. No beauty in it whatsoever!

Hahaha! Thanks for visiting again @oleg326756. You are again the 7th commenter on this post. Congratulations. You are right that your pictures will look better in Korea and the internet is faster.

But the weather changes here too. It is not dreary but suddenly the wind blew in all the factory dust from across the Yellow Sea. I got an alert from the government saying to avoid going outside and wear a mask.

This afternoon pollution reached 352 parts per million. It should be like 20 parts per million to breath but normally 80 parts per million. Anything over 100 tastes bad.

My point is the weather changes with the wind.
There is good and bad and the flowers are here yesterday and already gone now.

Everything changes, it’s the only constant truth… But wow: 352 ppm air particulates pollution! That’s crazy! Do you also need to have some kind of protection for your eyes, aside from the mask?

I’m heading to Finland as we speak, crossing the Baltic Sea on a huge ferry boat. Most people here are drinking, dancing, singing karaoke and partying. While I’m taking a short break from my online course in “Academic Writing in English” to read through replies to my comments and to reply to them in turn. But they promise us sunny weather in Helsinki on Sunday, so I hope to enjoy the outdoors and take some pictures for my upcoming post about the trip.

Earlier today I learnt that I got a place number 268 on the reserve list for international MBA in Finance at Lund University. The programme only takes 89 students each year, so my chances of being accepted are very slim. Well, at least I made it to the bottom of the reserve list, haha! :D I’ll try my chances at a similar (but less prestigious) programme at the University of Jönköping in Central Sweden, called “International Financial Analysis”. I will know if I got accepted sometimes by the end of May, I think.

Stay safe in that smog!

Update: okay, I did take a break after 1.5 hours of peer-reviewing assignments written by other course participants. I went to a club and listened to live music performance on stage (a Bulgarian band with a rather varying and eclectic selection of popular songs), while nursing my piña colada. Good times… And then it was bedtime! :)

Don't give up. Try other options. Thanks for the reply. I will check out your post.

Now it is morning in Europe. Get some rest my friend. I am praying for you. I'm glad you can take it all in collectively with reflection. If there is no place in a good MBA program the send me a discord message. I think I can help. @mineopoly365groovy

Thank you, my friend! I will, I promise. Just gotta wait for the next programme’s selection results first. And I’m currently talking with three Blockchain tech companies to see if there might be a place and a role for me on their teams. I’m actually meeting one of them tomorrow in Helsinki. Thank you for including me in your prayers! <3

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