Finals: The Dolbin School Book 4--Chapter 26 Good-byes

in #writing7 years ago

 Finals: The Dolbin School Book 4

I am serializing my next book here first before it is available anywhere else.  Previous chapter links available at the bottom of the post.   Summary: The school year ends and Jake says good bye.

Chapter 26--Good-byes

Jake sat up in bed and ran his fingers through his hair.  The sun the was coming in through the blinds.  Mark slept with his mouth wide open, drooling on his pillow.

Jake showered and headed into the common room.  Mrs. Brisby was standing in the middle of the room with her hands clasped together.  

“Good morning Mr. Cooper, is Mr. Daniels on his way to join us?”  Jake looked down the hall and didn’t see Mark. 

“I assume he is on the way,” Jake replied.  He had no idea if he actually was.

Jake sat down on a sofa.   Cal and Henry were already there.  Bruce and Red walked in next.   The remaining boys on the hallway were also there.  Jack, Brad’s old roommate sat by himself.  The boys chatted as they waited.  The excitement of the last day was palatable.  The chatting became noisier and noisier.

Mrs. Brisby stood in front of the room.  She cleared her throat.  And the room immediately fell silent.

“Good morning, gentlemen.  Looking at the time I have 7:30.  Thank you for being on time.”

At the sound of a slamming door and feet running Mrs. Brisby paused, and the students stared at the opening to the hall, Mark ran into the room with his hair wet and still adjusting his glasses.

Mrs. Brisby looked down her nose at Mark, “Thank you, Mr. Daniels for blessing us with your presence this morning.”  Several boys covered their mouths and chuckled.  Mrs. Brisby cleared her throat and continued. “At 9:00 am the helicopters for you the first year students will begin to arrive.  You will need to be at the landing pad at the top of the Dolbin building by 8:45 am just in case any helicopters arrive early.  That’s one hour and fifteen minutes from now.  Your parents will not be allowed to come back to your room here and check out your room.  There will be too many parents on campus today to for that to work.  As you know there are places for three different copters to land at one time.  I will be giving you instruction on which area your parents will be arriving.  Your parents will get out to greet you, you will greet them, and then your will get back into the copter and head home.”

Mark raised his hand, “Mrs. Brisby, why do out parents get out of the copter only to get back into it?”

Mrs. Brisby smiled, “We found over the years that parents, and students, are very eager to see each other.  So by doing it this way everyone is happy.  Secondly, it is also a security issue.  It allows the suitmen that are on the platform to confirm visually that it is actually your parents that you are getting into a helicopter with.”

“There is a backstory there,” Henry whispered to himself.  

Mrs. Brisby continued, “You will wait for your parents underneath the awning and when I call you, you will step to the yellow rectangle and wait for the suitman to instruct you when it is safe to move towards the copter.  Are there any questions?” She looked around to see if there any.

“I am assuming that some of you still need to finish packing, you need to make sure you have everything you need before that helicopter takes off.”  Several boys laughed.

“I also want to say thank you gentlemen for a good year.  I know that for some of you it has only been a few weeks or months.  And it was an eventful few months, I am thankful for how you all stuck together through the difficulties that we had this year.  It was an honor to work with you.  I look forward to another good year when you all return in the fall.  So gentlemen, get your items packed.  I will be at the landing pad assisting with the arrival of your parents.  Gentlemen, good luck and have a wonderful summer.”

“Yes, ma’am” said the boys, they stood up and bowed to her.  And with that Mrs. Brisby turned around and headed out the room.

“Can you believe it?  We made it to the end of the school year!”  Cal cheered as he threw his hands into the air.

“Who woo!” clapped Henry.

“Okay, boys, you need to get back to packing up,” replied Kevin the R.A.

“Are you going to write us up if we don’t get back to our rooms and pack?” replied Cal.

“Do you want to be left here for the summer?” he replied.

“Pointed made!” said Bruce as he saluted Kevin.  And the boys left for their rooms.

A few seconds later, Jake and Mark stood among a pile of dirty clothes.  They did their best to pile the clothes into their suitcases.

“Is this your shirt?” Mark held up a blue Dolbin gym shirt.

“I don’t know.” 

Mark unrolled the shirt and read the word “Cooper” just above the Dolbin crest.  Makr threw it and hit Jake in the face with it.  Jake put the shirt in his luggage bag.

After sorting and balling up clothes, he tried to zipped up his luggage.  He sat on it twice to get the clothes to fit.  He put his hand into the bag and moved things around in hopes that would work.

“Maybe I need to have a suitman come in and pack for me.  They were able to get all of my stuff here quickly and neatly.  I need to know their secret.”  He pushed some more.  “My mom is going to have a fit when she sees this bag.’

“She’ll be too excited to see you.”

“Maybe but she does have to see it after we arrive home.”

Mark looked up,  “I just realized.  We won’t see each other this summer.”

Jake got quiet.  “You’re right.”

The realization that now they were no longer nearby neighbors, but that they lived in different states hung heavy in the room.

In Virginia they were just a few streets from each other.  They rode the same school bus to school.  Now they were going to be several states away.

“I guess we’ll message each other over out tablets,” Mark motioned to his tablet.

“I wonder if we could arrange a visit through the suitmen.  Maybe we could get a ride this summer through the helicopters.”

Mark didn’t reply.  Jake didn’t speak. They knew the suitmen weren’t going to give them a ride in the highly advanced stealth helicopters that Dolbin.

For the first time in their life they hugged each other.


Thank you for following along

It is still in the formatting stage at the moment.  I have serialized the other three books here on Steemit in the past year.  Here are the first chapters from where I serialized each book.
Dolbin School for the Extraordinary 

The Dark Cloud Rises 

The Return of the Professor

You can click here to see them on Amazon.

And Now this book is available for preorder on Amazon.  Click here to have it delivered to your Kindle when it is released.

Hope you follow along!  Click here for Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25

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