Finals: The Dolbin School Book 4-Chapter 19--The Fight

in #writing7 years ago

  Finals: The Dolbin School Book 4

I am serializing my next book here first before it is available anywhere else.  It is still in the formatting stage at the moment.  I have serialized the other three books here on Steemit in the past year.  Here are the first chapters from where I serialized each book.
Dolbin School for the Extraordinary

The Dark Cloud Rises

The Return of the Professor

You can click here to see them on Amazon.

And Now this book is available for preorder on Amazon.  Click here to have it delivered to your Kindle when it is released.

Hope you follow along!  Click here for Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18

Summary:  Jake and Brad finally have it out.  But how do you defeat someone who is as strong as you and can heal?

Chapter 19  The Fight

Jake and Mark’s room was silent again.  They were studying.  Jake flexed his hand that now had several Band-Aids across the knuckles.  He swiped his tablet and pulled up a picture of Jordan, the first known American Extra.  He typed a few more words to his paper for Professor Powers.

Mark laid on his bed, he held a book over his head trying to read.

A knock came on the door.  “Come in,” replied Jake.  The door opened and Kevin popped his head in.

“What did you guys do?” Kevin asked.

“We just got some ice cream,” Mark replied without looking away from his book.

“There weren’t many people out when we went,” Jake turned around to face Kevin.

Kevin pointed to Jake’s bruised hand, “What happened there?” 

Jake’s stomach sank.  He clenched his fist.  “Nothing.”

“That’s not true.  You have several bandages across your knuckles—Did you get into a fight?”

“No!” shouted Jake and Mark at the same time.

Kevin made a face from being yelled at.  “Don’t yell at me.  If there is a fight I’m supposed to know about it.” 

“If there was a fight you would know who else I fought?  Don’t you think others would have come and told you?”

“So what happened to your hand?” Kevin persisted.

“Nothing!” screamed Jake.  “Is it a crime to have Band-Aids on your knuckles?”

   Kevin held up his hand, “Do I need to write you up for yelling at an RA?”

Jake turned back to his desk, “No.”

Mark looked up from his books and spoke calmly, “He didn’t get into a fight.”

“Okay, I’ll let it go,” and with that Kevin closed the door.

After thirty minutes of silence, and not really studying turned his tablet and computer off.  He pushed himself back from his desk and stood up.  “I done with studying.  Do you think Kevin will write me up if I try go outside?”

Mark got up from his desk, “I’ll go with you.  That way he’ll have to write up the two of us.”

Jake picked up a baseball and glove.  Mark followed suit.

Kevin allowed the boys to go outside.  At 8 pm there was still plenty of light.  The Quad was green and lush.  Bushes line the top of the hill, on the Craven Hall side were full and green.  Birds made nests in them.  A light breeze blew across the campus, it was pleasant and very comfortable weather.

Jake jogged to the middle of the Quad.  “Toss me the ball,” Mark held up his mitt.

Jake threw the ball to Mark.  The ball popped in the glove.  Mark took the ball out his glove, “Daniels picks the ball of and throws a rocket to Cooper at first base!”  He zipped the ball to Jake.  The ball made a loud smack as it hit Jake’s glove.  Jake held up the glove in victory over the imaginary base runner.

“Aren’t you guys supposed to be studying?” asked a voice from the other end of the Quad.

Jake turned and saw Brad walking towards them.  Jake turned back to Mark.

“We’ve been working enough.  Plus, Kevin gave us permission to come out,” Mark informed him.  Mark threw the ball back to Jake.

“Well, aren’t you supposed to be studying as well?” Jake asked.

Brad pointed to his book bag, “I am coming from the library.  Maggie was with me.”

“We saw you eating ice cream together.  Remember?” Jake replied, and pointed to his clean shirt.

Brad put his book bag down on the ground.  He stood like a statute, hands at his side.  His gaze fixed on Jake.  Mark didn’t throw the ball back to Jake.  “What are you mad about?” Mark asked.

Jake waiting for the ball turned and looked at Brad.  He put his hands on his hips and looked at Brad.  “What have I done to you?”

Brad ran at him.  He wrapped his arms around Jake and tackled him.  Brad took a swing at Jake and hit him square on his cheek.  

Jake shoved him off so hard that Brad flew fifteen feet into the air, and landed on his back.  He groaned from the pain.

Jake started walking towards Brad.  Mark ran and stood in front of Jake.  Jake pushed Mark to the side, and marched towards Brad.  Brad stood up and faced Jake.  Brad swung, Jake caught the swing with his left hand, and he held the fist.  Brad swung with with his left, and Jake blocked it with his right.  Holding onto his left hand Jake threw Brad to the ground.

“Stopped!” yelled Mark.  He put his hand on Jake’s chest.  Jake’s face was red, part from the punch and part from the fury that was now running through him.  Jake pushed forward.  Mark stayed with him and yelled again.  “Stop Jake!  You must stop!”  Mark cried.

Brad lay on the ground moaning.

Jake stood, his crest rising and falling in anger.  “You can’t continue this fight,” Mark continued.

“I’ve had enough!” Jake shouted.

Mark looked at him, “I know.  But I saw what happened.  You defended yourself.  I will tell.  I will tell.  Dr. Fisher, Principal Glover.  I will tell.   I saw it.”

Brad stopped moaning.  He stood up.  “You’re going to have to do more than that.”   Brad ran at them again.  Jake stood his ground.  Mark stood in front of his friend. “Stop!” yelled Mark.  But Brad pushed him away, as if he weighed nothing.  Mark landed ten feet away on the grass.  His glasses broken.  He laid there in pain, he held his left leg.

“Enough!”  Jake swung and connected with Brad’s ribs.  Brad didn’t move.  He swung and hit Jake’s jaw.  Jake stumbled backwards.   Brad leaped onto Jake.  He wrapped his legs around Jake and pushed him to the ground.  Jake landed on his back, Brad remained on top of him.  He raised his fist.  Jake grabbed his fist.  Brad couldn’t move his hand.  “Get off of me!” Jake screamed he pushed Brad off of him.  Brad slid across the ground thirty feet.  Jake stood up.  Brad brushed himself off and stood back up.

They stood and stared at each other.  Fists clinched, jaws grinding, they remained as boulders.

“What is your problem?” Jake shouted at Brad.

“You want to hide here!  We should not be hiding here!” Brad screamed back.

Jake gasped.  “You are a part of The Dark Cloud.”  He said softly to himself.

“Call us what you will.  We should not be hiding here!”  Brad ran at Jake again.  He took a swing and Jake ducked.  

“What are you going to do Brad!  Keep swinging at me!?  You are going to be expelled!  You know that!”

“Not with my parents!  They will not allow me to be expelled or put into prison!”

Mark rolled over onto his back.  He reached for his glasses.  They didn’t fit, they were broken in the middle.  He grabbed his left leg.  It hurt--a lot.

Brad lunged at Jake again.  Jake grabbed Brad’s wrists and kept him from swinging.  The two stood, like two boulders leaning up against each other.  Brad struggled to get his arms free.  Sweat poured from Jake’s forehead trying to keep Brad from swinging.

“Hey! What is going on!” shout voices.   Jake glanced to his right, it was Cal, Henry, Bruce and Red.  They started sprinting towards the fight. 

Brad leaned in closer to Jake.  “You won’t be able to stop me.  You hit me, and I will heal.  You cut me and I will heal.  You on the other hand—don’t heal.”  Jake pushed harder against Brad, his feet digging into the ground.

Jake pulled his head back quickly and then head-butted Brad right in his nose.  Brad stepped backwards---holding his nose.  He paused, tears forming in his eyes.  He opened his hands and looked at the blood.  He wiped his nose off with the back of his arm.  Jake stood still, waiting to see what he would do.  Brad took a deep breath through his mouth, he shook his head, then he wiped his nose with his other arm, and looked at the back of his arm.  No blood.  “See, I heal.”

Jake’s stomach sank.  Brad was correct.  Brad could heal.  Jake could do enough damage to stop him.

Brad leaped at Jake.  They grabbed each other.  Both pushing as hard as their Extra Strong abilities would allow. 

A rush of wind and Jake fell forward.  Bruce was on top of Brad.  He held him down.  Red help off the ground.  “Are you okay?”  Jake nodded his head.

“Get off of me!”  Brad shouted. Bruce was thrown into the air.  He landed on his back.  He groaned from the pain.  Brad stood up and walked towards Jake.

“We’ll go get help!” said Red, he and Henry bolted to Craven Hall.  Brad didn’t even try to stop them.  

“I’ll help Mark!” said Cal, and he ran over to Mark.  Who had stayed on the ground.

Brad came at Jake.  Brad swung.  Jake ducked.  A second swing--another duck.

“I’m not going to fight you,” Jake said.

“You will.   You know you want to.”  Brad kept coming forward.  “And if you don’t fight me.  There will be others to fight.”

Bruce stood up and shook his head.  He ran at Brad.  Brad turned around and threw a punch, hitting Bruce in the face.  He stumbled back several steps, but stayed on his feet.

Jake held up a hand, “Don’t fight him!”

Brad smiled.

“What are you talking about? He’s trying to hurt you.” Bruce replied.

“Don’t fight him!” Jake shouted.

Brad ran at Jake.  Bruce stood still, unsure of what to do.  Jake braced himself to stop Brad’s attack.  Brad kicked with his right leg, and Jake caught it with his left arm.   He held on tight.  Bruce ran in and tried to pull Brad to the ground.  Brad struggled to push Bruce away.  Bruce held him on the ground.  Brad kicked Bruce, and he let go and rolled over.  

Brad was up again.  Jake put his arms down to his side and stood as a rock.  Brad hit him in the stomach.  Jake double over in pain.  

But he didn’t hit back.  Brad stood over him and swung once more, this time connecting with his right cheek.  The pain seared through his face.  His cheek began to swell.  He couldn’t see out of his right eye.  

“Jake! Fight back!” shouted Cal. 

Jake looked to his left.  The sun was just about to set over the horizon.

A strong gust of wind blew Jake to the ground.  Looking up Brad was no longer standing above him.  No one was there.

Jake felt someone pick him by taking his right arm.  It was Red.  Jake looked around with his one good eye.  There was Brad.

Principal Glover stood beside Brad.  Glover handcuffed Brad, and held him by the collar.  Three suitmen ran towards them, their electro-guns drawn and pointed at Brad.  

“I have him.  You three take care of Mr. Cooper, Mr. Daniels, and Mr. Johnson here.”

Glover escorted Brad away.

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