Finals: The Dolbin School Book 4--Chapter 24 A Trip to the Principal's Office and Phone Calls Home

in #writing7 years ago

 Finals: The Dolbin School Book 4

I am serializing my next book here first before it is available anywhere else.  Previous chapter links available at the bottom of the post.   

Summary: The boys were caught playing on The Dolbin Field and are now in trouble with Principal Glover.

Chapter 24 A Trip to the Principal's Office and Phone Calls Home

The boys sat outside of Principal Glover’s office.  Mrs. Brisby stood near them.  Her arms folded with a disappointed look on her face.   No one was speaking to each other.  They wouldn’t dare at this moment in time.

Red was inside with Glover.  

Red walked out.  His jaw was clenched, he sat down next to Jake.

“Mr. Cooper, you’re next,” Principal Glover informed him.  Jake stood up and walked into the office.  Glover closed the door behind him.

Glover motioned to the chair in front of his desk.  Jake sat down.

“Mr. Cooper, we’ll just be calling your parents and letting them know that you broke into the stadium.”

“I’m a dead man.”

“I get the feeling that you have said that before in regards to your parents.  I am certain they would not be expecting this call since they will be flying out here tomorrow to come and get you for the summer.”  Glover pulled out his tablet and made a few swipes.

Jake’s stomach rumbled and jumped.

He could see the glow from the tablet light up Glover’s face.  His bottom lip trembled.  

“Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper.  I am sorry to disturb you at such a late hour.”

Mr. Cooper responded, “I get the sense Principal Glover, that this isn’t a happy phone call.  What’s happened?”

“You seemed to know how this works Mr. Cooper.  But yes, Jake and his friends decided to celebrate their final night here before summer vacation by breaking into the Dolbin stadium.”

“HE DID WHAT!  Is he there?  Can I speak to him?”

This is how I die, Jake thought.

“Yes, you may.  He is right here,” Glover handed Jake his tablet.

Jake took the tablet.  Mr. Cooper was in his pajamas.

“So explain yourself young man!”  Came the angry voice from the device.

“Cal got us into the stadium, by short circuiting the keypad.”

“I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE HOW!” came his father’s reply from the device.  “I am more interested in why you thought it was a good idea to break into the stadium.  Even if it is the last night of the school year!”  His father had a thought, “ASSUMING YOU DO GET TO COME BACK NEXT YEAR!”

Glover clearly could hear the conversation and he leaned over his desk to speak to Mr. Cooper, “Yes.  Yes, Mr. Cooper he does get to come back next year.  But there will be some consequences.”  Glover sat back down, smiling.

Jake’s stomach fluttered.  He wondered what the consequences would be.  Would it be something over the summer?  Would he have to wait until he returns to school in the fall?

“Jake!  Listen to me!” Jake stopped daydreaming and gave his attention back to his father through the tablet.  His father took a deep breath.  “Okay.  We will be there tomorrow.  Thank Principal Glover for not kicking you out.  I will see you tomorrow.  Go straight to bed when you get back to your dorm.  I don’t want you getting into more trouble.”

“Yes, sir,” Jake replied.

Glover leaned over his desk and took the tablet from Jake’s hands.  He spoke to Mr. Cooper, “I am sorry to have made the night before you travel a little difficult.”

“You didn’t do it.  It’s not your fault Principal Glover.  Thank you for letting us know.  Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” replied Glover and he ended the call.  He placed the tablet down on his desk and he turned his chair to face Jake  

Jake rubbed his hands on his pants.  “What are the consequences?  You mentioned to my dad that there would consequences?  What are they?”  Jake was afraid to ask, but he couldn’t wait to find out.  The words just flew out of his mouth.

“You’ll be helping clean the stadium next year during the first grading period.  You and the rest of your friends out in the hallway will be under Mr. Levy, the crew chief.  You will work every Friday night, making sure the stadium is ready for the game each Friday night.”

“So it’s the same consequence for all of us?”  Jake pointed to the wall, implying the boys in the hallway.

“Since I know you guys will talk about it anyway, yes.  Your friends will have the same punishment as you have.”  Glover let all of his breath out and his shoulder’s relaxed.  “Look Jake,” Jake realized this maybe the first time he ever used his first name.  “I know that the end of the year is ripe for pranks.  And your prank may seemed harmless, I know you just wanted to play on the field.  But with Cal’s skill he could have damaged the door, he could have turned on the field, even if he didn’t want to.  A lot of things could have gone wrong with this stunt.  

“I know that fourth graders want to play Dolbin Ball.  But it is technologically a complicated game.  Cal isn’t fully in control yet of his Extra-ability.  And he, and his friends, need to learn that.  Remember you’ve only been here about ten weeks.  Cal has only been here a few months.  Your friends in the hallway, none of them have been here a full year yet.  There are very good reasons that Dolbin Ball is only allowed for middle school students and up. 

“But the consequences are because you didn’t follow directions.  The Dolbin stadium is clearly off limits for students.  Because you could have damaged the stadium and the technology in it, you will be helping to keep it clean next semester.”

Jake lowered his head, “Yes, sir.”

“Jake, I don’t want this to be the last week speak at the end of the year.  I am very pleased and with your progress over these two and half months.  You turned a difficult situation into something good.  I am proud of how you handled Brad.  That took wisdom beyond your years.  That bodes very well for your future.”  Glover motioned towards the door.  “Let’s go out and chat with your colleagues.”

Glover opened the door and Jake walked out first.  The boys were sitting silently, Mrs. Brisby still stood by them, clearly still disappointed.

“Gentlemen, we have contacted your families.  I am disappointed this how you end your first year at Dolbin.  When you get back to your dorm it will be lights out.”

“Yes, sir,” the boys replied in unison.

“Let’s go gentlemen!” Mrs. Brisby spoke curtly.  She turned and headed out.  The boys followed silently.

She walked briskly back to Craven Hall.  She led them up the elevator to the common room.  “Get to sleep gentlemen, lights out.  We will have a hallway meeting at 7:30 to discuss how this day will go. I had planned on having that meeting this evening.  But you gentlemen certainly changed my plans for the evening.  

“Now off to bed.  The lot of you.”

And with that the boys went silently to their rooms.


Thank you following along

It is still in the formatting stage at the moment.  I have serialized the other three books here on Steemit in the past year.  Here are the first chapters from where I serialized each book.

Dolbin School for the Extraordinary The Dark Cloud Rises The Return of the ProfessorYou can click here to see them on Amazon.

And Now this book is available for preorder on Amazon.  Click here to have it delivered to your Kindle when it is released.

Hope you follow along!  

Click here for Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23

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