Finals: The Dolbin School Book 4--Chapter 16 Last Classes

in #writing7 years ago

 I've been busy working on a new book.  My Steemit serial is back. 

 Finals: The Dolbin School Book 4

I am serializing my next book here first before it is available anywhere else.  It is still in the formatting stage at the moment.  I have serialized the other three books here on Steemit in the past year.  Here are the first chapters from where I serialized each book.
Dolbin School for the Extraordinary

The Dark Cloud Rises

The Return of the Professor

You can click here to see them on Amazon.

And Now this book is available for preorder on Amazon.  Click here to have it delivered to your Kindle when it is released.

Hope you follow along!  Click here for Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15

Summary:Brad and the Bruce nearly come to blows after gym class.

Chapter 16-Last Classes

Professor Guinness stood at his door as his class entered.  “Good morning, Alex.  Good morning, Sarah.  Good morning, Jake.  Good morning, Mark.”

“Good morning, Professor,” Jake replied.  Jake and Mark found a seat in the middle of the room.  Students filled in the seat around them.  Jake put his table, notebook, and pencil on his desk in front of him.  Mark did the same thing.

Professor Guinness walked to the front of the room after all students had arrived.  “Good Morning, class.”  Guinness tapped a button on his tablet.  A photograph of Jediah Dolbin appeared on the screen at the front of the class.  “Of course, we all know who this is.”  The professor paused, the class was quiet.  “Well, who is it?”  The professor smiled.

“Jedidiah Dolbin.”  The class responded.

“Did he just make a joke?”  Mark leaned over to Jake.  “I don’t remember him making a joke before.”

“Jedidiah, of course is very important to this history class, but he is of course not the only person that will be on your final exam.”  The professor tapped his tablet again, and a timeline appeared on the front screen.  “This is the time frame that we will be on your exam, beginning in the late 19th century to today.  Are there any questions about the exam.  I expect that since this for a lot of you will be your first round of finals that you may have some questions.  Well—are there any questions?”

Dozens of hands shot up into the air.  Professor Guinness sighed, “I guess I deserved that.”  For the next thirty minutes Professor Guinness answered question after question from the nervous students.  Questions of how many questions will be on the test, “It doesn’t matter how many questions will be on the test, but the answer is fifty, and a few of those will be small essay questions.”  To questions about Jedidiah Dolbin, Ivan Korinski, and other early Extras.  Students intensively tapped notes on their tablets and scribbled notes onto their papers.  Jake thought that he would have never seen such intensity at Kane Elementary, his old school.  The intensity the students took their studies here made Jake want to do better.

After the questions died down, Professor Guinness looked at the class.  “Okay, here is what I recommend.  Take the notes that you have written here today.  Look over the videos and lessons that I have given and come up with an overview of what has happened in the world of the Extras.  Remember the nodal point dates, the dates where someone important came to the scene, or when a new principal was appointed here at the school, know those dates and you should do fine.”  The professor looked at his feet and shuffled them.  “I know that your first exam week can cause some high anxiety.  I want you to relax.  I want you to do your best.  I want you to show me and yourself all the hard work that you have done this semester.   That’s really the point of Exam week.  We have a few more minutes, let’s review some of the dates that will be on the test that no one here today asked about.”

Professor Guinness review the founding of the school, when the first principal was called, and when the Suitmen were officially put into service.  The tapped his tablet and the board at the front of the room went black.  “That’s it.  Your final exam is next week.  Be prepared.  Don’t come into class next week with the thought that you can do this quickly and easily.”  Guinness paused, looked at his podium, and looked back up at the class, “Message me if you have any further questions.  Have a good weekend.”  And with that, the class was over, and the students filed out.

Jake and Mark walked into the hallway, Jake thought aloud “That’s a very different feeling than when were preparing for the SOLs in Virginia.”

“Yeah.  There’s no mention of a party if we do well or work hard on the test,” Mark replied.  “There didn’t seemed to be any need for getting us to be prepared for the test.”

“Maybe that’s because we aren’t required to be here,” Jake wondered.

“Or because people want to be here,” Mark replied.  “I know I certainly would rather be here than at our old school.”  Mark shook his head, “There is no way I am messing this up and going back to our old school.  Nope.  Not going to happen.”

Brad brushed passed Jake, hitting him in the elbow.  “Excuse me!” Jake replied.  Brad glanced at both boys and grumbled, “Sorry.”  And he kept walking.  Jake and Mark rolled their eyes.  Both keeping their thoughts inside their heads.  No need to create a more uncomfortable moment in the hallway.

They reached Dr. Fisher’s math class, Mark waved, “I’ll catch-up with you later.”  Mark headed to his math class, even at Dolbin Mark was still in a more advanced math class than Jake.  Dr. Fisher was standing behind her desk.  Students filed into their seats.  Brad was already sitting at a table.  Jake quickly found another table to sit at.

“Good morning everyone,” said Dr. Fisher.  “Obviously this is our last class before your final exam next week.  I have put twelve different problems in our class page.  That is how we will finish up our time.  You have thirty minutes to complete at least three of the problems.  You can choose which problems you work on.  At the end of the thirty minutes we will review different questions on the front screen.  You may work with a partner, and you may only use the tools that are available in your app for for the class.”

Jake worked partnered up with Clifton Nunez.  The boys choose three different word problems, one that dealt with elapsed time, in a Dolbin game, a measure problem, mearing how far a helicopter was going to have to travel in order pick-up a new Extra, a problem about how much water was needed to house the great white shark that was being taken care of in the science building.

A bell dinged from the front of the room.  Dr. Fisher called everyone’s attention to the front screen.  She reviewed all twelve problems that the students had to choose from.  Dr. Fisher called on students to share how they solved the problem, the correct answer was important, but not as important as the way a student thought about the problem.  “Your thinking about a problem is more important than the correct answer,” Dr. Fisher would always say.

Dr. Fisher finished up the final problem, solving how many gallons the science departments needs to house their great white shark.  “So, next week is your final exam.  There will be fifteen questions on the exam—all word problems.  You will be graded both on finding the correct answer, but also in how you got your answer.  Remember your thinking is just as important as the final answer.  So, just putting down the correct answer, will not be enough to get full credit on the problem.  You will need to show your work and your thinking.  Message me ifyou have any questions, but everyone in here should be prepared for the exam.”  She waved her hand, “It’s time.  Everyone have a good weekend.”

Jake met Mark, Bruce, Red, Cal, and Henry in the cafeteria.  “I am supposed to be scared of Exam week?” Jake asked as he sat down with the rest of the boys.

“Yes.  Yes, you are supposed to be very afraid,” Henry replied.

“Thanks.  I think.”

“You won’t be alone during the week.  Everyone in the school will be going through Exams week.  Everyone here will be worried and stressed.  Somehow that makes it more bearable.  Everyone here will be studying and working,” Henry replied.  “That’s what I noticed anyway in December when I went through our first Exam week.”  Henry motioned Bruce, Red, and Cal.

Bruce chimed in, “He has a point.  Most of the students here want to do well.  So everyone is working hard, thus making it a little hard to goof off.”

With a hamburger in his mouth Cal reminded the group, “But you still don’t want to get Kevin made at you.  Even though he has to study as well, he would still love to send a few of us to detention.  He will still be hanging out in the common room during study hours.  You don’t need him contacting Mrs. Brisby.”

Red waved his hand at the group, “Don’t sweat it gentlemen.  We can still have fun.  Of course we’re going to kick those exams butts, but don’t you worry, we can still have fun to help break up the monotony.”

“You sound like you’re already thinking about causing some problems,” Mark raised an eyebrow.

Red pointed his fork at Mark.  “I’m not saying anything without my lawyer present.”

The boys laughed and finished the lunch.  

They all headed to gym.  

Banner stood in the middle of the gym—clipboard in hand.  Whistle dangling around his neck.

“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.  I know that in all of your other classes your professors have been discussing Exam week.  Let me put your mind at ease, this class will not be left out of the fun of Exam week.  You will have an exam in here.”  Students glanced at each other, many were too afraid to moan or complain.  Banner continued, “Your exam will consist of a mile run, and several activities based on your Extra abilities. For example, if you’re a Strong Extra, you will be put through activities that test your strength, Runners will be put through running tests, Jumpers will be asked to jump over various obstacles.”

Colin Janner, a quiet boy with straight blonde hair riased his hand.  “Yes, Janner,” Banner replied.

“Sir, what about those of us that have Extra-abilities in other areas.  My ability is in math, others are in Healing,  Others are…”

“Janner, I understand.  For those who’s Extra abilities fall outside the area of physical education class, your exams will consist of a mile run, and I will be comparing your time from the beginning of the semester.  As well as a twenty question exam that asks you fundamental questions about different abilities, the rules of different sports we have learned, and ways that you can help yourself healthy.  All of these questions can be found in our class page on your tablet.  But today we are going to prepare for our mile run, by running at least two miles.”  Groans went up around the gym  “Or we can make it three miles,” Banner replied to the groans.  “Everyone, outside to the track.”

“Nope, two miles is just fine sir,” Mark replied.

Jake raised his eyebrows, “Why are you complaining about two miles?  You can do that in like sixty seconds.”

“Yeah, that’s true,” Mark smiled and began jogging the track.

After an hour of running, obstacle courses, and rule reviews Banner blew his whistle and gathered the class together in the middle of the gym.  “Okay, as you all know next week is Exam week.  Everyone will have one exam that is fifteen questions, that cover healthy conduct, rules of different games we played, and proper technique for all the different exercises you have learned this semester.  The second half of the exam will be specifically to your Extra ability.  You can message me if you have specific questions.”  Banner put his hands out and motioned for the students to head to the locker rooms, “So everyone have a wonderful weekend.” 

In the locker room the boys began wondering aloud about what the second half of their Extra specific exam would be.  

“I bet we have to try and lift as much weight as we possibly can!”  Bruce smiled and lifted his hand overs his head.

“Maybe we have to throw something as far as we can!” Jake replied.

“I wonder how I will be tested,” Brad asked.  The boys quited down for a moment. Brad speaking to them caught their attention.  

“What do you mean?” Jake asked.

“I mean my Extra-ability is Healing.  Is he going to break my bones and then see if I can heal in a certain amount of time?”

The locker room grew eerily quiet.

“Dude, that’s a little depressing and disturbing image I have to admit,” said Red, breaking the silence.  Nervous laughter went up around the locker room.

“Banner said that abilities that didn’t fit into PE would be tested with the other set of questions.  Why do you have to be like this?” Jake asked.

“Be like what?” Brad raised his voice.

Jake shook his head, “Nothing, I meant nothing by it.” And Jake turned back to his locker ignoring Brad.

“No, you’re just being weird.  That’s all,” Bruce replied.  Jake shot Bruce a-why-would-you-do-that look.

Brad turned to Bruce, “Okay, so I’m being weird.  But you are going to get to use your Extra ability next week.  I am not.  That’s my point.  Even Janner pointed it out.”  Brad pointed to Janner who then quickly behind his locker.

Bruce continued the conversation, “Look man, it’s PE.  I don’t do math as well as Mark does, but I still take the Exam.”

“Don’t bring me into this!” Mark responded.

“He doesn’t do well in history either,” Red said.  Bruce turned to Red.  Red shrugged his shoulders, “What?  It’s true.”

“I’m going to punch you instead!” Bruce pointed at Red.

“Does that mean you were going to punch me?” Brad asked.

Bruce turned back to Brad, “No.  What are you talking about?”

“You seemed miffed.  You said you were going to punch him instead, implying that you were originally going to punch me.  Am I being correct, or are you able to follow what I said?”

The air went out of the room with.  Bruce took a step forward, “Are you calling me stupid?”

Brad stood up, “You’re the one that kept talking about how they don’t do well in math or in history for that matter.”

“Hey man, I was just joking.  Understand a joke!” Red replied.  Red threw down his gym shirt.

Jake quickly stood up and got int he middle between them.  “Okay, let’s all calm down and just head on to our next class.”

“What is going on in here?” Banner’s voice boomed throughout the locker room.  No one responded.  Banner looked around the room, “So, no one is going to tell me why I am hearing shouting in my office?  And why I was informed that it looked like a fight was about to happen with Brad, and you three?”  He pointed to Jake, Bruce, and Red.

Again, no one spoke.  Banner turned to Brad.  “Get dressed and come with me.”

Brad left with Banner.

The boys quickly dressed and got into the hallway.  “What do you think he is going to say?” Jake asked.

“He’ll probably whine that we were picking on him,” Bruce looked straight ahead.

“Did you see who went to tell Banner that there was a fight going on?” Red asked.

“I didn’t see, but then again Janner probably went to tell.  He seemed to pretty much disappear when Brad pointed him out.” Mark said.

“Well, maybe we have Janner to thank for stopping possible beat down of Brad,” Bruce smoldered.

“A fight with Brad would be difficult.  How do you beat up a Healer?  How do you fight someone who is able to heal from a fight?” Jake asked.

“I don’t know, but I was about to find out,” Bruce replied.

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t.  I’m glad you didn’t,” Jake said as they walked back to their dorm.


@mctiller Its very interesting info.. Excellent post keep it up.

its going long way to publish a serise of writting, hard working, passion and you all shown in phase of your book, thanks for sharing.

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