R2R Travelogue: Recap of "@roleerob's excellent adventure!" In winter ...

in #travelfeed6 years ago

Safely Home! Today, in looking back over "roleerob's excellent adventure," I know lifetime memories have been created in my "Road to Recovery" trip here in the western United States. For ease of reference in the future, I would like an "Executive Summary" post to link back to, as needed. Perhaps, dear reader, you might enjoy one as well ... 😉

In thinking about the path forward, in the "next chapter" of my life, I think it will be helpful. There are many possibilities on the horizon. I think, though, in staying "grounded," we benefit from looking back and with that gain some perspective on future decisions.

Just taking the (considerable) time to put the "lead image" above together has helped me reach a deeper appreciation for what I probably already know, but haven't necessarily wanted to think about. And what is that you may ask?

It is very unlikely I will have the opportunity to take a trip like this again.

Whenever you have these types of opportunities in life, dear reader, if at all possible you don't want to let them go. You just can never know whether they will ever "come your way" again.

Where It All Began

This recap post will be focused primarily on linking to previous posts where many of the questions and answers, some of my reflections, etc. have already been "poured out" ...

I will simply supply a few "highlight" comments, for those of my readers who may not know about any of these individual posts. Hopefully this will provide them sufficient info to help them decide whether they might be of interest.

  • Note: This post has been designed so that clicking on the post's lead image, as well as the post title link above it, will take you to the post.

So ... Where it all began ... "This story" begins with my resolute determination to get away from the unreasonably (key word) stressful environment where I was employed. The following post has all of the details ...


  • Day 0 - Saturday, 1 December 2018 - Reflections: My "Road to Recovery" Trip

    "Plan your work and work your plan!" Here you will find the beginning - the outline of my plans and, more importantly, why ...

Image Source: Pixabay


As part of a final decision to "relive some special memories" and to "create some new ones," I had decided to revisit where my professional career began - Tucson, Arizona. First, I had to get there ...

  • Day 1 - Monday, 21 January 2019 - Ribeye, Colorado

    On Day One, a great example of why I needed to "slow down" and not rush past opportunities.

Photo: "Town" of Ribeye, Colorado 😉


The next day, I drove down into Arizona and "@roleerob's excellent adventure" began in earnest ...

American Southwest

One of many attributes of America is the great variety of landscapes you can experience. They each have their own special "flavor" making them distinctive from the rest. Very true of the American Southwest, the "heart" of which might be considered Arizona.

Arizona is a huge state that many associate with its vast deserts. In particular, the images of the Sonora Desert, with its saguaro cactus come to mind. While that is where most of the people live, more than half the state is to the north. On the way south to Tuscon and the Sonora Desert then, I had the opportunity to visit some new country ...

  • Day 2 - Tuesday, 22 January 2019 - Navajo Nation and Canyon de Chelly

    Making my way into the Great Southwest, in the "dead of winter," I created a new memory - in subzero temperatures ...

Photo: Looking down into Canyon de Chelly and out to the West


  • Day 3 - Wednesday, 23 January 2019 - Mogollon Rim, Copper Belt, and Sonora Desert

    Going back in time, to the beginning of my career, I descended down through the Mogollon Rim, into the Sonora Desert and on into Tucson, Arizona.

Photo: South of Superior along Hwy 77 to Mt. Lemon and Tucson


Photo: Pool in Romero Canyon, Catalina State Park


  • Day 5 - Friday, 25 January 2019 - Baboquivari, Sacred Peak in Arizona

    Again, traveling back in time, revisited the site of one of the most strenuous single days of my life - climbing and descending Baboquivari, in one day.

Photo: Crested Caracara Watches Over Access to Baboquivari


Photo: Organ Pipe Cactus


After a long Day 5, I spent the night in Yuma, Arizona, on the border with Arizona and California. My time in the American Southwest was over and I was heading to the ocean. What a contrast! Could there be a bigger one? 😊

Pacific Coast of California

To reach the ocean, I first had to get by a massive sand dune and then across a portion of the Mohave Desert of California.


  • Day 6 - Saturday, 26 January 2019 - Reaching the Ocean

    On a transition day, I traveled through one of the hottest parts of the United States, below sea level at times, to reach the Pacific Ocean.

Photo: Imperial Sand Dunes of the Mohave Desert of California


  • Day 7 - Sunday, 27 January 2019 - Sabbath Rest and Morro Bay, California

    Experienced a wonderful "reset" day, on the Sabbath, to "slow down" even more, in preparation for a week along the Pacific Coast of California.

Photo: Famous Morro Rock of Morro Bay, California



Source: California State Parks - Hearst Castle


Photo: Looking South at Carmel Bay


  • Day 10 - Wednesday, 30 January 2019 - Redwood Hill Farms and Sonoma County, California

    "Brought to life" a long-held desire to visit the source of one of my most important dietary products. Which helped with my full recovery from grave illness in 2009 to overall fine health today ...

Photo: Wonderful Goats of Redwood Hill Farms


  • Day 10 - Wednesday, 30 January 2019 - Sonoma Coast State Park of California

    Created a new memory, in the 2nd half of this special day, seeing a spectacular section of the Pacific Coast of California.

Photo: Sonoma Coast of California


  • Day 11 - Thursday, 1 February 2019 - Mendocino, California

    Created a new memory, seeing an even more spectacular section of the Pacific Coast of California.

Photo: View from the Main Street of Mendocino, California


  • Day 12 - Friday, 2 February 2019 - Redwood Forests of Northern California

    Created a new memory, both walking and driving under these magnificent trees - the tallest, as well as some of the oldest, on the face of the earth.

Photo: Redwood Forest on Trillium Falls Trail


To begin Day 12, I took my last pictures of the Pacific Ocean, in stormy wintry weather conditions. By the end of Day 12, I had left the Pacific Coast of California and was in Grants Pass, Oregon. On into the Pacific Northwest!

Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest, in many ways, is my favorite part of the country. Our immediate family has a lot of history tied to it, although most of us no longer live there. This trip revived many memories and stirred thoughts of perhaps living there again, at some point in the future.


  • Day 13 - Saturday, 3 February 2019 - Rogue River Gorge in Oregon

    Experiencing another great example of why I need to "slow down" and not rush past opportunities.

Photo: Rogue River Falls in Roger River Gorge, Oregon


Photo: @roleerob was here! Almost ...


  • Day 20 - Saturday, 9 February 2019 - Oregon Scenic Byway to Pendleton

    After a few great days with my siblings at Sunriver Resort in Oregon, I was off to a little town I had long heard of, but only "whizzed by" on the freeway, in the past.

    The town? Pendleton, Oregon. The focus? Their famous woolen mills and the products made from wool.

    To get there, I drove through a very interesting part of the State of Oregon, which I had never seen before this trip.

Photo: Mount Bachelor near Bend, Oregon. As Viewed from Sunriver Resort.


  • Day 21 - Sunday, 10 February 2019 - The Blue Mountains and the Palouse

    On a bad wintry day, drove through part of one of the most productive agricultural regions in the United States.

Image Source: Pixabay

    Curation Awards:
    1. Upvote from ɹoʇɐɹnƆ pɐW ǝɥ┴! 😊
    2. @c-squared Partial Upvote
    3. Resteems: @c-squared


  • Day 23 - Tuesday, 12 February 2019 - Lewiston, Idaho and the Famous Lewis & Clark Expedition

    With a slight improvement in the winter weather, I took advantage of the opportunity to drive up Lewiston's "Spiral Highway" to capture some images of this historic area.

    For some needed perspective, on this and future posts, I have provided the Steem blockchain with a brief overview of some famous early American history.

Photo: Confluence of the Clearwater (Left) and Snake (Top) Rivers


  • Day 25 - Thursday, 14 February 2019 - Saint Maries, Idaho and Lake Couer 'd Alene

    In an unplanned portion of the trip, I decided to take the slow "road less traveled" route up through the central part of the panhandle of Idaho to the southern end of one of the most beautiful lakes in the country - Lake Couer 'd Alene. And the historic little town nestled there along the banks of the St. Joe River - Saint Maries, Idaho.

Photo: Mural in the Little Town of Saint Maries, Idaho


  • Day 27 - Saturday, 16 February 2019 - Palouse Scenic Byway and Farmington, Washington

    Having always had a deep respect for the farming way of life, I enjoyed a special day, on "the road less traveled" down through the eastern edge of the Palouse Region of Washington. Near the border with the State of Idaho. In winter ...

Photo: Entering Tekoa, Washington on the Palouse Scenic Byway


  • Day 29 - Monday, 18 February 2019 - Northwest Passage Scenic Byway. In winter ...

    The Lewis & Clark Expedition came down through this country, on their journey to find the best way to the Pacific Ocean, in 1805 and returned back up through here in 1806.

    On a wintry day in February 2019 - over two hundred years later - @roleerob drove across Idaho on the same route ...

Photo: Wintry Day on Clearwater River on U.S. Highway 12 East of Orofino, Idaho


As detailed in this last post, late on Day 29, I crossed Lolo Pass into Montana. And, with that crossing, I left the Pacific Northwest. On the "home stretch" of my "excellent adventure," I was back in the Rocky Mountain West ...

Rocky Mountain West

While I wrote above that the Pacific Northwest is perhaps our family's favorite part of the country, I have spent more years of my life in the Rocky Mountain West. Over my remaining "number of days," it is an open question whether we will remain in this region or move back to the Pacific Northwest.

Barring some unknowable circumstance in the future, one or the other of these two regions is most likely where I will spend the rest of my life.


  • Day 30 - Tuesday, 19 February 2019 - Big Hole Valley in Montana. In winter ...

    On the "home stretch" of my trip, woke up to subzero temperatures and snow with low cloud cover, but pressed on through a step back in time into this remote and historic valley in Montana.

Photo: Big Hole Valley, Montana


  • Day 31 - Wednesday, 20 February 2019 - Final Day - "Home Stretch" in Wyoming

    Waking up again to subzero temperatures and snow with low cloud cover, I knew this would be my last day "out on the road." No matter what ...

Photo: Hoback River in Wyoming


Thankfully and blessedly, I arrived safely back home toward the end of Day 31. There's an old saying, at least here in America, "there's no place like home."

Yep, no doubt about that! 😊

Gratitude and Paying It Forward

One of my earliest posts on the Steem blockchain - Observations: Gratitude and the Simple Things - was on my mind, as my "road to recovery" trip came to an end. I combined that with one of my favorite sayings ...

"When all is said and done, a lot more is said than done ..."

... and made a decision to do something, instead of just think about it. Which resulted in the following post:


  • Safely Home - Tuesday, 26 February 2019 - Gratitude and Paying It Forward

    I elected to reinvest whatever "profit" I had received from my R2R posts back into the Steemisphere, i.e. "back into the business."

    By rewarding the communities and individuals who had contributed the most significantly to them ...

Image Source: Pixabay


I would like to take the opportunity here to express my appreciation again for the amazing diversity of talent we "see" all around us on the Steem blockchain. Without the combined efforts of many of these gifted Steemians, e.g. @josephsavage and his original vision of what Steem Basic Income might be, a lot of what is possible today simply would never get past just thinking about it ...

Postscript on "Road to Recovery" Trip

Tying up some "loose ends" in this "executive summary" (uhhh ... right @roleerob ... 😉), I have some closing thoughts to "wrap it all up" in this one post:


The Little Truck That Could

It would not be right to wrap up my "road to recovery" trip recap without mentioning my little truck. From four-wheeling in the rugged Mogollon Rim of Arizona, across the very rough roads to the base of Baboquivari, through way too many snowstorms, it just ran and ran and ran ... 👌 Without fail! 👍

A lot of history has been covered in these posts. And in our history books and in the "good ole" days, we read a man was heavily dependent upon a good horse.

Well ... Here's my horse! 😉

My great little 2003 4 X 4 Ford Ranger just turned over 150,000 miles, as I was getting close to home. Once back home, I have taken it in for a "check-up" and it was pronounced "fit" and ready to go again! 👍


Perceived Value

Even a casual "passerby" would hopefully recognize and appreciate that I have put a lot of work into these posts. In so doing, as would presumably be the natural tendency of most of us, I have my own thoughts on which of them are "masterpieces" ... 😉 ... and which are "not so much" ...

So ... Of course my "masterpieces" got a correspondingly higher amount of Steem support than my "not so much" posts. Right? 😧 Yes, well ...

Some time ago, I wrote about this in my “Flying Start” post - in the "understanding perceived value" portion of the "adding value to the Steem blockchain" section. It is just part of life. It was a helpful reminder for me, to keep my efforts "in here" in perspective ...


There's No Place Like Home

Safely back home for a few days now, I have been asked more than once about the experience. And what new insights I might have about the "next chapter" of my life. I will most likely be writing future posts about those reflections, so I don't have anything more to say on that right now.

But, I thought I would end this post with one thing I know for certain. As much as I enjoyed my time "out on the road," I was definitely ready to come back home. As much as I will never forget the "adventure," I am not a "nomad" at heart.

The Steem blockchain has an enthusiastic traveling community and many of them appear to be "professional" travelers. My hat is off to them and I enjoy "seeing through their eyes" whatever part of the world they may be bringing to us. In my own small way, I have a contributed somewhat to their efforts.

It saddens me a bit, feeling as though the last six weeks has brought me closer to a new group of Steemians, to realize I cannot realistically expect that to continue. That is, I will not be able to continue making contributions to that part of our Steem community, from my "comfy chair" in my home ... 😞

That said, I am thankful for the "time we had" and I will do what I reasonably can with my stake, to be supportive in the future.

Conclusion of "Road to Recovery" Travelogue Series

In finishing this "executive summary" post, it is has really helped me reinforce the scope of the undertaking to even consider a trip like this. Over a span of about six months, it went from initial conception, to detailed planning, to execution.

In 31 days, I drove 4,984 miles through a part of 8 states - Colorado, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. I recreated some special memories, as well as experienced some new ones - starting in the American Southwest, then out to the Pacific Coast of California, up into the Pacific Northwest, and back home in the Rocky Mountain West.

In bringing the original vision for what "might be" to life, I have a renewed appreciation for the natural wonder of this world and all that has been created in it. As well, I have renewed my respect for the rich diversity of this great country which has reminded me of what I wrote in one of my original Steem posts - Observations: Gratitude and the Simple Things:

"The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me."

Psalm 16:6

For whatever remains of my "number of days," I have been blessed with this wonderful opportunity to relive and create lifetime memories. And the posts about this trip "immutably enshrined" on our Steem blockchain will always be part of them. Thank you for going along with me, dear reader, on "@roleerob's excellent adventure!" I’d love to hear any feedback you may be inspired to provide.

Until "next time," all the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we all work together to build our Steem Community! 👍 😊

Steemian @roleerob

Posted using SteemPeak and “immutably enshrined in the blockchain” on Friday, 1 March 2019!


  • Image sources, unless otherwise noted: My trusty smartphone!

divider 123.png

This account is protected by @dustsweeper


Hello dear friend, this has definitely been a great blessing that God allowed you to live with your family, to enjoy beautiful places that God has created for us to enjoy we children him, it is a blessing and a privilege, it is the best experience that You can live in life, and they are one of the most beautiful memories that will accompany you in life. I also enjoyed your trip a lot, because I could see beautiful photographs, that even though they were not with a professional camera, they were really beautiful photographs!
And congratulations to your horse, really an excellent horse, I like the color of the horse.. hahaha.

Blessings friend. Take care.

Thank you very kindly @blessed-girl, for your comments. It is one thing to visit any one location and enjoy what may be there for us to experience. This trip allowed me to experience many dramatically different locations in a relatively short period of time.

The result was to greatly magnify my overall sense of the awe and wonder at all of the created world in which we live - the oceans, the deserts, the mountains, and the valleys. The wilderness untouched by man and the fertile fields upon which we are so heavily dependent ...

"And congratulations to your horse, really an excellent horse, I like the color of the horse.. hahaha."

Yes, a wonderful horse! 😉 "Matador" red is what I have been told this particular shade of red is called. I guess this somehow is a close match to what matadors wear? Having never seen a bullfight, I could not say. What I can say is I also like it! 😊

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your country during this time, as we hope you can return peacefully to a time of prosperity - when families can once again reasonably provide for their basic needs. Until we "meet" again, blessings and all the best to you and yours!

Amen, we hope it will be soon ... Thank you very much. 😊

Having followed you well before your great and inspiring adventure, I am sure you will find great things to share with the Steem community as youbhave just started this new journey in life! I think the sky is the limit when considering how you are able to take simple thoughts into great stories!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for the "vote of confidence" @newageinv. I appreciate it. No telling right now, what I might do ...

Conventional wisdom "in here" is that you pick a niche to post in and stay there. I've never done that ... 😉 I prefer the freedom to just be myself and write about whatever I might be inspired to write about and then "let the chips fall" where they will.

It was nice, while it lasted, to write these travelling posts. I enjoyed them, for the most part (except for my usual dilemna - the time commitment required ...) and they generally seem to have been well received. But ... Not too much happening from my "comfy chair" at home. At least, not to write about in the traveling niche ... 😊

We'll see!

Incredible recap! What an adventure 😊 I missed out many of wonderful stories in your journey.. but thanks for this recap😍 @roleerob, found something different that you can create, inspiring!

Thank you for the kind words @cicisaja.

"I missed out many of wonderful stories in your journey.. but thanks for this recap"

This recap post will be the one I have saved for future reference. As from the inside of it, I can click on anything related to this great experience in my life, without having to try to go back and find the individual posts ...

"... found something different that you can create ..."

Yep, for a "few minutes" ... 😉 Now, safely back home in my "comfy chair," I'll see what's next, as I don't think anyone will be too interested or inspired by whatever travel posts I write from there ... 😊

It is not just about travelling posts @roleerob 😉 it is inspiring me to create another recap for my own post.. I dunno about everyone else, but I do get inspiration from your post😊 I can create a post with a recap of my kutchen adventure last year too.

Enjoy your comfy seat😉

Okay, thank you @cicisaja ...

"I dunno about everyone else, but I do get inspiration from your post"

... for this. You are very kind. Let me know when you have finished your recap post and I will come read it!

You are an inspiration to me, with your seemingly boundless supply of energy. Maybe we can work some sort of trade! 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

You are an inspiration to me, with your seemingly boundless supply of energy. Maybe we can work some sort of trade!

😂😂😂 I have no other activities like traveling or a routine work to do😊 I'm young and almost easily excited about anything, I can imagine how the journey of other people's life just by reading their story😊 and that's the main reason why I always look so happy and full of energy😊

What to trade with me? I love to read more than I love to eat😊

Very good @cicisaja ...

"I'm young and almost easily excited about anything, I can imagine how the journey of other people's life just by reading their story ..."

... to know the secret of your success. Now, if you can just figure out how to "bottle" it and put it up for sale, you will be independently wealthy in no time! 😉 I know I would certainly place a big order on opening day!! 👍

I am thankful that our "paths crossed" along the road of my Steem "journey." You can count on me to always be one of your supporters.

You have been my best supporter all this time 😉 and I know you'll be there when we celebrate my graduation as minnow or even dolphin 😊 Thank you so much😊 but.. I need to go back to play steemmonsters now😀

That truly was an excellent adventure! It has been a joy to travel along on the parts of the trip that I made it to and I am happy that you are safely home. Your photos have been wonderful and I'm impressed with your recap post. You are so organized! !Tip

Well, thank you very kindly @melinda010100! I have heard of Tipu, but never really investigated it too much. Looks like I may have to devote some time to doing that, now that I see there is a link in what I received from you!

"Your photos have been wonderful and I'm impressed with your recap post. You are so organized!"

I appreciate your thoughtfulness and encouragement. I am guilty of writing posts longer than most people are interested in reading, but ... In many respects, I wrote this last one for myself, to have a "one-stop" link I could refer to, as needed, in the future.

Thank you for stopping by!

I use tipu when my VP is low and I want to reward a great post like yours it works well for me and is easy enough to use. Your recap makes me wish I could have been riding along in the passenger seat.

Okay @melinda010100, thanks for this info on how you use Tipu. Good to know. I will have to check into it more. Thank you very kindly for the tip and letting me know you enjoyed the trip!

Howdy sir roleerob! I love this post and it's such a great idea to make it for your own reflection, I thoroughly enjoyed the highlight pictures too. This was a masterpiece series!

Thank you @janton. I really appreciate knowing you enjoyed this series of posts, as a lot of work went into creating them.

At some point, I hope to have the time to write of some of the highlights of my reflections while "out on the road."

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy sir roleerob! Yes sir, I can tell you put a ton of time into those! Not an easy thing to do while you're traveling! But the highlights posts would be great!

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Thank you @c-squared, for your support. I appreciate it!

Killer trip! Keep posting!

Posted using Partiko Android

You can count on it @ganjafarmer. 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

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🎁 Hi @roleerob! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @melinda010100!

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