Motorcycle Riding Tips for Keeping Safe - Stay Out of the Blind Spot
Staying out of the drivers blind spot is something many drivers often overlook.
If other drivers don't know your there, then the chance for an accident to happen is greatly increased. This is even more true during peak hour traffic.
During the morning in peak hour traffic people are tired and concentration is lacking. So the last minute decision to change lanes could catch you out if your sitting in the blind spot. People are very in decisive changing their mind at the last minute, maybe they wanna take the off ramp for some reason.
So what is the blind spot I'm talking about?
If your not sure then refer to the image below.
If your a good driver then you haven't really got a blind spot, this is because you check your mirrors all the time and are constantly aware of your surroundings. So you know where other vehicles are.
But a lot of drivers don't bother, which can leave you vulnerable.
As a rule of thumb I always sit a meter behind the back of the car next to me, then if they decide to quickly change lanes and don't see me they aren't going to hit me.
It's small things like this which can help keep up bikers safer on the road.
I will admit when I first got a bike I didn't think about things like blind spots much, but after a few near misses I started to be more aware of it.
Ride safe and ride smart :)
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