Birth - Chapter 18, Song of Angels, Book II

in #story8 years ago

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Birth - Chapter 18 - Song of Angels, Book II

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Song of Angels - Book 1 | Book II Chapter 1
Book II Chapter 2 | Book II Chapter 3
Book II Chapter 4 | Book II Chapter 5
Book II Chapter 6 | Book II Chapter 7
Book II Chapter 8 | Book II Chapter 9
Book II Chapter 10 | Book II Chapter 11
Book II Chapter 12 | Book II Chapter 13
Book II Chapter 14 | Book II Chapter 15
Book II Chapter 16 | Book II Chapter 17

“I should have known when I was rescued and woke up in a hospital full of hallucinogens from desert plants, and then you walked into my hospital room a few days later that our relationship would never be a normal one. I really do not know what to say about what has happened so far.” Mindy said as she stirred oatmeal for breakfast.

“It all has really been something hasn’t it,” Cyrus answered. “At first, when we met…I thought you were Claire –“

“Dear, I just might be, the way things are happening in our lives.” Mindy answered as Eon began to cry. “Cyrus, could you stir this while I feed our son?”

“You think he is ready?” Cyrus asked as he handed Eon to Mindy then began to stir the porridge.

“Think how much we had to eat after we saw Rephael the first time.”

“That is true but you have fed him 15 times in the last day.”

“Eon must be experiencing the exact same hunger then because he has not pooped just like us after all these feedings. But soon, maybe tomorrow, he will.”

“What is normal for a newborn? How many feedings does he need a day?”

“Oh, five or six times, at the most eight. Quickly, in a few days it will stay at five. My mother told me.”

“Our boy is lucky you have enough milk to feed him.”

“I would like to talk to Rephael some more if possible; he said he was our son also. What do you suppose that means?” Mindy asked.

“I do not know what…it is too much for me. I am sincerely thankful in my heart the three of us are together and doing fine.” Cyrus smiled. Mindy smiled at that in response while Eon sucked.

“There, that is enough for you my baby boy.” Mindy began to pat Eon’s back and after a minute or so he burped.

“Coo caw. Ma coo.” Eon made noises and smiled.

“Oh we’s eated and now we is tired and must sleep again.” Mindy said to Eon. She gently rocked him in her arms. Soon Eon fell asleep.

“Porridge is ready, shall I serve you up a bowl with some pears?” Cyrus asked.

“Ummm good. The big baby wants Daddy to feed her.” Mindy joked.

Cyrus dished up the porridge and put pears on with brown sugar and butter. He handed Mindy a bowl, then sat at the table facing her and Eon from the corner chair.

“There is one thing I do wonder Mindy.”

“What is that?”

“Rephael said that something evil and the evil behind the evil caused all this, us to meet, Eon to be born…Do you think that evil is around here?”

“I do not think so. Besides, he said the Elohim and he would watch over us. Remember, Rephael said he saved us, his mother and father and himself. He also said eventually, it would find us.”

“Then whatever it is, it must not be here, at least yet but was it in 2012? And what is it?” Cyrus spoke rhetorically.

“I never saw anything weird. The house did not look strange to me. I did hear angels sing. But that was the only strange thing.”

“I heard that too, a couple of times but not that day.”

“You were asleep. So, perhaps by looking for Eon, or Rephael, whatever it is…it brings about its own end?” Mindy said between mouthfuls of porridge.

“I do not know either. Now I wish we could talk to Rephael about what to look for in case whatever it is shows up here. Can we flee or fight it?” Cyrus thought out loud.

“Cyrus, there are so many things that are different in 2012. Science if very advanced from today and the things scientists do are well, I cannot explain them too you they are so complicated.”

“What is science or scientists?” Cyrus asked.

“I know it exists in this time but maybe you do not call it that. Let me think of old scientists I know about, there is Benjamin Franklin…” Science was not Mindy’s best subject, though she was competent in her understanding of metallurgy and alloys in order to sell pipe.

“The empiricist?” Cyrus asked.

“Yes, empiricism, empiricists, that was the word for it back then, or now.” Mindy said.

“I thought they were all sorcerers.” Cyrus said.

“No. Not at all and they are very common in 2012, very smart people. Men have walked on the Moon and they go into space.”

“People have been to the Moon? What is space?” Cyrus asked incredulous.

“Yes men have been to the Moon and back. Space is what is beyond earth. You are not getting future shock are you dear?”

“I…I might be. What could be searching for us and why?”

“Something from the future, something Eon can stop, Rephael can stop.”

“You look a bit shocked Cyrus. Perhaps we all need a nap and a game of questions?” Mindy smiled.

“Not right now dearest Mindy. I have to take care of the stock and some chores around here. I’ll be fine. My biggest problem is my rifle does not fit in the pocket of my coat like the Enfield did. I feel naked not having it on me.”

“Oh well, I was looking forward to soothing your nerves.” Mindy said.

“Maybe a soothing that wasn’t so long would be okay. Just a few short questions a man needs to digest breakfast, I suppose.”

“Take Eon so I can get up. Mindy said and don’t forget to answer quietly whenever I ask you a question.”

“We wouldn’t want to wake the baby now would we?” Cyrus whispered.

“Drop you pants first. Wait. Can you just stand here on this side of the chair and I can hold the baby while I question you?”

“Yes. I can do that.”

“Good answer. Now get over here and let’s play the questions game.”

Deep below the White House undergoing top secret briefings:

Joint Chiefs
Image Source -

“No one is going to believe any of this.” President Obama said at the meeting of the Pillars of the Sky joint task force.

“There is more Mr. President.” General Crook said as he conducted the briefing.

“How much more? I have to be in Brussels in 10 hours.”

“We have had contact with what we think are extra-terrestrials.” General Crook said.

“Aliens?” Discussion took off around the table. It lasted several minutes.

“Continue General Crook.” The President said once discussion stopped.

“The assistant is passing each of you a packet. Please open the packet and turn to page five. The being said his name was Rephael…” General Crook said reading from page five of his packet.

ST1 Mother Vortex
Actual Photograph by @jeff-kubitz

“This shall all be classified Top Secret, Highest Security Classification Level. No one will believe any of this anyways.” President Obama ordered as he read what was on page five.

"Mr. President, How will we be able to keep all of this top secret?" Secretary of Defense Ash Carter asked.

President Obama thought for awhile and then he asked, "Are their any suggestions?" Everyone shook their heads. There were troops everywhere, people were killing themselves, preachers were on the air waves saying it was the end of the world because everything had already leaked about the number of missing people that had simply disappeared in the area.

"Caused by global warming." The President said.

"Global Warming, yes that will work." Everyone agreed.

"We'll start several disinformation stories," The Director of the CIA said.

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz


This is really good please keep writing I can't wait to read more

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