Birth - Chapter 6, Song of Angels, Book II

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Birth - Chapter 6 - Song of Angels, Book II

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Song of Angels - Chapter 1| Book II Chapter 1
Book II Chapter 2| Book II Chapter 3
Book II Chapter 4| Book II Chapter 5

Jimmy, Cyrus, and Bobby waited behind the door inside the house with the door bolted. They could hear the rumble of the cattle stampede start to subside. The frightened calls of the cattle began to die down. Soon, there were only regular cattle calls and they sounded farther away to the south.

“I am going out there.” Cyrus said. He unbolted the door and opened it slowly. He looked out the cracked door. “The cattle must not have come this way.” He opened the door and stepped out of the house. “There ain’t no cattle out here.”

Cyrus walked around to the creek side of the house and looked down at the barn. “They headed south, not up here.” Jimmy and Bobby walked out of the house.

It was getting close to dark. There was enough snow in drifts not melted that made it easier to see outside. The drifts reflected whatever light there was and it appeared the moon was coming up. It was full.

“Would you look at that.” Bobby said pointing to the moon. “There are two moons.”

“We must be so close to the edge of the time difference that the different moons in their different times are visible at the same time with one full moon in the east and the crescent in the west. Let’s go move the car.” Jimmy said.

“What?” Bobby asked.

Fire Image

“We will explain it later.” Cyrus said and started toward the car. “That fire appears to be dying down; most likely it is hitting snow.” He continued to walk to the car because seeing Mindy was all that was on his mind. Jimmy and Bobby followed.

“Let’s get to it.” Jimmy said as he released the brake. He put his shoulder to the door frame while Cyrus and Bobby took up positions at the front of the car. “Push,” He ordered.

They pushed and the car began to roll backwards towards the road.

“Keep pushing don’t let up!” Cyrus yelled.

“I have to jump in and steer it!” Jimmy grunted as he pushed.

“Go head! Bobby, give it all you got.” Cyrus ordered.

Jimmy jumped in the car and while looking out the door, steered perfectly so the wheels stayed in the tracks of the road. With the door open, the dome light suddenly came on. “I think we are there. I am going to try it.” Jimmy turned the key and the car started. “You can stop pushing.” He threw the transmission into reverse and closed the door. He continued to back up.

About a hundred yards up the road, Jimmy stopped. He rolled down the window. Cyrus and Bobby came running up. Cyrus and Bobby were huffing and puffing.

“Bobby, you need to go back to the house and wait. If you end up missing, I don’t want Ma and Pa to die of it.” Cyrus said.

“But I want to –“.

“Go now Bobby. Mindy suddenly disappeared and you could too.” Cyrus ordered.

“Cyrus, what if you can’t get back?” Jimmy said.

“Then I can’t get back. At least I’ll be able to see Mindy. At least I’ll be able to be with Mindy.”

“Okay, then get in the other side. Bobby would you hand me the things we set down over there?” Jimmy pointed where the flashlight and camera were.” Jimmy yelled over to Bobby. Then he reached over and pulled the door handle so Cyrus could get in the EPV. The length of the Enfield stopped him.
Cyrus pulled out the Enfield rifle from its holster inside his coat. He handed the rifle to Bobby when he returned after retrieving the things, and then gave him a hug. “Pray that I get back and go wait in the house.” Cyrus said.

“Good luck Cyrus.” Bobby said then turned toward the house. Cyrus got into the car and sat in the seat.

“I am heading over to the Cementex plant first to use their phone. Somebody has to warn the Sheriff’s office about what is going on. There is a highway over there to the west. It doesn’t get much traffic but someone could drive into 1856 and if they were going fast it might be like those jets.”

“Right, I understand you have a job to do. Let’s go.” Cyrus said.

Jimmy backed the vehicle up another hundred yards before turning around. He did not want it to stall. Then he turned around and they were on their way. “I wonder if whatever is happening if that is why the radios and phones don’t work out here.”

“What is a radio?”

“Mr. President.” Ash Carter, Secretary of Defense addressed the President. “We need an emergency meeting of the joint chiefs down in the hole.”
“Right,” President Barrack Obama said. “Let me get my shoes on.” He put on his shoes and followed Carter to the elevator that led to the Center of Operations deep below the White House. Once they were in the elevator and headed down,
“There has been some sort of secret experimental operation out in the Utah and Nevada desert that is out of control. We have lost contact with the scientists performing the research, we have lost a helicopter, and we have lost two F-16’s.”

“Hmm, How bad is it?”

“We don’t know because we cannot get anyone in there to see what has happened.”

“What sort of experimental operation was this?”

“That I truly do not know. We will be briefed on it once we are with the Joint Chiefs. Some sort of unknown technology or device, I was told.”

“They were trying to figure out an unknown device or technology. Do you think we need to seal off the area immediately?”

“It is very remote, with no population to speak of, but I really do not know until we are briefed only that I was told by a General Sherman, Air Force, that something had happened on a project called, “Pillars of the Sky.”

The elevator stopped and the door opened into the command center. “Attenshut!”

The President and the Secretary of Defense walked to a meeting room off to the right side. Marines guarded the closed doors and one went to attention as the other opened the door and shouted, “Attenshut!”

“As you were,” The President ordered as they entered the room. Everyone returned to their seats except the Joints Chiefs and their immediate staff who waited until the President and then the Secretary of Defense sat up to the huge meeting table.

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“Gentlemen what is happening?” The President asked.

An Air Force General stood and walked below a giant wall television, “I am General Crook and about to show you Project: Pillars of the Sky…” The General began the briefing and images showed on the viewing screen.

"First, Mr. President I would like you to see this satellite reconnaissance photograph of the Eastern Nevada and Western Utah desert. Notice this here, the Control Center for the project, a plant or manufacturing facility here, and this large dam on the river here. Now compare it to this photograph taken at 17:15:00 hundred hours. As you can see, those three items and many others are gone, including a section of this highway."

"Let's seal off the area immediately, Everyone agreed?" the President asked.

Mindy sat in her hospital bed reading a book. It was a love story. Try as she might, the hallucinations, the dream of Cyrus was so real, she could not get the thoughts of him out of her head and she wished to see him even though she knew for certain he was only a dream. “Oh Cyrus, I wish to God you were real.”

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz please feel free to upvote and reblog or resteem


This really good please keep writing so I can find out what happens

I appreciate your support and encouragent

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