Birth - Chapter 3, Song of Angels, Book II

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Birth - Chapter 3 - Song of Angels, Book II

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Table of ContentsPlease read and vote for the previous chapters:
Song of Angels - Chapter 1Book II Chapter 1

Book II Chapter 2

“Bring it up to full power.” The Chief Physicist, Marlon P. Cooper 75 years old, a tall, thin man with brown hair and brown eyes, ordered the control panel staff. Everyone was in a white lab coat. They all wore ties, white shirts, black slacks, and loafer shoes, yes even the women.

They all sat in a control room at their various stations and monitored the electrical output of power lines run through an anomaly, a vortex, under study in the Nevada and Utah desert. Through their controls, the staff of fifty-two physicists and scientists of different specialties had the ability to put 2.1 Gigawatts through a series of parallel lines mounted on two adjacent and parallel transmission tower trunk lines. The power lines bisected the anomaly perfectly.

anomaly actual photo by @jeff-kubitz
Actual Vortex Anomaly by Jeff Kubitz

Doctor Cooper and his assistant were the only ones that stood.
“Everything is engaged. Power is at full. We are drawing on all available resources.” Second in command, Eugene Phillips III, reported. He was short, very stocky, and bald. He was sixty-two years old.

“Good. How are our sensors reading?”

“Visual reports a size increase of 200 percent at a diameter of 1.5 kilometers, altitude 75,000 feet mean. Ionic radiation output is at 320 percent. Radio waves are between 1 and 5 hertz at 1.5 gigajoules and rising. The device is drawing on the upper atmosphere to cool itself. Internal temperature is at 750 Kelvin.”

“Let’s see how much it will grow at this rate of power input.” Marlon said.

“Internal temperature is at 850 Kelvin. Everything else is stable.” Eugene observed.

“Doctor Cooper, it is beginning to create eddies around itself.” A technician observed.

“How many?”

“Looks like three.” The technician replied.

“It multiplied itself.” Eugene said.

“Look at that.” Marlon said. “The three are orbiting at a fixed distance.”

“The children are a hundred meters in diameter and have a height of 700 meters.” A technician observed.

“Audio has a real strange pickup.” Eugene said.

“Put it on the speakers.” Marlon ordered.

A technician flicked several switches and the sound filled the air. There was the sound of wind blowing, though they already knew this was not a normal wind and then there was what sounded like singing.

“They are communicating to each other, parent to children and back.” Marlon said.

“I agree and isn’t their song beautiful?” Eugene asked.

“It is beautiful, truly beautiful.” Marlon listened.

“They must be exchanging data at an absolutely absurd rate but to us it sounds like singing.” Eugene observed.

“Doctor Cooper, its three children are each moving away from their mother at approximately 20 nautical miles per hour.” The video technician observed.

“Put it on the big screen.” Marlon ordered.

“Will you look at that? It is sending them out into the world.” Eugene said.

“One appears to be coming right this way.” The video technician stated.

“Do we have vectors on the other two?” Marlon asked.

“120 and 240 degrees from the mother.” Another tech answered, “They are travelling at the same rate of speed.”

“Amazing!” Eugene said. “They were just created and they are already exploring.”

“Created for what? Do we know yet what this thing does? What it is?” Marlon asked.

“Why to explore their world of course.” Eugene answered.

“How are our power levels and its output?” Marlon asked.

“Power output is the same 2.1 Gigawatts. All other factors are the same.” Eugene answered.

“The three children are still maintaining their same courses and speed.” A technician shouted out. “If the one keeps heading our way it will arrive in 20 minutes.”

“Two of the children appear to be changing direction.” Marlon observed.

“Yes.” Eugene said. “Let’s have a new projection on courses.”

“They are forming a perfect triangle and moving this way in unison.” A tech answered.

“Our sensors are picking up a wind speed increase throughout the valley to 70 knots.” Eugene observed.

“They are raising a wind?” Marlon asked.

“It appears so.” Eugene answered back. “Weather monitors throughout the whole area are only reporting wind velocity increase in this area.”

All of a sudden, the song sung by the three vortexes changed to a high pitch whine. “Turn the volume down or it will blow our sound system.” Marlon ordered.

“They are broadcasting short bursts. Listen.” Eugene said.

“Are we recording and analyzing what they are broadcasting?” Marlon asked a technician.

“We have it all monitored and we are feeding it through the supercomputer at Cal Poly for real time analysis.” A technician answered. “So far, it just appears to be high static with no changes, digital square wave. Five bursts and then a pause, it repeats.”

“Notify me of a change or if we find anything.” Marlon said back to the technician. The technician nodded in response.

“The children have picked up speed and are travelling at 70 knots.” A technician said. “The lead will be here in five minutes.”

“Any changes in the mother?” Marlon asked Eugene.

“It appears that the radio wave output has increased to 2.5 gigajoules at 20 – 25 hertz, Ionic radiation has dropped to normal, at 100 percent. Rotation speed has increased but temperature is down to 650 Kelvin.” Eugene answered.

“Odd, we have never seen this before.” Marlon answered.

“She just gave birth; maybe she has to rest a bit.” Eugene observed.

“Perhaps, but how long until the first one gets here?” Marlon asked the technician in charge of calculating position and speed.

“Sixty seconds. No wait they are all moving faster. Thirty seconds.” The technician answered.

“Wind is gusting at 120 knots.” A weather technician answered.

“The mother is broadcasting 3.5 gigajoules of radio waves at 1,000 hertz.” Eugene said.

“What?” Marlon asked.

“The Mother is –“

“I know, that could fry everything in the valley. Including us.” Marlon said. “Shut down the power line electrical transmission, NOW!” He yelled at the technicians.

The quickly began manipulating their controls to bring the power down.

“The child is on top of us, we are within it.” One of the technicians said.

“Power at 75 percent.” Eugene observed.

“Internal temperature is rising in our control center.” A technician said.

“Power at 50 percent.” Eugene said.

"Any changes in the mother?" Marlon asked.

"No, not yet." Eugene answered.

“The other two have changed course and are moving directly for us.” The technician said. “They will be here in twenty seconds.”

The big projection screen sparked and caught fire. It was high up on the wall so everyone in the control center could see it.

“It must be 140 degrees in here.” Marlon said. Then he fell over from the heat.

“Power at – Arghhh!” Eugene screamed. Computers and electrical equipment began to spark and catch fire as technicians screamed their flesh beginning to burn.

Some still able to stand ran toward the door. They made it to the door and opened it. A burst of energy, an electromagnetic pulse crawled over everything like Saint Elmo’s fire.

Everyone and everything began to cook from the energy. In five seconds, every last person was dead. The control center was unrecognizable other than a completely charred building of concrete. A huge 10,000 gallon propane tank used to power the generators, and to heat and cool the control center blew. It was 60 percent full.

Jimmy had stepped out of his EPV which he parked not far from the house. He could see to the left of the house that there was a barn down below. Off in the far distance, he saw a huge fireball rise up from the ground. About a minute later, as he watched the fireball rise, he heard a great BOOM!

“Wow.” Jimmy said in awe as he stood there. “That was a huge explosion.”

“Put your hands up Mister. Who are you and that thing you just got out of is what exactly?”

Jimmy raised his hands. The EPV, the Deputy’s SUV or squad car, died.

"What do you mean we have lost contact with the control center and all our data feeds?" General Sherman asked. "How could we lose all of them?"

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz please vote and thanks for a reblog or resteem.

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