Birth - Chapter 14, Song of Angels, Book II

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Written for Steemit: A love story occurs during a time anomaly. A woman from today somehow steps into an anomaly and meets a cowboy asleep on his ranch, in his bed, in the 1850's. ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Birth - Chapter 14 - Song of Angels, Book II

Mindy Woczlewski courtesy of Nastya Muratokova

Song of Angels - Book 1 | Book II Chapter 1
Book II Chapter 2 | Book II Chapter 3
Book II Chapter 4 | Book II Chapter 5
Book II Chapter 6 | Book II Chapter 7
Book II Chapter 8 | Book II Chapter 9
Book II Chapter 10 | Book II Chapter 11
Book II Chapter 12 | Book II Chapter 13

Cyrus returned to the house with the water and set it to boil. Mindy and their newborn needed to be washed and the water had to be clean. Every pot he had was set on the stove and full.

Cyrus remembered to bolt the door for once and then he went into the bedroom to get the big bathing basin.

“Mindy, are you awake?” Cyrus whispered.

Mindy answered groggily, “I am so tired, so weak, so drained.”

“Should I set the basin in here or should we bathe you and the baby in the parlor?”

“Parlor, we will –“

A rumble cut her off, and it was followed by a loud voice from outside the house,

“Cyrus and Mindy do not fear us. We have come to help. Open thy door unto us so we may enter thy house and see to thy needs. Without our help, Mindy and thy child shall perish very soon. Cyrus thou shall soon perish as well. Do not fear us and we will save thee.”

“What is that?” Cyrus and Mindy exclaimed in fear.

“Do not fear us. Open the door or we shall force our way in to save thee and thy child. Without our help you shall soon perish. Open the door, we are the Elohim.”

“Cyrus, open the door as the voice comes from above and take off your pistol and knife or they might…”

“Yes,” Cyrus unstrapped his pistol and knife and set them on the pegs. He unbolted the door and opened it. As he did, he saw a great light seep around the door and outside the house is was very bright when it should have been night.

When he had fully opened the door, he saw a man in a white robe. He radiated light even in the light as he approached the house, “Fear me not, I am Rephael and have come to assist thee.”

Cyrus stepped out of the way of the door and the being of light called Rephael entered the house and the whole house was bright with his light and he walked into the bedroom. Even though he was in the bedroom, the whole house was lit.
He came up to Mindy and the baby and stopped.

Cyrus could see that there was something in his right hand which he switched to his left.

“Do not fear me Mindy. You have been drained because you gave birth much too quickly and thy child will perish because he grew much too quickly and was born by thee too soon. I will strengthen thee and thy child, set thy bodies aright and make thee and thy child well.”

The being called Rephael raised what he held in his hand to the baby boy and it grew so bright that Cyrus was forced to shield his eyes.

“Fear not this light Cyrus but look into it and thou shall not be harmed by it. You have gone too far into the future and stayed in it and it will affect thee. Come hither to me.”

Cyrus opened his eyes and moved forward to Mindy and the baby, yet it was so bright he could barely discern anything but light.

“How do you feel Mindy?” Rephael asked.

“I feel a little better.”

“Good. Your son is not yet fully healed and I must take him with me for a short while or he will perish. Do not fear me Mindy. Give me thy child and I shall return him to thee shortly, strong and well.” Rephael held out his hands for the baby.

“I…I, Cyrus”

“Mindy, this all is the Lord’s work and things have been so strange, please do as Rephael says.” Cyrus implored.

Mindy handed her son to Rephael.

“Good, Mindy and Cyrus. I shall return with your son tomorrow and all shall be well. Even so, even for what we can do for your son, he will be different and we will watch over all of you from henceforth.” Rephael said. He waited a moment and then turned to leave with their baby.

Rephael with the baby walked from the bedroom to the parlor and out the door. As he moved through the house, the light went with him.

Once Rephael was outside the door, he took a few steps and faded away, was gone.

Cyrus stepped outside after him and his son and looked up. A great light enveloped the entire area and shone from above, from what he could not see.

“Fear not, we shall return with thy son, soon. Comfort and tend to thy wife, await us and do not go beyond the boundaries of thy time.” Cyrus heard.

The light seemed to collapse in on itself somewhere above the house and then it was gone and all was normal. He thought it was strange that he looked into a light so very bright and could see normally. It had been like staring at the sun but – he felt, like he was new inside.

Cyrus went into the house and bolted the door. Mindy came out of the bedroom, “I feel so much better,” She said. “I have never been that weak in my life and now,” she yawned, “It is like. I am hungry Cyrus.”

“Yes, hungry. Let’s get you into clean clothes Mindy and how would you like to start out with some fruit?” Cyrus said as he walked toward her. He pulled off her robe and her top. He set them aside. “Here sit in the chair and I will get you some more underwear.

“I am warm enough for now, Cyrus but I could eat that fruit and …”

Cyrus went into the bedroom and grabbed some cans of fruit and brought them in. He opened the can and handed it to Mindy with a spoon.

“Good…” Mindy devoured the can.

“I’ll get some meat from out back and return.”

“Give me another can please, Cyrus,” Mindy said, “And make sure you get a lot of meat I have never been this hungry in my life.”

“Here you go dear,” Cyrus opened another can and handed it to Mindy. “Do you want a blanket?”

“I am fine, go get the meat please.” Mindy scooped and chewed away. Cyrus stepped out the door into the dark. Snow fell. Everything looked normal, like nothing at all had just happened. There was moon enough to see that there were no footprints where Rephael had walked in the snow. The lightning and thunder passed far to the east. The wind was calm and the temperature was just below freezing.

“Life can be real strange sometimes for some people.” Cyrus said as he walked through the snow to the slaughter shed. He felt hungry too but, he had to feed the animals, “The stock is going to have to wait, I could eat a horse.”

Cyrus hacked off a ten pound roast. Then, he walked back to the house.

“Who cares whether the water is hot or not, “ Mindy said, “Just pour it in the basin and I’ll wash up while you get that frying. Slice it thin so it will cook fast.”

Mindy untied her boots and removed her socks as well. She took off the towel that was her diaper. Her afterbirth was in the towel.

She stepped into the basin. The water was not freezing but it was less than tepid. Mindy did not care, she felt so alive, became more invigorated by the moment. “Cyrus, I feel so alive. Like everything is a new experience and someone just took my baby and I want to worry but my heart tells me all things in the world will soon be wonderful. How do you feel?”

“I am starving.” Cyrus said, “I wish this would hurry up and cook. I feel so hungry I might have to go get more meat.”

“Ravenous.” Mindy exclaimed as she washed herself.

“Rare will do won’t it?”

“Put some garlic and pepper on it.”

“Yeah and salt and onions.”

“Potatoes and turnips.”

“Fruit and vegetables.”

“Biscuits and coffee.”

“Just hand it to me on a plate with a fork while I sit in the basin here. I can’t wait.” Mindy said.

“Yes.” Cyrus did have to go out and cut off another roast later that night. He did get around to feeding the stock as well but it was late, real late.

After gorging themselves with a feast, Husband and wife, Mom and Pop, fell asleep together in the chair.

Mindy was wrong, about one thing, things would not soon be wonderful for the rest of the world.

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz


This is really good can't wait to read the rest of the story

You are too gracious with your praise and your continued support is inspirational

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