Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #2: Steemit's Impact on My Communication Skills

Communication is a part of life that none of us can avoid.

When reflecting on my time on Steemit, and how it has affected my daily communication skills, there are many aspects that I can point to. The first is how to best engage other users on the platform. Steemit is like other social media sites in that you still must be social if you want to succeed financially. Sifting through posts on Steemit each day takes time and effort, and reading and responding to blogs is no different.

In conjunction with @dobartim's "Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks" Initiative, I've decided to share my thoughts on how Steemit has affected my communication skills since becoming active last year. Here they are, so I hope you enjoy hearing about my journey:

Interactions With Others

When I first embarked on my Steemit journey back in July of 2017, I knew very little about digital currencies, and even less about how to communicate on an entire platform based on one. Slowly but surely I was able to find my way, thanks to the comments given to me by veteran users. They showed me the importance of responding to specific things in someone else's blog in order to show them that you took the time to thoughtfully consider their blog post.

This is where Steemit revolutionized my online communication skills for the first time. I learned about how to build relationships on a site where many users are only concerned with landing large upvotes. Once I mastered these skills, it changed the way I looked at every single comment that I'd make. All of my comments are also immortalized on the blockchain. This means it's even more important to consider what I say, since it will forever be associated with my account.

I have also been able to establish a Discord server for the purpose of encouraging such interactions. In December, I helped launch The STEEM Engine, a community dedicated to engagement among its members and rewarding quality content. Through this community, I have honed my communication skills even further, as I've had to collaborate with a leadership team and mentor other users into their roles. Communicating with a group has its challenges, so this experience has taught me the importance of being transparent as a leader, while still encouraging others to succeed.

I've been able to build and maintain many relationships on Steemit thanks to these communication skills I learned early on. The relationships I've built help account for my financial success on the platform, so whenever I encourage new users, this is one of the first things I tell them.

Explaining Steemit to New Users

Several months on Steemit have also taught me how to effectively communicate reasonable goals and aspirations that new members should have. It's hard to communicate to someone how much work it can be to become successful. Then you have to be able to define what successful means here on Steemit. This requires you to be able to show other users how financial success only comes after relational success on Steemit. Sure by throwing up posts all the time you might land a few high value votes here and there, but success lies in creating quality content and engaging others on their blogs.

To this end, I created a post that I still refer new users to about how to format their posts to polish the looks. It's been a fantastic asset and has helped many users learn things that they didn't know before.

In addition to communicating these core concepts, I've also learned how to most effectively explain all of the terminology associated with Steemit to users of all notoriety. All of the aspects of Steemit can be overwhelming to new users, especially if they aren't familiar with digital currencies at all. They must immediately learn about public and private keys, the blockchain, rewards, payouts, wallets, voting power, STEEM, SBDs, STEEM Power, witnesses, and the list goes on. Not only have I learned about all of these things myself since joining Steemit, but now I find that I'm able to describe all of these terms in detail to new users who need help. It's a great pleasure to help someone get started on their Steemit journey, and without my experiences on the blockchain, I would have no idea how to communicate these concepts.

Not only have I been able to help users online with these concepts, but I've been able to better explain Steemit and digital currencies to friends and family members in conversations at events, dinners, church, and family functions. I enjoy being able to effectively explain digital currencies to those who have never heard of them or are skeptical of them because of how the mainstream media portrays them. Such communication skills would never exist without my personal experiences on the blockchain.

The Financial Importance of Blockchain Technology

My time on Steemit has helped me learn much about digital currencies, how they operate, and how they can be useful. Recently, I used Steemit to help raise money for some projects in my wife's elementary classroom. It was incredible to see how other users rallied around the cause and helped support the initiatives. In the end, we raised $425 for books and creative seating options for the classroom, and this experience has made it easier for me to communicate how important the blockchain can be financially.

My wife and I have had the opportunity to talk to other people about Steemit thanks to this initiative, and it's been great to say that all of the funds came from Steemit and were made possible by donations from users across the globe. I have very much enjoyed these conversations, because it brings things into perspective. The blockchain can be used to send financial assistance almost anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. Before Steemit, I had no idea how to communicate the utility of a blockchain-based financial system.

Verbal Communication

Given that Steemit exists online, one may not immediately think that it could help improve verbal communication skills. However, I will argue that Steemit has greatly enhanced mine.

First, I joined a Discord community called The Steemit Ramble, which is a project of Steemian @ShadowsPub. Not long ago, the Ramble began hosting a session called "Pimp Your Post Thursday," (PYPT) where users entered a voice channel and proceeded to give a verbal blurb about a post they wanted to promote. I've had the opportunity to present many times during this segment, and I often get questions about my posts that I have to answer. It's a fun exercise in speaking in front of others, and I've greatly enjoyed using the segment as an opportunity to advance my personal communication skills.

After enjoying verbal curation in the PYPT segment, I decided to venture out and begin an independent verbal curation project. After helping form the Discord community, The STEEM Engine, I decided to begin curating content from that group in the form of podcasts. Now, I produce two podcasts each week, in which I write and read a curation blurb about each post and edit them together to form a continuous podcast. It's been one of my favorite and most successful series of posts since I began my activity on Steemit last year. I have enjoyed it tremendously, and it has made me consider every aspect of the words I say and how they will be received by others.

The podcast, entitled, The STEEM Engine Express, also introduced me to DSound, a project aimed at being a decentralized hub for audio, which is based on the STEEM blockchain. Thanks to the use of this service, I have been able to encourage other verbal communicators (podcasters, musicians, and writers) to share their content on the platform in order to increase the amount of verbal content across Steemit. A small opportunity to share others' posts has brought me to this point, where I am extremely grateful for the opportunities I have to communicate with others.

Communicating my Thoughts and Interests

I would be remiss to neglect the mention of blog posts that I share which aren't related to Steemit or the posts of other users. Steemit has taught me how to more effectively communicate my ideas and interests with other users. Every so often, I'll share my thoughts on a current event, or on a recent trip or experience that I've had, and Steemit has helped me learn how to better share these thoughts and experiences with others. Some examples of these types of posts are:

In all of these blogs, I was communicating an experience or skill with others on the blog. This has been very valuable to me, because I've received great feedback from others on the explanations and presentations. My skills as a blogger have sharpened since joining Steemit, and they get better and better with each new post.

I've also stopped many times along my Steemit journey to evaluate my progress and reflect on the things that I've done so far. I consider this post to be of similar variety, however, sharing those posts has been helpful to me along the way. Here are some examples of my previous reflection posts:

I hope to continue this trend in the future in order to further reflect on my Steemit journey.

Final Thoughts

In each of my blogs, I end with a segment called "Final Thoughts," where I summarize my last few musings about a subject before ending the post. This blog was created as an entry into @dobartim's "Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks" Initiative, where he is challenging users to write out how Steemit has affected their communication skills. This has been a great post to reflect on my Steemit journey thus far, and I'm hoping that many other people take the time to enter the challenge. Thanks to @dobartim for hosting the competition.

When you consider your time on Steemit as a learning experience, great things can happen. I am looking forward to my continued involvement with Discord communities, as well as producing more of my podcasts. Every interaction, every post I've read, every upvote, and every comment on Steemit have helped improve my life, communication-wise and in many other ways. I appreciate the opportunity to share these thoughts with you all, so I hope you'll continue to support my blog, as I look forward to supporting yours.


The STEEM Engine



I definitely have a lot to learn about using Steemit, but I see that there are a TON of benefits of being here as well. As a blogger for the last 10 years, I was thinking I had the communication skills covered.

However, after reading your post, I think this platform can improve my skills too. I'm excited to figure it all out and make use of everything offered here. I'll be honest though, DSound sounds terrifying! I am not a fan of my voice or verbally communicating with people I don't know. But maybe it will become a fun challenge that I can push myself to try out soon!

It was great to find your profile (and your Discord server), and I look forward to reading more from you! :)

Hey @keciah! Great to hear from you.

I think you have an advantage, being an established blogger. The content creation aspect of Steemit shouldn't be an issue for you, so you'll just have to get used to the community aspect, and the digital currency lingo. It shouldn't take you too long to figure it out, though.

Podcasting has been one of my favorite things I've done since joining Steemit, but I understand that not everyone has a desire to do that. If you're up to the challenge, it can be pretty fun, I must say.

Thanks again for your comment! I'll check out your blog soon!

Steemit has been a great learning experience for me as well, this last month I've been on steemit I've gone from a mostly silent person irl and lurker on the internet to a person that interacts be it in games, on the internet, irl, on discord, I've joined so many discord servers I can barely keep up with the conversation! talking about everything with people from all over the world from cryptos to steemit to games to history and educational topics! it has been a truly enriching experience and I hope I can keep interacting with everyone on the platform for years to come ;-D

You'll find that those interactions are what makes your time here great. Keep on building relationships. That's my best piece of advice to anyone just getting started here. You never know what kind of rewards you'll get from simply responding to a person's post or a short conversation on Discord.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I really appreciate it!

You are an excellent example of how Steemit has created a perfect blogger. Your blog posts are among the best on Steemit - much better than the rants and rambles on the trending page. I would rank your posts at the top of a trending page because they are so complete in every way and full of high quality content.

The STEEM Engine community, which I joined recently, carries the same pholosphy and standards as reflected in your posts. I heard about the Steemit Ramble from one of your posts although I haven't yet been able to attend a PYPT session. Maybe I will in one of the upcoming sessions.

Thank you for your substantial and important contribution to the Steemit community!

I appreciate your kind words about my blog. I've worked hard to make it this way, and one of my goals is to help others produce great content all the time!

I'm glad you've enjoyed your time at The STEEM Engine. We appreciate members like you who take the time to engage others. You should definitely check out PYPT this week, though! It's a really fun segment.

Thank you for your comment!

Steemit has had a profound effect on how I communicate online as well bith on Discord and on Steemit itself

I used to be very reserved and just share photos and never add much about them or my thoughts but feel I am transitioning to be better with adding more info and thoughts with my posts but know I still need to keep working i this regard

You are very inspiring with all your doing on Steemit and your so well presented posts and podcasts which I always enjoy

I think it's great to tell stories with each photo you share. It makes them seem more personal!

Thanks so much for your continued support. I've enjoyed all of your comments, and your photography is fun to follow.

THis mornings post was a little short yesterday was a crazy day but working on one with a little bit more info for my next post

Glad we meet on here :)

Hi @ethandsmith, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Thursdays for Pimp Your Post Thursday at 11am EST or 7PM EST in the Steemit Ramble Discord or:

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

Hey there @ShadowsPub. It's always a pleasure to be featured in the Ramble. I've got too many posts I want to share in PYPT this week, so I'll have to narrow it down between now and then. Looking forward to it!

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my posts.

Great post as usual, it's strange to think just how much I've learned from Steemit, mainly about Crypto but you're totally right, especially as someone who's always struggled with social media Steemit has taught me a lot about communication in this modern age. The importance of MAKING time to go through my feed thoroughly is not lost on me that's for sure!

It's great to hear that you've also learned much about communication thanks to Steemit. I know it has affected me in many ways, so I'm glad that I've gotten responses like yours to this post.

Making time to scroll through the feed can be difficult. It's even harder when you scroll through the new page or the hot page. So many posts are there because they've been voted on with bots, so most of the posts aren't worth the time to read. That's why I've enjoyed being in a group where the members pride themselves in creating fantastic content. I just scroll through those posts instead of wasting time on other feeds. It's also helpful if you follow a lot of great content creators, then you can just scroll through your feed.

Thanks for your feedback!

in steemit the potentials are huge and are only limited by ourselves. the key as you mentioned too is interaction and communication with others. if we keep helping each other then we gonna grow more and more and bring our experiences and ideas in the platform. I am really glad steem engine has the growth it has and i hope and believe that it will grow and become something like curie!

We can only hope that we'll have that notoriety in the future! Certainly that's a long term goal, but we're so excited that we can do what we do now for our members.

As for interactions, you're right. We can always help each other grow.

Thank you for stopping by this post and commenting!

I can see how Steemit could definitely help with communication skills. It's amazing how you've pointed out that it has even helped you verbally! Great that you were able to promote Steemit after your wife's big donor's help challenge! That is pretty cool! When I talk about it, people think I'm pretty nuts. ;) I've tried to get a few people to join, but so far I'm unsuccessful at getting them to stay and participate. ;) Ha.

All of my comments are also immortalized on the blockchain. This means it's even more important to consider what I say, since it will forever be associated with my account.

Interesting point. I don't think I had considered that before that it was forever associated with the account. So a thoughtful comment is definitely the way to go. :)

Oh believe me, I still have plenty of people tell me I'm crazy when I talk about it, but already it has made such a difference in my life, especially lately with the fundraiser project! So I'll just keep talking about it until finally everyone will be on Steemit, and I won't seem so crazy anymore.

I know in college they always tell you to be careful what you share on social media. I think that's even more so for Steemit, since everything is immortalized. It's a good point to remember.

Thank you for your comment!

Steemit and the Power of Communication. It is the indeed the most powerful thing. I've come to think of steemit as something that I could just easily go and not get attached to. NOt interact. Just post, post, post and post all days long. This was where i was super wrong. Certainly there ups and downs, broken relationships along the way but my steemit Journey was uber fun.

I hope it will continue to be fun. Now and again, I enjoy typing out reflection posts like this so that I can see how far I've come. It's also fun to go back and look at some of my early posts and compare them to now.

I'm glad you broke free of the posting all day long syndrome, and I hope you'll continue to make meaningful relationships on the platform! Thank you for your comment.

I really like your post friends and your post is very good I am glad to be able to join you thanks steemit friends good for sharing interesting things I can learn from you

I hope you do learn something from this post, specifically that you should always avoid generic comments. To me, it doesn't even feel like you read the post. You didn't offer any specific points that you enjoyed or any points that you disagreed with. In the future, be sure to engage other users more meaningfully. It's one of the take-home messages I tried to communicate in this post, and it's incredibly important for success on Steemit!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

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