What's in a name? No really. What? 🤔 - #steemitnamechallenge

in #steemitnamechallenge6 years ago (edited)

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Hey there! Hi there! Ho there!

Time for YOU to learn a little bit about ME.

First, I'd like to shoutout to @felobtc , who was the brains behind this little challenge. Here's what you're going to find out:

  • Tell us how you chose the current Steemit username you have, the story behind it.
  • Tell us your real name!
  • If you could change your current Steemit username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
  • Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out
  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge

Let's do it!

---Tell us how you chose the current Steemit username you have, the story behind it.

It starts many, many years ago... January - February(ish) of 1981.

Two people somehow slipped and fell in love and some nine months later, a rather miraculous thing happened-- I was born! You lucky people! Well, years passed and my given name just stuck. I'd say it grew on me. Like hardcore. And not just my first name, but my first AND last name... Let me tell you why...

In high school I was SUPER ... nerdy? Popular? Hard to say. 😏

Anyway, I was in band (and literally every other extracurricular activity- but that'd be a LONG post...). So... band. Yeah. There were a LOT of Carries, cause we're awesome, of course, but too many to not confuse. To help this we all adopted nicknames... kinda. For example, there was a Carrie that played tuba and we just called her "Shaddock", which was her last name. But me? I became Carrieallen. One glorious word. One word to rule them alll!!!

Wait. What? Nevermind...😲

My parents thought it was HILARIOUS when people would call the house and ask for "Carrieallen". LOL!

They literally laughed at kids, but eventually got used to it. After graduating highschool and moving to a place where NONE of my contemporaries where going (I did that on purpose, I wanted to try new things and not get stuck in old habits), I still introduced myself as Carrieallen. Most people assumed I was Carrie Ellen and often asked my last name. I can't count the times that people would ask, "So your name is Carrie Ellen Allen?" LOL! Full disclosure: my middle name is Elizabeth. 😍

To sum it up: My name ROCKS.

Its probably the best name. No offense to your name. I mean, if you use a fake one, it totally makes sense cause mine was already taken. 😎

---Tell us your real name.

Um... see above. I'm all real, all the time. 😘

---If you could change your current Steemit username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!

No. No I wouldn't.

I was SUPER stoked to get in early enough to be able to use my own, super amazing, fantastic, wonderful real name. Though if I'd NOT been able to get it I would have tried ColoradoCarrie or ColoradoCarrieallen OR carrieallen4u or ElizaAshdene. Those I currently use in other social media places because my name was already taken. Ya know why? Cause people with my name KNOW how awesome it it. They do. It's the truth.

I bet you can guess why I would choose the first two alternates... Or I HOPE you can. 😉 Third one, carrieallen4u, I've used since the beginning (of interneting). That name made the most sense when creating an email for the first time. I mean, I was setting up a way FOR YOU to get ahold of me. Seemed logical. 😏 And the last one, ElizaAshdene... well that name is also REALLY cool. No idea why. Really. But I love it. I used it MANY years ago when I signed up for Second Life (when my first life was bedridden...). I still have a Second Life, but don't visit there much now that I have a Steemit Life. 😍

---Nominate 5 people

I do what I want! And normally I wouldn't tag people for a challenge... and today is no different.

I would, however, LOVE to know answers to these questions... from whoever chooses to tell me. Yes, I assume these things about people with fake names...😏

  • Have you murdered? Or are you planning to murder? (or some other nefarious crime)
  • Are you in the witness protection program? (Wait, don't answer that...)
  • Are you planning a takedown of Steemit?
  • What exactly are you afraid of?
  • Do you think I should be afraid too?

The no-namers!

Now you've been called out. Please do not feel obligated (or ticked off 🤣). I sincerely want to know. Also, I'm not expecting you to come clean about murders and such, even with the anonymity you've cloaked yourselves in. Stay safe. Don't appease me. 😍 Really, it's mostly the last two questions I'm most interested in. But, in the end- you do you. 😀

That's all folks pink.gif

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Check out some of my latests videos!

video sigs - info.png

video sigs - coffee talk.png

video sigs - crypto.png

Need help formatting your posts? Check out this great (if I do say so myself) tutorial:

Are you stealing Google images?! Learn how to do it LEGALLY:

If you find yourself needing help or just have a question or two, find me on Discord.😀

All images were created/taken by me, or from Bitmoji.com. Make your own today!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

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This may be the most entertaining #steemitnamechallenge I have read. It's cool that your first and last name flow so well together. I use my real name too, since it's unique and I don't have to share it with many people. :)

Yay! Good names for the win! 😍

@carrieallen This is a great story!! It was totally entertaining for me to know about your real name and how you properly talk about it. I also love my name and my last names 'cause my last names are pretty unusual in my country. Thank you for being part of this challenge and spreading the word through your post!

Thank YOU for the fun challenge!

Lol! I almost tagged you and your hubby and then thought "Duh! They are their real names, there is no story" but now I see how wrong I was!

Well that clears that question up nicely! I always misread it and thought your were a Star Wars and Alien film nerd (CarrieAlien). I it is always lucky if you get to use your preferred user name everywhere - given the number of people in the world with similar names it's very difficult unless you come up with something ludicrous like I did - although you would be surprised how often my account name crops up that isn't me using it! I like your what are you hiding behind questions, very good points -


I DO love aliens... 👽

And yes! Since the beginning of social media, I've always been wary of those that choose different names for themselves... But, as more folks joined the bandwagon, names started getting taken. I'll forgive most of ya... unless you've murdered. 😉

Glad you beefed it up a bit. I always just kinda figured it was your boring old real name...lol.

I feel like it was important to explain... my name is ANYTHING but boring. 😉

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