Day 11: Steemit Is The Gateway Drug To Crypto (30 Days Of Steemit Success)

in #steemit7 years ago

One of the byproducts from being active on Steemit is following cryptocurrency and that can be a good thing and a bad thing. Like any addiction, you need to be careful.

I have been delegated 1,000 SP to help new Steemonians find Steemit Success. Over the month of September I will be posting daily about different strategies, tips and tricks to help you become the best Steemoninan you can be. You can start at the beginning if you want.

30 Days Of Steemit Success

For most people that become active when they get to Steemit, they feel almost addicted. The concept of making money to participate in a social media sucks them in. I know it happened to me. I spent 8-10 hours a day on Steemit when I first started. A pace that wasn't realistic.

Pace yourself. It is important to dive right into Steemit, but don't get down on your self if you miss a day of blogging. Just keep doing the best you can. I try to dedicate at least 1-2 hours daily now. It doesn't always work that way, but I am addicted... so I stay up late to make sure I get my time in.

When you are first starting out, one thing the Steemit addiction will inevitably lead to is cryptocurrency.  For some they found Steemit because they were already into crypto and learned that way. Others came to post blogs about travel or reply to articles about science. 

It doesn't matter what your interests where when you got here, almost everyone starts reading the crypto blogs and learning more about cryptocurrency.  

When you start making some SBD and SP most people want to know how to convert that to money they can use in their bank account. Not everyone pulls it out, but they start looking at how to do it. Then comes the converting to Bitcoin and that opens a whole new can of worms for some people.

Crypto is the byproduct of spending time on Steemit, we all learn it to some degree and we are all familiar with it. But what does this have to do with Steemit Success????

Simple... if you are frustrated that you are not making more for blogs you know are good or if you are not seeing the growth you want... stop looking at Steemit through such a short amount of time.

Steemit is still in beta. It was formed just 18 months ago. Cryptocurrency isn't mainstream, in fact, we have a long way to go. So stop getting discouraged after a month or two, we're here to make this site a winner in the crypto-battles. We want STEEM to make it the long-run, so judge yourself in the long-run.

The thing is... Steemit is a gateway drug to cryptocurrency, but as cryptocurrency grows in popularity and use... at some point the paradigm will shift and crypto will be a gateway to Steemit. At that point, all of us where are still active could be in for a huge payday. 

This isn't a sprint... it is a marathon so dedicate yourself for the long run.

(all gifs from

Today's Question

What came first... Steemit or Crypto? Did you learn of crypt here on Steemit or were you a fan of crypto and that is how you found Steemit?

The best comments will be 100% upvoted and added to the eBook for 30 Days of Steemit Success.

Thank you for reading Day 11: Steemit Is The Gateway Drug To Crypto.  This blog is part of a project that @dragosroua and @alexvan are supporting. I am deeply appreciative of their support for my project. The 30 Days of Steemit Success will be a series of blogs posted daily on Steemit to help new Steemonians. All of the blogs will be put together to create an eBook that will be available for download in October for all Steemonians for free.

To my followers, you are my gateway drug to Steemit happiness. 


@walkingkeys: I do enjoy your posts - as well as your helpful tips.
A friend, @worldclassplayer, talked about Steemit for months before I checked it out and finally joined. I knew absolutely nothing about cryptocurrencies so, Steem was my introduction, and catalyst for me to investigate cryptos more in depth. Next step was to learn about wallets and such. I had some money in a traditional IRA, so I pulled a bit out and purchased a little Bitcoin, then used that to purchase a little of a couple of other alt coins, and some Steem... I didn't die as a result of that process, and I was pleased with the results, so I did it again...
Intrigued even more, and paying attention to the crypto market and seeing it was a good time to buy, I wanted to pull more money out of my IRA. Now, my IRA wasn't/isn't what I'd call a whole lot, as I had to pull a lot of money out of it the last year of my wife's life, (I was her primary caregiver and had no other source of income, in addition to medical expenses.) Anyway, I kept looking at my IRA, which hadn't performed very well in recent years, and I wanted to pull money out to invest in crypto, but I didn't want the tax liability. So, I began looking to see if I could find where I could have cryptocoins IN an IRA.
That's when I found Bitcoin IRA Looked into it, liked the fact that I could invest in both Bitcoin and Etherium (they now also offer Ripple, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and Etherium Classic), and transferred ALL of the rest of my traditional IRA over to Bitcoin IRA, investing 70% in Bitcoin and 30% in Etherium. Unfortunately didn't complete transaction until Aug 2nd, but caught Bitcoin at 2716 and Etherium at 198...
So, thanks to @worldclassplayer, and people like you @walkingkeys here on Steemit, I took the crypto plunge - from knowing nothing to going All In - and am happy to say that, at today's price, I'm looking at a 52% rate of return on my investment in my Bitcoin IRA... in 6 weeks...
Only downside is IRA rules - it's viewed as foreign currency purchased with dollars IN the IRA so, it has to come out as dollars... I can't exchange alt coins outside of my own IRA wallet. I'll have to sell to pull cash out of IRA, which is taxable income at that point, if I want to buy/invest in something else. But, I can live with that...

Wow great insight. unfortunately at this moment i dont have the time to go through every single one of the points you put out. but later today or tomorrow i will get reading. I apreciate your time and effort to help others and thats what life is about. Helping and loving others. Have a great day! Resteemed and following btw. -Cheers

For me the first thing that drew me here was Steemit. The social nestwork of it. (intentional typo).I was told that it was unlike most of the other social trollwork location ie: FB (fat boys), YT (young turks), GH (geriatric homes), and all the others.
As for crypto: This is from a posting I made just a few minutes ago:

So I need a Lawyer, an accountant, and a webmaster, in order to buy EOS? In other words I did not understand a word of what you typed. When are "Laymen", ordinary people going to be able to understand any of the crypto currency exchanging. It really does sound like one big brother, secret hand shake club. 5 steps to buy an invisible coin. Someone needs to make it easier.

From the The Dawn of EOS.IO. Blog.
So I am not sure I will ever understand it, but I am really enjoying fun side of it all.

I was a fan of crypto before I had ever heard of Steemit. I was always a bit too scared to jump into crypto but I've recently decided to take the plunge. One of my goals in life is to be as financially self-reliant as possible and I view Crypto and Steemit as opportunities to move my life in that direction. I'm still learning the ropes here but hope one day to be able to contribute positively to this community.

I was already a fan of crypto. Ethereum accelerated that joy and luckily I bought in early. I believe that Ethereum blockchain has advanced the emergence of AI. Also, it is contributing in so many positive ways. I really like
which are built on the Ethereum blockchain.
I am also a Subgenius.
and even the Church of the SubGenius has there own crypto.
and so does Putin
and Pot
I found Steemit through the same friend who turned me on to Ethereum, and I couldn't be happier.

I found from someone who send mail with tips for online marketing @paulcoman. I think it is like more a blog !

Great post as usual Mr @walkingkeys.
I think I read about Steemit somewhere, might have been Motherboard, right about the time I became interested in crypto in May this year. I joined but then got distracted by crypto and spent time trying to mine Ethereum, trying to set up a Monero node and messing around on Minergate on what turns out to be an antiquated rig that cant' do much.
I kept meaning to start blogging on Steemit but two months went by before I actually did. Needless to say I regret not getting started earlier but here I am 130 followers later and loving Steemit. I'm definitely in for the long haul. I'm converting my spare SBD into Steem for now but still debating whether to keep it liquid or to power up with it.

Keep the great posts coming!

I wasn't interested in crypto until I joined Steemit. Opened my eyes to a whole new world.

steemit is the best addiction i have found / haha ... great gifs!

I learned about cryptocurrency after I joined a company that paid wages with bitcoin via Bitwage. I learned about Steemit last year in a forum but didn't give it much thought until 8 days ago when I just went ahead and dived in! Been "addicted" to it ever since, hehe. :P

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 63222.17
ETH 3486.30
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53