Day 6: The Most Important Thing About Blogging On Steemit (30 Days Of Steemit Success)

in #steemit7 years ago

You have to add value when you write on Steemit and this is the best way to do it. If you do this, you will find that you will have a better response. 

I have been delegated 1,000 SP to help new Steemonians find Steemit Success. Over the month of September I will be posting daily about different strategies, tips and tricks to help you become the best Steemoninan you can be. You can start at the beginning if you want.

Steemit is a unique place. It isn't like Facebook where people post the best version of their lives. It isn't like Twitter where people share the meanest part of their lives. It isn't like Instagram where you can add filters to your life. 

One of the best things about Steemit is that authenticity seems to win. 

There is a freedom on Steemit that is hard to put into words. We all see so much BS everywhere else. On the news, on TV, social media, fake websites... conspiracy YouTube videos... there is just so much that is in some way fake. Even reality TV is scripted. 


Steemit on the other hand is different. It is an aberration in this digital age. People are real here. Yes there are people and bots that are not real, but the vast majority of successful, active Steemit members are authentic. They tell real stories, post real pictures and the people that are the most honest about the things they experience seem to do the best on here. 

People respect honesty on here. I have found that when I really talk about the things that I like and make the posts that I enjoy writing. I find that I write about the things I experience each day and I'm honest. Some of the best posts I made on here were ones that I thought nobody would really like, but I just thought I had something to say. 

It is true, think about the posts you like the best. I would bet that you connect with them because they seem honest and helpful or educational or entertaining. You pick a topic because of the title or the writer, but I would bet you connect because of the authenticity. 

The lesson here and the most important thing about blogging on Steemit is and always will be... VALUE... I've spoken at length about it. The best way to add value? Be authentic. Talk about the stuff you know. Talk about the stuff that interests you. If you've put time into studying a topic you enjoy, sharing your knowledge will add value to your post. 

Use your authentic voice and share your unique knowledge and experiences and you will add value to your posts and succeed.

Today's Question

What is your favorite part about writing on Steemit? You can't say earning crypto... 

The best comments will be 100% upvoted and added to the eBook for 30 Days of Steemit Success.

Thank you for reading Day 6: The Most Important Thing About Blogging On Steemit.  This blog is part of a project that @dragosroua and @alexvan are supporting. I am deeply appreciative of their support for my project. The 30 Days of Steemit Success will be a series of blogs posted daily on Steemit to help new Steemonians. All of the blogs will be put together to create an eBook that will be available for download in October for all Steemonians for free.

To my followers, you make it easy to be myself. Thank you.


Never knowing what the reaction is going to be. Good, Bad, or Ugly, (I wish it was indifference but it's not". You go to bed wake up and get to see if you made a tiny bit of difference. Some days you do, some days you don't. I still prefer the reading aspect of steemit, over the writing part. I'm a user, and will continue to use, until the steem wells run dry.

Great reply!!! I appreciate your insight for sure. I get the same feeling when I wake up and check Steemit for the first time in the morning. Thanks for the great reply.

My favorite part about writing on steemit is that i can improove myself while writing even if at the beginning i'm not good.
I see steemit as a place where one can improove himself and also be rewarded.

Great post anyway, Followed and will also follow this 30 day lessons.
Thank you for doing this!!!

I agree. This is a great way to improve. Thanks for the kind words. I'll add your comment to the ebook.
I'm following you too.

Steemit is a place that I could be myself and express my thoughts and idea in words (maybe in graphics and video in future). I also do think to be a Steemer, it gives me an incentive to mold my skill to express. It is not an easy task to say out something with clarity unless it is well structured and well written. Being a content making platform, it is competitive to fight for attention but I do believe that with the consistency and strategizing, there is always opportunity.
Thanks @walkingkeys for the effort to help up #minnow. It really motivates me and others :)

My favorite part about writing on Steemit:

I'm not sure that "favorite" is the right word for me to use, but I am enjoying it and it's what I need.

I've committed to writing about my progress as I'm learning to be a better programmer ( #javascript, #nodejs). That commitment, and knowing that other programmers are actually reading my writing, keeps me going where my own will power would not necessarily be strong enough. It's a kind of positive peer pressure to keep learning and to keep getting better.

My favorite part of writing on Steemit is that it's stress free writing. No deadlines, just me and my words. The only pressure that I feel is to put out quality content, and I work hard to do that on a daily basis. Another bonus to writing here, is that my writing has improved immensely in the three short weeks that I have been using the platform. I can't wait to see where I'm at in a year from now.
Thanks for another quality post, @walkingkeys!
See ya next time!

My favorite part of writing on steemit-logo-25px.png steemit is that I know it's stored on #Blockchain forever, therefore i need to be conscious enough and take the responsibility about my writings. By the way is an excellent way to improve my english and receive feedback from my surroundings.

Using #Markdown is my other favorite feature on steemit-logo-25px.png steem

It all sounds very good, but I think the reason most people are here is still to earn some cash. If you just want to blog and have people read your stories, there are bigger platforms to publish on.
Most people are just playing nice, because they want that upvote.

I can't count the number of people that comment "upvote me and I'll upvote you" or "great post, I really like it" anymore. Or the people that end their comment with : "I'm following you" in the hope that you'll respond or follow back.....

And then there are the professional scammers: people that have 1000's of accounts or bots. Some even downvote others for curation: check out @nixthehammer's account for instance. He quit Steemit recently because of harrasment.

There's also people that plagiarize and still get away with it and others that are blacklisted without apparent reason: check out @elenasteem for instance.

And let's not forget the people that upload an unoriginal post every 30 minutes or so. @izbing is a good example of these.

I agree that authenticity should win in the end, but Steemit is a long way from perfection imo.

I'd say my favourite part is being able to connect with people from all over. I live in a TINY town in South Africa where 90% of the population hasn't even heard of Bitcoin, nevermind a more obscure coin like Gridcoin. Being able to write and ask questions about things I'm interested in but none of the people around me or even my FB friends are is pretty awesome.

fantastic post, well my favorite part about writing on steemit is that i can improve my vocabulary and also keep track of my dreams, or keep a journal of all the goings-on in my world. thanks for sharing

My favourite part about writing on steemit is improve the grammar and write a useful post. Amazing post.

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