A Question Of Growth

in #steemit6 years ago


One Small Comment Having A Huge Impact

I have been quietly following a conversation that has circled the boards lately.
I first noticed a comment made by Simplymike here

If I’m really honest, I do feel a little lost sometimes. Of course, I’ve had a chance to build an amazing network of friends, and we support each other as much as we can. But sometimes I really miss that long line of newbie-supporting initiatives that were all eager to teach me the ropes around here. Because although I have a rep of 57, there are plenty of times I could really use such a huge backup.
But I’m trying to figure something out to make sure that people who leave official newbie-hood will not be ‘abandoned’ and have no other choice than to get by on their own.
It might take some more time, but I’m trying to bring back a little balance

Even I can see the truth of this statement. There are an overwhelming number of opportunities geared toward fostering the growth of the newer and smaller members. I myself take advantage of theses as much as possible.
As I strive for the next level and hope to leave behind "official newbie-hood" I find myself beginning to plan ahead. Even now I have come close to not qualifying for a contest the winning of which would make a huge difference to growth of my own account. Actually a friend would probably have entered and for sure won, had he not been a tiny bit ahead of me in his own account.

This comment apparently struck a cord with more than just me. Soon posts were popping up and discussion happening


wolfhart weighed in

The reality is that some will never reach even the minnow level as a result one has to find balance not only in who to support but selfgrowth also. Selfgrowth is one of the hardest things to understand on how to accomplish.

As a plankton striving to be a minnow self growth is just a matter choosing the best opportunities and taking full advantage. It can be slow but it works.
It seems things are not so simple for a minnow. I had heard that becoming a dolphin is 10 times harder than reaching minnow status. That could very well be an understatement. It seems the dolphins are off playing at sea enjoying their dolphin status. That is great so reaching the minnow pond means suddenly discovering a need to become very creative with growth strategy.
This also makes me wonder if buying enough Steem to level up could have its disadvantages. Mostly because growing organically at least provides a learning experience that just wouldn't happen otherwise. I know I have to learn a lot along the way while bootstrapping.

  • here
    lynncoyle1 joined the conversation

The problem with my process, is that my own posts get neglected. Sometimes it takes me a bit to get back to the comments on my posts, but really, I'm talking about writing my own posts.
Mystery solved...that's why my SP is only around 350.

Time and where to put it. I wonder how many consider the fact that this changes as we grow. I already know that for me 8 to 12 post a month is the best for my growth at this level. That is only 2-3 each week leaving time to invest in other growth strategies. Not to mention enjoyment of the time spent.
Minnow and dolphin however may benefit more from other activity, depending on personal goals.


  • here
    abh12345 offered insight

it's easy to spot the huge influx of accounts with < 100 SP over the past 6 weeks in comparison to the other (larger) thresholds. The bottom is growing much faster than the top, as you would expect I think.

It's honorable to be looking down for ways to support Red Fish and Minnows, but if you have not got your support network in place, this is going to impact the growth of your account. Very few have managed a good level of growth with this approach - anywhere near those contributing to @dtube / @dlive for example.

It seems to me this is not sustainable for the long term growth of the platform. If you consider the retention rate it is pretty clear that there is an overwhelming amount of time and resources that are in the end basically "dusted" just like so many tiny votes.

I think everyone manages to "dust" a bit of our Steem resources in this manner. Maybe through helping get someone a @dustsweeper or sponsoring an @sbi share, adding them to a voting list. Most important spending time on explanations and encouragement.

Time management seems to be a common denominator across all account levels. There are just so many things to do here and prioritizing can be a job in its self.
The fact that there are many reasons for being on the platform in the first place makes setting those priorities a process unique to each individual.


The list continues to grow. A single comment has inspired an avalanche of thought provoking conversation.
I am still following along. Not long ago I followed a very similar conversation about the problem of dust votes. A few clever minds came together and solved the issue for anyone who wishes to participate.

Now I am watching again. I know the community will come together and find some solutions to ease the way from minnow to dolphin. I am beginning to think this must happen in order for the platform to survive and thrive long term.

Following along the path of those who are a step ahead I have found to be one of the best possible investments of my own time. It is when they share the problems they encounter, brainstorm solutions, and share where they put in time and why that I myself am able to decide in advance how I will choose to Steem through the next level. This alone saves a lot of misplaced time and effort on my part.

So I offer heartfelt thanks to all of those who shine a bit of light on the road ahead.



Helpful Links


The pay it forward community has a new home! You can visit here @pifc to stay on top of the latest news and keep any eye open for new contest.

Looking for more great newbie content to support? Check out @newbieresteemday for some new fresh content. A perfect place to offer some encouragement and support to those new to the platform.

Also check out @asapers - Plankton all round helper. Their tagline says it all. They curate some really great posts. They also share a portion of the rewards with those curated. That offers a bit of extra encouragement to those who are working hard to grow.

If you like contest and games there is always something going on at @newbiegames. Also some great prizes and opportunities to meet new people.


Want a different way to earn some Steem Power? Check out the fleamarket. A great way to buy and sell with Steem and SBD

@steemfleamarket - a service created by @kaliju -


Images and dividers created in photoshop. You can grab them to use yourself more selections here:


And here:






Note to my readers

Any and all support is:

✦greatly appreciated ✦returned to the best of my ability ✦used to power up or otherwise grow this account


Great post @headchange. Sadly it's true. A lot of us have grown together some faster some slower. Which that mainly has to do with the amount of personal funds invested. Today is officially 206 days. Almost everyone that I met that started about the same time as me are all now well over 50 and heading into 60. The main difference is I have not had the means to put personal funds into this. The gap is there though. I know a few that have made friends with other dolphins and with some whales to get a little guidance but the 'community' seems to be these are the people that run the newbie groups without any support for themselves. At least that's what I am seeing.

Just like now we're in an oddball gap. We're not newbies, we're not even officially minnows yet. We have a great amount of knowledge, a decent amount of support but have to do a lot of work on our own to keep growing. We still have to sell ourselves.

Where as @simplymike, @lynncoyle1, @wolfhart and @abh12345 now all have known reputations people look up to them and look to them for guidance. I know I do. How @simplymike does it I don't know. I think everyone is right she doesn't sleep. If not for her @newbiegames wouldn't have started or stayed as strong as it has, plus keeping up with her own postings. I know each one has busy lives and yet they give so freely back to us. I guess that's why I go cheerleader mode. I want them to know at least someone appreciates what they do. I think @lynncoyle1 and @wolfhart know that if it weren't for them I probably would have gone by the wayside like so many. One of the first people that actually commented on one of my first posts was @abh12345 I don't think he knows that..but the number cruncher he is, he might. It made an impact on me too.

Maybe we need to create a group Dolphins R US Minimum 50 rep with 300 SP. Closed invite to keep it to just those in that range and to keep the right attitude. Have it more of a think tank type of support, bounce ideas off of each other. Larger players, larger followers, larger upvotes and at least comments. Who knows.

Hi and thank you very much! The ability to add funds I thought was a huge advantage. I am beginning to wonder about that some. I was able to put in $70.00 early on. Right now my account value reads at 62.00
I had $500.00 set aside and was waiting for steem price to drop. About the time it did my FIL had a heart attack and a stroke. Naturally I used my play money to help him out with prescription and all the other assorted medical expenses that follow such events. At the time I was a bit deflated. Lets face it getting that first 500 Sp is extremely difficult.
I am starting to see a different perspective. Having that I would not have qualified for some of the contest and things that I now do. I would not be making the connections and gaining the knowledge and experience from those contest either. So there you are with that SP but having no support built up and not qualifying for many of the things that help to build that support.
But I do agree with you those who feed us must be fed. otherwise it slows up the whole system.
The oddball gap we are in is hard enough to navigate. Figuring out where to put time and effort is a job its self. I can't even fathom the added pressures of trying to be so helpful. I also owe a great dept to many. I read and study the workings of the platform quite a bit. I would have never figured out how to navigate at all without the guidance of those ahead of me.

I see a discussion group forming up in the #payitforward discord. I am sure the topic is going to be discussed quite a bit. I am very interest to read the input and ideas. I myself would love any opportunity to be an asset to those who have helped me along. I am positive many of us feel the same way.
I believe "where we go one we go all" surely does apply here.
I am very grateful to have met people like you who are so motivated. Nice to watch the process as we grow together.

He didn't know that, but is happy that it is the case :)

That comment really made me smile:) Thanks so much for stopping by.

A tag is really helpful, I don't know where to start some days and so I usually start with Ginabot 😊

Sorry I am still learning tag etiquette. You know the part about avoiding tag spam? I got that part down.😁

I love that he's talking in third person :) Of course he's the kind of guy that would be happy to hear such news!

A bit weird? I blame beer 😁

haha not weird...hilarious.

I hear he likes beer. A lot :) As long as he's not licking toads, it's all good :)

Only at the weekends!


haha @abh12345, my problem is once you retire, every day is a weekend 😎

I feel like this right now :D :D

Good morning @lynncoyle1! Up before 🌄, I am "in here" doing some "curating," still reflecting on @abh12345's advice about it ...

"... once you retire, every day is a weekend ..."

Made me smile! Sounds like a tough problem to have, but presumably you're up to it! 😊

Looming larger for me, I hope to be joining you soon "in the struggle" ... 👍

Now, off to one of your posts, as something in there stood out to me, but at that point, didn't have the time (or frankly energy at day's end ...) to do justice to the "curating" I had in mind ...

P.S. Reply to your post, now delivered ... Off to my "day job" ...

I'm glad he knows that now :) and that he's happy!!

I don't have 300 SP yet... (almost 200 now with another 50 delegated to me from one of my roles.) I'm working on it as quickly as I can - though, like you, I don't have any money to invest into it, so it's literally everything I can build. I watch for opportunities such as contests and curation opportunities to help me increase my SBD.
I'd definitely like to see more initiatives to help dolphins to do better.

@viking-ventures That's good though, you're doing great!. I pretty much follow the same rule. The only thing that I have had happen is one of the groups I was very much a part of has kind of come to a halt. Personal issues :( I hope everything is ok with them, it's just hard to watch it fall apart. So now I need to find an alternative. I am finding out it's not good to have all of your eggs in one basket on this platform.

howdy there @headchange.. whoa! This is one of the best posts I've read in a long time..and also one of the best laid out..it's beautiful. I think I need to hire you to do my posts, how much do you charge? lol.

As far as the content, extremely well written and thought-provoking but I'll let the smart people discuss it then I'll come back and learn from them!
great job, God bless you for all you do!

Thanks so much! That is really sweet you may make my head swell up talking like that.
You just say the word anytime. I will make you a blank layout you can just fill in some text. Cut and paste lay out is something I need to do more of myself. saves a ton of time for me.

I don't know if there will be much discussion over here. But the topic has grabbed my interest so I can always add my two cents on their posts and learn a thing or three.
Blessings to you as well.

hey headchange! sorry this is so late but I'm running late on some things, not all. I mean I had several new people contact me today so I've concentrated on them more, figuring that the people who know me will understand if I don't get back right away. too long of a sentence for a redneck.
oh man..I didn't mean to sound sweet on your post, I was just trying to state the facts.
lol. so you are going to use this layout on your posts to save time? that's darn smart and efficient. but that's just stating the facts, that's not being sweet or anything okay?
I'd hate to get a reputation for being a sweet guy. I'm more of a rugged guy. do you like history? I noticed that you've been not commenting from any of my cowboy posts, is that because you don't like history ...or you have something against cowboys? it's fine for either one, I'm just curious.

Don't worry I am running late today myself. I wouldn't worry much about the sweet reputation you pretty much did yourself in with that redneck gentleman line.
Sorry about the cowboy thing. I am pretty sure I at least voted one. I just don't know enough about cowboys to add anything much to the discussion.
Now those redneck jokes on the other hand they leave plenty of room for lighthearted banter. And give me a good laugh besides.

hey there @headchange! I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say "you pretty much did yourself in with that redneck gentleman line."
does that mean that gentlemen rednecks are sweet?
if that's what that means to people then I may have to change that. I'm a tough, rugged cowboy don't ya know?
jack licking.JPG

I wasn't asking for your vote or comments, I just wondered if you had no interest in history or didn't like cowboys for some strange reason that's all. which is fine if you can't stand either one, I was just curious if you had an opinion or were grossed out by the subject matter!
so you are saying that you never had a single question about cowboys or their lifestyle? alrighty then.. well I'll just crawl back in my hole and work on my next post. lol.

does that mean that gentlemen rednecks are sweet?

The term gentlemen would imply a certain level of sweetness don't you think?

I'm a tough, rugged cowboy don't ya know?

Oh yeah that picture says it all. So tough I fear for that poor dogs life :D

I wasn't asking for your vote or comments

Well I am sure you scored a couple anyway.
To be honest we yap back and forth about so many things I never even noticed. Come to think of it you do talk about cowboys waaaay more than I do. I will just crawl back in my hole now and think up a few cowboy jokes.

howdy today @headchange! well..I reckon "gentleman" could hold some meaning of sweetness to it. don't care much for it but it's there.

lol, Jack is in so many of my posts that people are asking about him now...bytheway how's Jack? lol. they come to my post to see how Jack's doin.
how's it going for you today? are you getting enough typing in?
or are you burning out like most kids do when they actually try to do some work for once?

Well Jack probably deserves some recognition. I am sure you tease him to no end. Bet you are one of those guys who pretends to throw the ball just to watch him run.
I'm sure I am coming along just fine and dandy, but thank you for inquiring.

Indeed, time is a deciding factor. If only I can be those who will join contests and keep winning, then I think that would be great and an easier approach. I was doing good I think on the contests side early on but then again, time and the energy are what keep me away from here. I should be more active now that more there are those who left which should give me more chance of winning.

Those who do so much to help newbies are highly appreciated. These communities share the same initiative but do it in their own way. They keep encouraging and guiding us to help others as well. For that, I am always grateful as well.

I know exactly what you mean. I hated to be away just when things were slowed down enough to offer that bit of extra opportunity.
I absolutely agree about the communities and helpful individuals as well. I look forward to seeing some great ideas for more ways to get them more of the support they need.

I hope we can come up with sort of a game plan so we can stay longer here and be more engaging. I'll see what I can do this week. I really wanted to spend more time here the way I did before. It's so much fun!

Yes it is pretty fun isn't it? I am sure you will get back to it. I did this place kind of grows on you after a while. There are entirely too many fun things to get into here.

Very complete post, @headchange.

I’m not in a very talkative mood at the moment, so a post like this was very welcome: there’s not a lot to add to what you say. :0)
I did spend last week going on and on about the topic - maybe a little too much - but I’m glad to discover it is not just me, and that a lot of people appeared to share my sentiments. I still believe this could be the beginning of something new.

It’s like @abh12345 stated: it’s important to find the balance between supporting others in all the best ways that you can, but still not forgetting to look up and grow your own account.

How much more easier that would be if there were like 72 hours in a day. That would give one plenty of time to help others grow ánd having enough time left to nurture your own account...

But unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day, and people need to sleep every once in a while, lol.

Time management is indeed one of the hardest things to deal with here on SteemIt, and I’m not very talented when it comes to that. Definitely since I’m not back for the full 100% yet.

But I’m positive the community will find it’s way to find solutions to problems that are being addressed. These last couple of months have shown me the strength if this community is able to really realize things to make the SteemIt adventure better for everyone.

Thank you very much! A smarter fish would have made it a huge comment, this week anyway 😄

I did spend last week going on and on about the topic - maybe a little too much

Not too much at all. It looks like quite a few are glad you did. Getting the conversation started could lead to some solutions. Just think your little comment got something huge started. I for one am grateful for that.

Time management is indeed one of the hardest things to deal with here on SteemIt

Seriously I was beginning to think I was just very slow. Good to know I am not the only one. Hopefully while everyone is discussing that issue I will learn some of their time saving tricks.
I am excited to see the community coming together looking for solutions. Especially since this provides an opportunity to learn from the insights of those who are far more experienced than myself.
I believe you are right this could be the start of something new. It will be interesting to see where the conversion takes us as a group.

I’m interested where this will be taking us too :0)

My thoughts on this...might turn into a post withing a comment...lol.

First off there are a group of us out there who are trying to help the newest members of steemit onboard. We run around giving away upvote after upvote taking time to support these new members. For the most part we go widely unnoticed by the larger fish in the sea, or they notice and don't give a crap about the time and expense that we are investing to help make steemit a more viable platform. To those big fish, stop worrying about your short term ROI and start supporting those of us that are willing to invest our most valuable asset, TIME.

Picture what @pifc could accomplish with a delegation of say 50k SP. With that we could take newbies and get them enough SP to remove them from the delegated SP tit pretty quickly returning this to the pool. We could actually boost posts from newbies to a level that would excite them about the potential of steemit and hopefully get them to invest more time and reinvest their SBD into SP. The added growth of steemit by keeping more of the newbies active would push up prices for everyone.

Honestly I'd much rather have 10,000 members add 10sp to their accounts over the next week then 1 whale buy up another 100,000 increasing their dominance. Creating a growing group of small accounts will lead to a much more sustainable platform over time. To achieve this we need more resources allocated to those of us willing to invest our time.

Second. Self growth can be achieved while helping others, but it will be slowed at first. But long term IMO it will allow for the growth of a community of people who know that you are part of why they have succeeded and grown to the point they are at. These people should and will repay the favor over time giving you votes and other support which will help you start growing at a faster pace. This community growth is critical for long term success IMO.

The Give First and then Receive approach has been proven to be very effective as a way to reach your goals. Give people value in terms of your time, votes, and knowledge to help get them off the ground and long term I feel that you will end up with an army of people that will help you succeed.

As my vote keeps increasing and the votes of those around me increases we are all benefiting from each others growth.

The smaller members of steemit seem to all go their own way far to often. When in reality their voice could be very strong if they worked together. 100 accounts at 100sp is the same as 1 supporter with 10,000sp. It's far more likely that the 1 person misses a day vs all of the 100.

Now I'm ignoring the whales in this thought process as most of them have so much of their SP tied up in voting rings, bid bots, and other things that make getting a vote from them next to impossible so why invest your time worrying about them.

Third point: Honestly nobody should even slightly be concerned with voting for someone that doesn't return the favor on a regular basis. If you comment on a post and the author doesn't take the time to reply, upvote you, or look at your posts why are you there? Some people in their quest to kiss ass of the larger fish out there are just ending up with a mouth full of whale shit. These whale take all the penny votes on their posts giving nothing in return day after day after day. They keep growing stronger because the smallest members are so busy trying to get that elusive whale vote that will never come they waste 10-30% of their voting power...sometimes much more...on people that don't even kind of care about you.

Find people who will take the time to engage with you and support those people. They are the most likely to end turning into a 2 way street with both parties gaining from the relationship. Any relationship in which you give over and over with nothing in return is unhealthy. Cut those people from your life and focus on those who care.

First off thank you for stopping by and giving such an in depth comment. That is very much appreciated. I have actually delayed a bit my reply, in order to give it the full attention deserved.
I am in complete agreement with everything you have said here. Hopefully this has not come across as otherwise.

Picture what @pifc could accomplish with a delegation of say 50k SP. With that we could take newbies and get them enough SP to remove them from the delegated SP tit pretty quickly returning this to the pool.

I would like to add to that. The @pifc strives to find the highest quality work produced by new users. I myself have learned some discernment through my participation. Anyone wishing to support new users would do well to show that support through support to the @pifc project.
I can only imagine how discouraging it is to invest time and resources into helping a new account grow, only to see them vanish in the end.
The #payitforward criteria for quality content means each feature is someone who is already working at making a long term home on the platform. Some of those featured blogs have a great deal of thought and effort put in to them.
It would benefit us all if @pifc could adopt one of those for a more long term support.

This community growth is critical for long term success IMO.

Not only for the individual but for the platform as well. What I am understanding is that an endless supply of new accounts are continuously cycled through while a very small percentage stay and grow. The top levels for the most part collect their earnings growing fatter by the day while remaining oblivious to what is happening at the levels below. Meanwhile the mid level accounts are becoming more stagnant. This does not seem sustainable. The whales seem to not care they can simply swim off to the next investment opportunity. Being new here I am still figuring things out. I hope to be mistaken and will look for further insight.
Assuming the above to be true. It could very well be that the best workable strategy for mid level would be heavy emphasis on community. Using the power of numbers to push and pull one another up, creating a more healthy balance of larger accounts.

100 accounts at 100sp is the same as 1 supporter with 10,000sp. It's far more likely that the 1 person misses a day vs all of the 100.

Not to mention the dangers involved with catering to the whim of one fickle whale 😏

They keep growing stronger because the smallest members are so busy trying to get that elusive whale vote that will never come they waste 10-30% of their voting power...sometimes much more...on people that don't even kind of care about you.

This says it all. Some will use the revolving door of new accounts to milk as much as possible. Their actions show already they have no concern for the healthy growth of the platform.
Time effort and collective stake are a huge asset to those who hope for long term gains. Some serious brainstorming and discussion on where best to use those assets. I am learning much from these discussions as I make decisions for the future of my own account. I very much hope to see discussion continue, more solutions found, and Steemit to grow and thrive. I am very fortunate to be a part of it.
Thank you again I am overwhelmed by such a well thought out and insightful reply to my little musings.

I myself have learned some discernment through my participation.

I think that by hunting for great content week after week you not only find some great bloggers to follow, but you learn a lot about what makes a blog great. This helps you grow as a blogger and helps you spot true quality faster in the future. I'm amazed at how well people are getting at removing all the plagiarized content before entering now. It was almost 3-4 a week that I had to ask to change their entry in the past, now many weeks have none.

It would benefit us all if @pifc could adopt one of those for a more long term support.

There is a long term plan towards this. Right now I'm focused on getting @pifc up and running. Once that is fully funded if you will, I will start asking for support towards a new account. The next account will offer 1 upvote per day to those who enter the contest. The whole put your oxygen mask on first thing.

This will help grow the accounts of those who are out there helping others. All I will ask is that everyone adds that account to an autovote program like steemdunk at 100% for it's weekly update post. This will allow the account to keep growing and will likely use the SBD earned each week to lease more SP to increase the vote all participants are getting.

Then the next account I'd like to open is to support those who have been featured with daily upvotes. And same idea as the above with support from those getting votes.

Using the power of numbers to push and pull one another up, creating a more healthy balance of larger accounts.

This is only the beginning of something I'd like to turn into a major support system for redfish and minnows alike. I really think we can start to shape a real middle class on steemit. But it will take all involved understanding that each of us growing means we all grow and remembering that sometimes you will give more then the next person, but that is ok as someone else may be giving more then you. It's hard for many to view things with a viewpoint of abundance, but this truly is how you need to view things on steemit. There is more then enough to go around for all of us to have a brighter future.

Thank you again I am overwhelmed by such a well thought out and insightful reply to my little musings.

Glad to have had the platform to share my thoughts. Think we see things much the same about where things are and what is needed to move forward. There are some great whales and dolphins out there, but they like all of us have the people they follow and support. When one happens to stop by and give a nice vote you take it happily, but don't expect it to come again as you just never know.

Hi @thedarkhorse I must say you are right about the benefits of finding good features. I think my own posts have improved a great deal just from being out there seeing so many different posting styles. (still considering that second account for my dog )😄

The next account will offer 1 upvote per day to those who enter the contest. The whole put your oxygen mask on first thing.

That sounds like something that would benefit everyone especially over the long term. I am pretty sure everyone involved is already doing a vote to @pifc at least once a week. So that one is win/win. Surly the prosperity of the participants will translate into prosperity for the entire project. I really love your forward thinking approach.

It's hard for many to view things with a viewpoint of abundance, but this truly is how you need to view things on steemit.

The beauty of Steemit is the ability to give something and still keep it. Think about it every vote given regenerates we lose nothing. Even with delegations vote power is given but ownership is kept. Where else can you hand out money and still not lose it? Talk about having your cake and eating it too.
It is great to have a little peek into the long term vision for @pifc I agree this could really be the start of something huge.
Thanks again for sharing with us here. Sounds like some exciting but busy times ahead. We have all grown so much just in the short time I have been involved.Those first few contests seem a lifetime ago already for me.
So now here you are slaving away to get a huge project off the ground involving multiple accounts. Meanwhile I am thinking up dog parody. Yeah sounds about right😏

I am following along as well. Not very vocal on the platform even though I have been tagged at several places. Blame it on being sick and simply not having the time to get back to everyone.

Community and engagement is encouraged here; I've done the same myself when I first started. Seven months later, the reality is I am finding it harder (for me at least) to dedicate the same time I had once given to engagement. Life, family, life changes....

I will definitely loop back around to my community of friends when I have some free time. I know we are all contemplating the same question. It seems the ongoing theme nowadays (and encouragement by others) is to post often, engage, and join communities. What if one simply has no time for all three?

So good to see you here!! I had actually intended to come by and check on your recovery. To be honest this post ended up taking far more time than anticipated, putting me behind on other things.
There is that time issue again. I am really glad to see some discussion on the topic. I have found juggling time to be one of the bigger challenges I face. It has been interesting to see how many share the same struggle.

What if one simply has no time for all three?

Since this seems to be an issue for many maybe we can brainstorm and find some ideas. I bet some posts on Steemit time saving hacks would go over really well. I am going to start making a few formats that I can cut and paste. Hopefully reusing those will save some time.
I may check out fast reply. Maybe even a speech to text app If I come across anything that really works well I will share for sure.
Keep pampering yourself and get better. It may be harder to juggle things if you are sick.

Good evening @headchange. Home after a long (very long ...) day, logged in and in glancing through my Feed, thought I would "drop in," to this post. Glad I did!

Not much time before I call it a day, but thought I would at least say that, while I do not really know you, I appreciated the "heartfelt" comments here, both by you and those responding to you.

If I am "reading you right," then you are working through something similar to what I have the last few days. A particular exchange on PALnet, on Saturday morning, led to my Reflections: Adding "Value" to the Steem Blockchain - Chapter 1 post, after spending the day reflecting on it. You may find it of some value, starting with my exchange with @discordiant on PALnet, which inspired it.

I don't think you would, but please do not view this as some sort of "post pump" comment. I appreciate you introducing me to the PIF team and view it as giving back. I genuinely hope it might help.

I have read all your contributor's comments and really found them of value, but I don't have time to comment on each of them. What I can also do, for now, once I click "Post" is go through here, and upvote them all. 100%. Not that it will amount to all that much, but doing my small part ...

Keep "fighting the good fight" and keep posting!

Respectfully @roleerob

Thank you so much! I am flattered that you have taken time to stop by and show support. I am overjoyed to have the comments also receive your time and support.That is very much appreciated. Thank you for the link as I may have missed it otherwise.
I am also pressed for time at the moment but very interested in reading your post. I will be looking forward to further exploration of the topic at first opportunity.
I can see below that Bee has already made it over. I am sure I am missing an insightful conversation over there.

Good morning @headchange! Before 🌄, "in here" doing what I can, before heading off to my "day job" ...

There's "resteeming," then there's whatever we would call what you have inspired me to do - write my Reflections: Curation and Pollination post.

Resteeming has its place, no doubt. But it lacks, at least for me, the "personal touch" of simply being able to let your followers / supporters know what you found of value in what you are bringing to their attention.

As your time permits, you may wish to read it, as your post here "got the ball rolling," for me. Hopefully, it will speak for itself.

All the best to you, for a bright new day!

[Psalm 118:24]

Yes up before the dawn the best way to catch some extra Steemit time. I am doing that myself. To say I got a bit behind is an understatement. I still have the tab open for your other post. The intention was to respond over coffee with a fresh mind.My little effort at giving such in depth material the attention it deserves. Headed that way now. Very late as is usual in my Steemit world.
Thank you so much for giving the topic your attention in another post. Watching the conversation grow offers great hope for what could be accomplished through community.

Thanks for taking the time to read through the comments section, appreciating the comments, and adding value by pointing my noise into the direction of your own post. ;0)

Appreciate you taking the time to read our comments and show your support. I find it hard to find time to comment myself (sadly), but I enjoying reading everyone's thoughts when I have some time. Headchange is quite the perceptive person. I do enjoy reading her insightful thoughts. As it turns out, you share the same perceptive qualities!

Thank you @beeyou. Very kind of you! Much appreciated!!

I have provided more detailed comments to what you have written in your response to my post. It appears we share some of the same perspectives on the inescapable time question ...

Have a great day!

Well written @headchange. When I first got on Steemit I felt like I was on the verge of hitting a growth spurt and that I would eventually understand some of the growth strategies you allude to in this post. Due to a major life change and living short term in a very rural area I feel that my growth has been stunted. You provided some great resources in this post and a couple I had not heard of before. I recently found an internet solution and am hoping I can get back to the small modicum of growth I was experiencing before.

You're back!!! That's great. I had to be away for a couple of weeks for the same reason as you. I needed to spend some time in a more rural area. It is all still here and it was fun getting caught up with everybody.
I have been on a bit of a binge with the account growing resources. I guess I too felt like I lost some ground.
I was really enjoying following along on the nomad adventures. Don't worry I will still be following along. I bet a lot of people are waiting to see what you have been up to.

I am and hopefully to stay without any major breaks again. It really has been incredible here. It's always great to reconnect with people after a break.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Thanks so much the support is appreciated very much!!

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 76.27%. Estimated dollar amount of $2.45

Thank you! That is very much appreciated indeed.

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