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RE: A Question Of Growth

in #steemit6 years ago

I am following along as well. Not very vocal on the platform even though I have been tagged at several places. Blame it on being sick and simply not having the time to get back to everyone.

Community and engagement is encouraged here; I've done the same myself when I first started. Seven months later, the reality is I am finding it harder (for me at least) to dedicate the same time I had once given to engagement. Life, family, life changes....

I will definitely loop back around to my community of friends when I have some free time. I know we are all contemplating the same question. It seems the ongoing theme nowadays (and encouragement by others) is to post often, engage, and join communities. What if one simply has no time for all three?


So good to see you here!! I had actually intended to come by and check on your recovery. To be honest this post ended up taking far more time than anticipated, putting me behind on other things.
There is that time issue again. I am really glad to see some discussion on the topic. I have found juggling time to be one of the bigger challenges I face. It has been interesting to see how many share the same struggle.

What if one simply has no time for all three?

Since this seems to be an issue for many maybe we can brainstorm and find some ideas. I bet some posts on Steemit time saving hacks would go over really well. I am going to start making a few formats that I can cut and paste. Hopefully reusing those will save some time.
I may check out fast reply. Maybe even a speech to text app If I come across anything that really works well I will share for sure.
Keep pampering yourself and get better. It may be harder to juggle things if you are sick.

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