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RE: Striking Balance : How to get to 500 SP ?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Good morning @lynncoyle1! Before 🌄, "in here" doing some "curating," before heading off to my "day job" ...

I wanted to come back to this post I briefly had time to read the other night and made a mental note (gotta figure out a better "plan" than that ...) that I wanted to come back to it and write to you. A little “sobering” to write a comment I deem worthy of your post, but to let it go just doesn’t seem right either …

As a quick “executive summary” statement, to begin, for a “newbie” like me, after reading it, the thought occurred to me this post should be “required reading.” You don’t “know” me “from Adam,” as they say, but I am definitely not the flatterer type. At all … So, I sincerely mean that and genuinely hope it will provide some encouragement to you.

Into some details …

” All of that takes several hours, meaning anywhere from 2-6 or more, I'd say.”

Yes, definitely struck a responsive chord with me, as maybe writing content is “quick” for others. Definitely not for me … “Quality” over “quantity” is referenced “in here,” but until you “live it,” I don’t think the time commitment is well understood. Your post took time to put together. And, I imagine a lot of it …

With our universal “fixed constants” of “24 / 7 / 365,” we have a set amount available and we need to be very clear how it is invested. Time invested well on this one @lynncoyle1!!

Suffice it to say, I spend a great deal of time reading through the submissions and their three chosen curation posts. Finally, I keep my eye out for "newbies" in need of a little love and try to help them myself and/or pass them on …”

Time again. And a lot of it. And, again, not sure how clearly this is understood. Definitely stood out to me, if you are going “to do it right,” while fully aware that will mean “different things to different people” …

So, as a “numbers” guy, educated as an engineer (poor thing … he can’t help it …), there is a quantitative measure of what you write about here from which we cannot escape. Wish I was better at putting the right words together to capture what I mean, but it is a big deal …

But, as I made an attempt at capturing in my adding value post, there is more to it than that. Considerably more. And that is “at the heart” of why your post stood out to me. It is how you have chosen to invest your time. For you, I truly hope the future holds many, many multiples of the “500 SP” referenced in your title.

”Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has”

Indeed. Words matter. A lot … Not sure how one would improve upon the concise, but “right in the bullseye” words of your profile. Exemplifies one of my all-time favorite sayings:

”When all is said and done, a lot more is said than done.”

So, @lynncoyle1 ... You don’t just talk about it, you clearly “live” it. You have my respect and admiration, as it is rare, at least in my experience “in the real world” to find that.

Now that I "know" you, I definitely want to have you on my Follow list. Sadly, I now see “time is up,” for me to complete what I originally had in mind – to resteem this post. I know at the time (as well as others) that what resteeming “lacks” is the ability to add a “personal touch” msg. to your followers, about why they should take the time to read what you have resteemed. Only option seemed to be to Comment first …

Well, “lesson learned” for the “next time” … And, doing all that I know to do for now, I have saved this post in my “Favorites” list on, for future reference …

Moving forward, in the limited time that I have, I will be working on emulating the great example you set for us here in our Steem Community. Thank you for providing it and all the best to you @lynncoyle1, for a bright new day!

[Psalm 118:24]

P.S. Faced with the "cold, hard" reality of my 100% upvote 1) Perhaps not counting (?) since you wrote this 8 days ago and 2) OK, @roleerob, it's not going to exactly do much for my 500 SP (“Rep” x SP x ?...?, all those “Steem calc” details ...) objective …

Guess we’ll just have to go with "it's the thought that counts" for now and be at peace with, "we've done what we can" with the "system" we have "in here" ...

P.P.S. Note to self: "... work on emulating ..."

Uhhh ... Sure you will ... Must've forgotten your hard-learned "under promise and over deliver" lesson, so ... We're just gonna have to go over it one more time ... 😊


@roleerob, this is one of the kindest, most thoughtful, and yes, encouraging comments I have ever received! Thank you doesn't come close to adequately expressing how you have just made me feel!! But, it will have to suffice...thank you, thank you, thank you!! :)

When I wrote this post, I had made the mistake of comparing myself to a few others here, something I never do, and now I remember why that is :) But, and this is a big but, after reading all of the lovely comments, yours included, I realized that I'm doing things exactly right for me.

My moment of doubt is over, and you are now a part of the reason why!

Thank you again.

Very good @lynncoyle1 to hear. Began my day writing the reply above, so this "weary warrior" is pleased to hear what I felt led to write played some small role in this affirmation and confirmation ...

"I realized that I'm doing things exactly right for me."

... of all you do. So, ending this evening my feeble attempts to ...

"* ... work on emulating ..."*

... as I tried to light-heartedly point out in closing this morning's reply. +45 posts per day!! Not gonna even get in the ballpark ... 😊

I can say, though, my "upvoter is smoking," so I'm going to call it a (long) day and turn in, while I let it cool down ...

All the best to you @lynncoyle1, as we work together, in our different ways, to build our Steem Community! 👍

Thank you again @roleerob! haha that 45 has to include comments though, because yes, I do plenty of that!

My "upvoter is smoking" as well :) and percentage wise, looking rather abysmal, so I too, am going to soon call it.

Have a nice evening. Thank you for reaching out; I'm sure our paths will continue to cross now!

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