🚀 Redfish Rocket Contest: Win A 75 SP Delegation And Steem On

in #mapsters6 years ago (edited)

No more bandwidth issues! Show me you are serious about growing your SteemIt account and win a 75SP delegation for 8 weeks!

win a delegation.jpg

Not Enough SP = Trouble

Being new here on SteemIt isn't easy. Once you've created your account, you only have a tiny amount of Steem Power. It takes a lot of blood, sweat and (often) tears to get more of that precious Steem Power. And all odds are against you: the less SP you have, the less your upvote is worth. As a result, the curation rewards you can earn are only small, which slows down the growth of your account.

Like that isn't enough, many new users often face the problem of running out of bandwidth and aren't able to post, upvote or even comment. It's a hard knock life...

Here's what you can read about bandwidth in the SteemIt bluepaper:

Click to enlarge

You need approximately 50SP to be out of the danger zone.



About three months ago, I decided to use some of my VP to help some newcomers get out of this danger zone, and give them a chance to grow their account a little faster.

I set up a contest, and rewarded 4 winners with a 50SP delegation for 8 weeks.

This delegation allowed them to post, upvote and comment without running out of bandwidth. It also gave them the opportunity to grow their account faster.

Unfortunately, 2 out of 4 Steemians dropped out. But I'm very happy to see that both @crypto-econom1st and @mirrors have done very well for themselves and are more than able to fly solo now.

This means there is room for some new people to support:

3 users will receive a 75 SP delegation from me for 8 weeks!!


Are You Willing To Commit?

You'll understand that I'm looking for people who are committed to the platform. People that are around to stay, and are willing to progress, so they too can fly solo once I retract the delegation.

So I'm looking for users who are actively working on growing their account, through posting, but also through interacting with the community.

As I stated in my previous contest post:

Enggement Is King

If you want to grow your account here on SteemIt, you need an audience. And the only way you can grow an audience, is by engaging yourself. Get to know people. Become a part if this awesome community.

‘Now, how do I do that?’, I can hear you ask. There is only one way: comment, comment, and comment some more. Then, reply to all replies you get. I’m talking about (tens of) thousands of characters here.

engagement is king.gif

I never said you would get your delegation for doing nothing, did I?! ;0)


The Race

If you are prepared to put in an effort in order to get this free delegation, then read on. If not, then I can't help you. After all, in spite of what you were told when you initially signed up, SteemIt is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Growing your account requires hard work and dedication... unless you have enough money to buy your way up, of course.

So here's my offer:

Every Sunday, database wizard and @steemcommunity witness @abh1234 publishes his Curation And Engagement Leagues, sponsored by @curie. (Here's the link to last week's post.)


For this contest, we'll be focusing on the Engagement League only.
As you can tell by its name, the Engagement League is all about... engagement.
The ranking is mainly calculated based on the number and the length of comments you make.

The metrics that are taken into consideration are:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Upvotes to others (V)
  • Upvotes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - a (getting smaller each week) minus score for this one sorry! (S V)

Basically, the more (valuable) comments you make, the higher you will end up in the ranking.

Take a look at last week's ranking to get an idea of what is possible:
Don't worry, I'm not expecting you to top these scores, I just want to show you that SteemIt is not a blogging platform but a SOCIAL MEDIA site. If you want to grow your account, you'll need to engage with others. However, if you do make it to the top, there's some free Steem to be won.

Click to enlarge


How To Win The Contest?

It's simple: engage like there is no tomorrow. Comment, reply, comment, reply... and don't forget to put up a post every once in a while... Show me that you're serious about growing your SteemIt account.

The new Engagement Leagues post will be published tomorrow (Sunday, July 1st). However, this contest announcement will be valid for 7 days, so to make things fair for everyone I will not pick a winner next week, but the week after - this way everyone has a full week to prove himself.

Don't let that stop you from signing up for this week's Engagement League, though. By doing so, you'll get an idea of how you're doing by next Sunday and you'll know whether you are doing alright, or will need to push a little harder.

On July 15th, the 3 people who are highest up in the ranking will receive a 75SP delegation for 8 weeks.


How To Enter?

  1. Reply in the comments section below, telling me that you want to join.

  2. Visit @abh12345's latest'Curation and Engagement Leagues.'-post and leave a comment, telling him you want in.

  3. Start engaging like never before.

  4. This week (July 1st - July 8th) is a try-out week. Next week (July 8th - July 15th) will be the real thing

Are you in for a wild ride?

wild ride.gif


Requirements to get and keep the delegation:

  • Have 50SP or less
  • Have no other delegation that brings your total over 50SP
  • Outrank other participants of this contest - only the top 3 on July 15th will receive a delegation
  • Stay engaged (It doesn't end on July 15th. You are required to keep engaging.)

    For entries to be valid, it should be obvious that you have made a real effort engaging yourself. I reserve the right to not delegate if I don't think any contestant is up for it.


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Great post. Thanks for taking the time to explain this to everyone. Great info for those that truly want to grow their accounts. You were featured this week in the #payitforward contest by @headchange. Congrats!

Thanks, @energyaddict22. It was nice of @headchange to spread the word about the contest like that.

Well let's see what kind of damage I can do LOL. Maybe I can upvote @headchange more LOL. Between judging for PIF, doing a weekly curation post, a motivational post and newbie spotlight post for @greetersguld. I then try to be more active in @asapers too. The sucky part is not being able to keep up with all the upvotes. @dustsweeper is a godsend...but still not quite enough.
I signed up 3 weeks ago for Asher's curation league and I'm growing..baby steps LOL

Awwh that was so nice of you to say. Don't worry I also have trouble keeping up with all I want to do. I think you manage great. I am putting together Pay it forward right now maybe I can get out at least 2 or 3 this week. Glad you joined Ashers league. That is becoming one of my favorites.

I love that I can see some sort of growth :)

Exactly! Those charts help me so much. Makes it easy to pinpoint an area to work on.

I am completely familiar with taking baby steps, lol.
They will take you there, eventually :-)


Here we go! Good luck this week.

Thank you 😃

Dear @simplymike, have Just found your post through @headchange post in Pay It Forward Contest this week (thank you @headchange) and I want to join this redfish rocket contest :)
I'm good on commenting but terrible on posting, But I'd like to try it. Thank you

This Comment Protected by @dustsweeper

Being good at commenting is all you need to do good in this contest. ;0)

You’ll need to register for the ‘Engagement League’ so I can track your activity. To do so, simply go to last Sunday’s post (Click here) and leave a comment telling @abh12345 you would like to join.

Then, start warming up your fingers so you’ll be prepared for a lot of engagement next week (starting on Sunday).

I already there @simplymike... that's my name in your tabel above @cicisaja😊. Asher will think I can't read if I said I'm in again☺

Thank you👌


Sorry, I only just noticed that you were in the leagues already... My bad.
So there’s no need to register anymore. I assume you know how it works ;0)

Will do my best, I want to be a graduated one to be able to help others. Thank you.

I really appreciate that motivation :0)

Glad you made it @cicisaja Good luck with the contest. If anyone deserves a boost you do for sure.

Have no other choice @headchange😉 if you didn't mention me then someone else will do.. and I always love to jump on the bandwagon where I can see you and other pifc members too.

I think alerting each other to good opportunity is how we help pull and push one another up through the levels. I have not forgotten about the #ccc project. I have a previous commitment to do @hive votes. But when SP allows for me to meet the requirements I will check into it more.

You are absolutely right. It's fun and cost us nothing but a better interaction with each other. I must be blessed that I encountered so many gorgeous people who are willing to help each other. 😉

You are awesome @simplymike! I sometimes come across some 'great' new folks here when I'm curating or judging for thedarkhorse's contest. I'll pass this on if I'm able!

You sure hit the jackpot with @mirrors and @crypto-econom1st !!

It would be great if you could send some newcomers here.
It’s funny, actually. I thought I’d do an experiment by publishing a post off peak hours to see if this would have an effect. It’s like 6am over here, and I assumed most people would be asleep.
But I forgot about you... lol. No matter what time it is, you’re always on top of it. You’re like SteemIt superwoman ;0)


I'll tag some newcomers in my latest contest post. Perhaps that helps.

Hopefully a Resteem will send a few over :D

That would be awesome, Asker. Thanks in advance

haha Steemit superwoman...that's awesome!! @simplymike, you never really know what time I'll be on here!

I love unpredictability. Heck, life is unpredictable :-)
Same goes for me. Since I live in a completely different timezone than the bigger part o the Steemians, I try to do most of the posting when it's around 7pm here.
But there are times I just come one after breakfast, or - like this Saturday - I stay up all night long...

haha that's exactly like me @simplymike 😅

This one doe not sleep, @simplymike! lol..

You are correct @mirrors haha. Sometimes it drives me crazy though!

I have another delegation going and by the time this actually starts, I will probably have more than 50 SP myself. Which is sad because I am already on the list you used as reference.

I can assure everyone who considers being a part of this that the results will be quite amazing one way or another. Engaging on Steemit can get you very far.

I can only agree to the fact that engagement is the key to grow your account here on SteemIt. 😉

Absolutely. Working hard and smart pays off.

I'll see what I can do this time 😆😜😋

Your job right now is to bring me redfish of which you think they will be prepared to go for it, just like you were :0P

Thank you very much for reviewing the secret of every reputable steemian. For i am yet to know that commenting on other peoples post also have impact on my blog until now.

By commenting you get to learn a lot of other people. You build a network
Of like-minded individuals, and that’s the most important factor if you want to get somewhere here on SteemIt.

It will not only make your experience more fun, you will also notice that once you’ve built a decent network, people will start looking out for your posts. This will result in more traffic, more comments and more upvotes.

By leaving valuable comments on others people posts, there is a bigger chance that they will be interested in what else you’ve got to say and wil probably visit your profile, and the might even start to follow you.

I’ve always done a lot of commenting, and over the months I’ve built a strong network. I found loads of like-minded people. We often work together now, and support each others posts.

If you don’t buil such a network, there is a big chance your pists will disappear in the never ending stream of new posts. At least if you have some friends, you can count on each other to support you and help you grow your acvount a litle faster..,

Thanks a lot for the advise. I will try all my possible best to comment on other peoples post from now on.

Many people are mislead: especially in the beginning, you can earn more by leaving meaninful comments than by posting. Lately, comment voting has become less popular than
It used to be, but it’s still
More beneficial
In the long run. The more people you get to know - the bigger you build your network - the more you can get your name out there. After a while, people will start looking out for your posts, and support you with comments and upvotes, simply because they have become your friends. And that’s what friends do: they support each other.

Conversations in the comments section of a post are also a great resource for post ideas.

You simply can’t lose by engaging with others :0)

I want in :)

Congrats, @solcross, you got in.
I just tool the liberty to check your wallet and it looks like you’re not far from the 50SP goal. Don’t worry, you are in.

But I’d like to make a deal with you: if you win the delegation, it might not be for the full 8 weeks. Once you manage to get to 50SP on your own, you should be free of bandwidth trouble forever.
If you win, I’ll support you up to 55, and then retract the delegation again. From that moment forward you should be able to get by on your own just fine, and I can use the SP to help someone out who really needs is.

I hope you understand.

Well, @abh12345’s Curation and Engagement League-post will be published some time later today. Keep an eye out for it. Once it’s up, leave a comment on that post, telling Asher you want in (maybe mention you were sent there through this contest).

Then, start engaging: write those comments, write those replies, get engaged and start building your network of likeminded people. Because that is the key to SteemIt success.

(I don’t know if you are using Discord, but another good way to get to know people a little better is by joining some Discord channels and take part in the interaction.
I can highly recommend the @asapers Discord channel (https://discord.gg/G6WP3tu) and the @newbieresteemday channel (https://discord.gg/BvNV7dW)
All good people over there, always willing to help out.

Well, wishing you loads of luck and remember: engagement is the key!! :0)

Deal. Thanks mate. Also commented there.... He said I was just in time. So we will see. Cheers :)

I put up this post in the spur of the moment. Next time, I need to remember to put it up a couple of days earlier, and not the day before.

Good luck - I can’t wait to see how determined everyone will be, and what the result of the participation will be. I bet you will be meeting loads of new, interesting people during the next weeks :0)

Haha... Cheers mate

You got a 5.75% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @simplymike!

Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to @upmewhale. Visit http://www.upmewhale.com for details!

I'd love to get in on this one please @simplymike. A little SP boost could be quite handynin encouraging other redfish to engage and stock around

Aweome to have you in the contest, @sparskey43.

If you head over to https://steemit.com/engagement/@abh12345/5av4at-the-curation-and-engagement-leagues-steem-prizes-and-steem-bounty-available, just leave a comment telling @abh12345 you want to join.

You’ll then be enrolled in every next edition until you let him know you want to quit.
Use this first week as training to get your number and length of comments up. That way, you’ll know where you’ll stand compared to others.

Once you’re ‘in the game’ it’s a lot of fun and pretty addictive, I must admit, lol. At least, for me it is. It’s just a peaceful battle amongst friends, everyone trying to improve its ranking. It has really been a big motivation for me to go out there and leave more comments. And more comments means more interactions. and building more relationships.
And that’s exactly what you need to gain followers and get more upvotes and comments on your own posts.

Go for it. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Thanks. I've been in Asher's leagues for a while now.

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