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RE: A Question Of Growth

in #steemit6 years ago

howdy there @headchange.. whoa! This is one of the best posts I've read in a long time..and also one of the best laid's beautiful. I think I need to hire you to do my posts, how much do you charge? lol.

As far as the content, extremely well written and thought-provoking but I'll let the smart people discuss it then I'll come back and learn from them!
great job, God bless you for all you do!


Thanks so much! That is really sweet you may make my head swell up talking like that.
You just say the word anytime. I will make you a blank layout you can just fill in some text. Cut and paste lay out is something I need to do more of myself. saves a ton of time for me.

I don't know if there will be much discussion over here. But the topic has grabbed my interest so I can always add my two cents on their posts and learn a thing or three.
Blessings to you as well.

hey headchange! sorry this is so late but I'm running late on some things, not all. I mean I had several new people contact me today so I've concentrated on them more, figuring that the people who know me will understand if I don't get back right away. too long of a sentence for a redneck.
oh man..I didn't mean to sound sweet on your post, I was just trying to state the facts.
lol. so you are going to use this layout on your posts to save time? that's darn smart and efficient. but that's just stating the facts, that's not being sweet or anything okay?
I'd hate to get a reputation for being a sweet guy. I'm more of a rugged guy. do you like history? I noticed that you've been not commenting from any of my cowboy posts, is that because you don't like history ...or you have something against cowboys? it's fine for either one, I'm just curious.

Don't worry I am running late today myself. I wouldn't worry much about the sweet reputation you pretty much did yourself in with that redneck gentleman line.
Sorry about the cowboy thing. I am pretty sure I at least voted one. I just don't know enough about cowboys to add anything much to the discussion.
Now those redneck jokes on the other hand they leave plenty of room for lighthearted banter. And give me a good laugh besides.

hey there @headchange! I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say "you pretty much did yourself in with that redneck gentleman line."
does that mean that gentlemen rednecks are sweet?
if that's what that means to people then I may have to change that. I'm a tough, rugged cowboy don't ya know?
jack licking.JPG

I wasn't asking for your vote or comments, I just wondered if you had no interest in history or didn't like cowboys for some strange reason that's all. which is fine if you can't stand either one, I was just curious if you had an opinion or were grossed out by the subject matter!
so you are saying that you never had a single question about cowboys or their lifestyle? alrighty then.. well I'll just crawl back in my hole and work on my next post. lol.

does that mean that gentlemen rednecks are sweet?

The term gentlemen would imply a certain level of sweetness don't you think?

I'm a tough, rugged cowboy don't ya know?

Oh yeah that picture says it all. So tough I fear for that poor dogs life :D

I wasn't asking for your vote or comments

Well I am sure you scored a couple anyway.
To be honest we yap back and forth about so many things I never even noticed. Come to think of it you do talk about cowboys waaaay more than I do. I will just crawl back in my hole now and think up a few cowboy jokes.

howdy today @headchange! well..I reckon "gentleman" could hold some meaning of sweetness to it. don't care much for it but it's there.

lol, Jack is in so many of my posts that people are asking about him now...bytheway how's Jack? lol. they come to my post to see how Jack's doin.
how's it going for you today? are you getting enough typing in?
or are you burning out like most kids do when they actually try to do some work for once?

Well Jack probably deserves some recognition. I am sure you tease him to no end. Bet you are one of those guys who pretends to throw the ball just to watch him run.
I'm sure I am coming along just fine and dandy, but thank you for inquiring.

I do tease him but he teases me too so it evens out. I've tried the ball thing and he's too smart for that, he won't fall for it, very hard to fake him out.
here's a better photo in case you missed him on the posts:
jack (1).jpg
he's handsome ain't he? he's laying across from my desk staring at me because he thinks it's time to go outside.

So what's your strategy? just type like crazy? you have enough people? sometimes I run out of people to talk to around 1 am. light weights disappear on me. specially the young uns, they're the worst.

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