Striking Balance : How to get to 500 SP ?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


I hear many (@wolfhart cough cough) talk of reaching 500 SP as the magic number, something to strive for, especially if you want the covetted voting percentage slider. I've been lucky enough to have been delegated to by several people, so I reached that goal some time ago. But just today, after having a short talk with @abh12345 regarding his delegation, I took a closer look and saw that I'm only at about 350 SP myself.

Most of you know that I comment. A lot. But here's the thing you may not know. When I turn on steemit at any time of the day, I check out (do yourself a favor and check it out if you don't know what it is:), then ginabot/Discord to have a quick look, then I start replying to all the comments I made the day before. I'm sure to check out "mentions" too during this time and reply to those as well.

During that time, I'm also on the look out for quality unnoticed posts to submit to @asapers, who I curate for, and also to submit to @c-squared, another amazing team here run by @carlgnash. (If you need more information on either of these, please ask me in the comments and I'd be happy to explain). I'm also a judge for @thedarkhorse's Pay it Forward Curation Contest, a weekly contest for which I am one of the judges. Suffice it to say, I spend a great deal of time reading through the submissions and their three chosen curation posts. Finally, I keep my eye out for "newbies" in need of a little love and try to help them myself and/or pass them on to @newbieresteemday and @greetersguild.

All of that takes several hours, meaning anywhere from 2-6 or more, I'd say.

Most of you also know that my home life revolves around taking care of the love of my life, @briancourteau. He's not bed-ridden or anything like that, but considering his illnesses, I do a lot for him, so those 2-6 hours have been interrupted several times. That's not meant to sound like, "oh, poor me, I can't get any work done", it's just the way it is. And really, a lot of the time I feel like steemit is the thing that interrupts what I'm really supposed to be doing.

The problem with my process, is that my own posts get neglected. Sometimes it takes me a bit to get back to the comments on my posts, but really, I'm talking about writing my own posts. And when I do write my own posts, I take a lot of time on them to make sure that they are perfect (in my eyes :) At best, I average about 3-4 per week. This week has been especially off, since my last post was 5 days ago.

Mystery solved...that's why my SP is only around 350.

It's in my nature to be selfless, to reply to others first. I also think it's common courtesy...that's why I will always reply to every single comment on my posts. Plus, I've made committments to various people and groups here and I'm not prepared to faulter on those. Commenting and curating is also what I really enjoy here and placing in the top 3 of @abh12345's Curation Leagues is something I take pride in as well.

So, do I start commenting less, to try and write more posts of my own? That doesn't seem like the right choice to me. Do I simply continue to grow at a slower rate, regardless of being delegated to or not? That one is akin to letting the chips fall where they may. Is this even a problem?

Any suggestions from all of you? I'd love to hear what you think.

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ya but 500 SP really isn't very much at all

Yes, I hear what you're saying. Thank you for stopping by!

Depends how you value STEEM over the next 5-10 years :)


I think you're probably pretty close to optimal for your SP level.

In general, the smaller you are, the more important comment rewards are. If you're commenting on people who vote your comments, you may be doing better than you would do by posting. It's important to still post from time to time so that people who see your good comments and click on your username have something to grab onto, so they follow you and eventually become voters on your posts. But 3-4/week is plenty for that.

Thank you so much for that @tcpolymath! It's what I've always believed to be true, but you know how it is around here...different things start playing with your head :) Thank you for your knowledge and confirmation!

I always want to comment more! I seem to try for the post first and comment after. But who will I meet if I don't? You do a LOT! Hope you get it quick :)

Thank you so much; I appreciate your support :)

I totally agree with what you stated and could not have said it better. Building a foundation, base is so important. It pays off in the long run.

100% agree with you here :) And not just for the actual comment rewards either - the networking is at least as important to future earnings as own SP.

Thanks for weighing in here Carl; I appreciate it. I made the mistake of second guessing my "journey" here thus far by comparing myself to some others. Something I never do, and now I remember why :) After reading all the kind and thoughtful comments here, I'm going to continue as is! Thanks again.

You feel most rewarded (literally and figuratively) commenting so I think you just comment away. Posting every 3 days or 5 days when you can sounds more like what you feel is quality blog.

I don't post when I feel rushed :) I'm too picky to hit publish so I understand what you mean when you say perfect in your eyes. It takes me hours to write a post and that's with interruptions as I have 4 children - 1 in crawling stage lol.

You are one of the best curators out there and rightfully take that top 3 place. I don't think I have commented on any of your posts or comments. But I have read some of your comments and posts. Finally introducing myself to you :) Keep up the great work lynncoyle1.

Wow! Thank you so much for that @lovenfreedom; that's so nice of you to say!

And with 4 children and one crawling, it's a wonder you're hear at all haha After reading all of these comments, I realized that I am doing everything right...for me. What others do or achieve is just that; "others". I had a moment of doubt when I wrote this post, but have things sorted out again in my head.

It's so nice to meet you! Thanks again for an awesome comment :)

Since reading @wolfart's post (based on @simplymike's comment and @abh12345's post in response), I've been contemplating a post of my own. I don't have the community building credentials any of you have, and so my time has been spent primarily doing things that will build up my account. And yet, I also find myself wondering if I'm doing so effectively.

And that's without taking the time out to go ASAPing, PayItForwarding, Discording, NewbieResteemDaying and anything and everything else y'all have found to get involved with.

So, I can only sympathize and imagine that all of us at some point that have any desire to be a part of a community, heavily involved, somewhat involved or on the periphery, wonder if what we're doing is either what we should be doing, or if it's neglecting something important.

And in short, I think we're the only ones who can make that decision. I have my own personal opinions, which I will save for the post, but they will only be what works for me. It will only work for others if they have similar desires, commitments, needs, etc.

I don't think anyone would be upset if you stepped back from any of that to concentrate on account building. I don't think that helping newbies 2-6 hours a day is necessarily helpful for account building. At least not on the front end. When all of those newbies are high level minnows to lower level dolphins, maybe it starts paying dividends if they remember those who helped them get there.

The question becomes, will stepping back make you happy? Will you feel you can? Or will you just find yourself taking on another role, or rushing back into the other whenever there's a need or a plea for help? There's not a dearth of things to get involved with.

I also don't think this is something you need to rush into. But if you're here at all to build up your account, and I believe all of us are here, be it 1% to 100%, because of the potential earnings, then building the account needs to be weighed and kept in its proper place.

I think you’ve nailed it, @glenalbrethsen. It all comes down to the question if something would make you happy or not.

Yep. And in my mind, it doesn't have to be either or. Help people or build your account. I think there are ways to do both. But the balance needs to be struck, and that might mean being content with doing less for others. Or, it might mean not being that concerned with growth.

I think there are plenty of people who are community builders who feel it's the latter for them. I find that to be unfortunate, unless they really don't have any other reason to be here but help people because they're well enough off financially and STEEM affords them ready opportunities to help that they really don't feel they have where they are.

How many of us, though, fall into the well off category? If we do, finding our way here is less of a possibility as it is getting involved elsewhere, because people will know and will come soliciting.

I agree that it is possible to do both... but it is all about finding the balance.

Absolutely. Balance will be how both are accomplished.

How goes the recovery? I haven't asked for a week or so, I think. I see more and more of your activity here, so things must be getting better. I haven't managed to read all of what you're writing to see if you've given a status report—I probably should at least try—but regardless, I hope the surgery is taking this time.

My wife has a consultation in August to see if she should get surgery for a small hernia she has. I guess I should rephrase that. She wants to get the surgery. The consultation is to inform the surgeon. :)

Lol on that last sentence. :0)

I've been doing better, thanks. Finally back on the laptop again - so happy to be able to work a little faster.
Doctor says: so far so good.
I still have to be very careful, but at least the pain is as good as gone... finally :0)

Very cool. I'm especially glad to hear about the pain part. Now, you just got to stick to doctor's orders for the few more weeks that are remaining. Or is it less? Time flies for me regardless so I have a hard time keeping track of it.

I'm sure it is nice to think of and do other things rather than just lying there convalescing and waiting to get better. Getting on the laptop sounds like a major victory. I wouldn't suggest dancing like that gif of yours quite yet, though, but some sort of celebration is in order. :)

Still facing 4 months of recovery therapy. But it’s progress, and progress is a good thing.

It’s weird how your perspective changes so much. I mean, I used to spend all day working on my laptop - it was just something normal. And now, every time I take it out, I feel like a kid in a candy store, lol

That's great to hear @simplymike!!

Balance is key! Bingo. And all of these comments have put things back in perspective for me :)

Thank you @glenalbrethsen! It's only recently that I've been questioning a few things here because basically, I'm pleased with my progress and from the looks of the comments here, I'd say I've been impactful in places that are also beneficial to me. I appreciate what you're saying though, and the fact that I don't need to make any changes today whatsoever. I made the mistake of comparing myself to a few others...something I never do...and now I remember why :)

Well, I can't blame you for doing the comparison thing. We all end up doing it, whether we know better or not. What we do after that is probably more important.

Well, for you and I imagine many others knowing you're a part of something larger than self, and knowing you're being able to touch lives in some way is reward in and of itself. So, I'd hate to see that change if that's what you truly want. Of course, it's not for me to say. However, I would also like to see you be rewarded for your efforts in earnings, too, which again, is neither here nor there. In the end if you're happy, that's what will make it worth your while. :)

I'll never change the part of me that helps others, and when I take a step back at look at the average payout for my posts, I'm equally happy with that. So, the comparisons I was doing, was only messing me up :)

Back in May, I was struggling with a similar question, although in my case it was whether or not to pull the SP I've delegated (at that time, I had a total of 335SP, but had delegated 175SP to others like @helpie and @tipu). I had an awesome conversation with @meno who, much like everyone here, helped put things in perspective (and if you see this, @meno - thanks again for all your support and encouragement!).

I'm now edging closer to that magical 500 mark (although I don't know if the delegated stuff counts towards it - if not, then I'm only about halfway there...LOL ), but it's become less of a "GOTTA DO" and more a "it will happen when it happens." Trying to enjoy the journey instead of only focusing on the destination, if you know what I mean. And I enjoy bumping into you as we stroll along, Lynn! 😊

Yep, I hear you loud and clear. And interestingly enough, that's the way I've always viewed things here, but I strayed a bit by comparing myself to others (a big no-no usually for me). All of the lovely comments here, including yours, has put my perspective back in place.

And that @meno ... someone to listen to for sure :)

Thanks @traciyork; I love that we are journeying together :)

I do the comparison thing waaaaay too often! LOL! So glad you've found your perspective, and yes - @meno is a gem!

Now, onwards and upwards we go!


It does get harder Lynn and I am not going to lie when I made up my mind to get to 1k SP as soon as I can it meant that I had to write at least once a day. Sometimes I do twice a day but found myself being unable to sustain replying and curating lol

As you can see in the league my comments outside of my posts dropped to less than 50. Although the 2nd level interaction has something to do with it as well.

I tend to do about 2-6 hours of Steemit things as well then I have these periods that I stay too long in discord and forget to reply lol.

Actually you are one of the people I had been thinking of lately because I have ginabot notify me when you post and I see how much you are posting, but yes, I also saw last Sunday your response in Asher's league as well. Not good or bad...just "is".

haha I stay away from Discord a lot of the time for that reason!!

Thank you as always for the comments; I do appreciate them...and you :)

Hey hun, I totally understand the lack of time to do more than engage and reply/comment, you are amazing at all of those things and the fact that you still manage 3-4 posts out a week is amazing, my personal page suffers due to other things I focus on too but I don't think we are doing the wrong thing, just going about it differently, we are lucky that we do have some amazing people that delegate to us and I ap[preciate my slider very much. I have hit just over 400 SP which is super exciting, the 500SP would be good but I think that 5000 would be better, it's always greener on the other side lol.. You are awesome as you are and keep doing what you are doing, I think so many Steemians have stayed because of you and many would be lost if you changed your ways for more SP. xxx

Awww @insideoutlet, that's such a sweet message! Thank you :) You know, I was questioning a few things mostly because I stupidly compared myself to a few others, which I never do and am now reminded why :) But, all of the comments, and the level of support that I have here, proves to me that I shouldn't change a thing. Thank you again xx

Your always welcome and not changing thing is the right thing to do. I sometimes revert to comparisons and then remember that everyone has completely different circumstances and we all do what we can when we can. I did have a question. Is there specifc place you check all your mentions? I sometimes miss them when I wake to over 100 ginabots and would like to get more on top of them.

I've given up with ginabot for mentions. I either use steemworld (@steemchiller included "mentions" recently

OR/ if you are using Fast-Reply, there's a spot to the right (a drop down menu that has mentions as well)

Thanks again for the kind words @insideoutlet :)

Oh yeah @roxanne said there was a new mentions section in fast reply . Thanks for getting back to me. 😁

Just look at the drop down menu under your name :) Happy to help!

You are really doing a great job here! And I don't think you can do much more to reach your goal faster. Steemit is not for the short term, and you understand that really well. Steemit is for the long term, and as you won't give up, you will reach your goal.

I would say, keep up your good works!

Thank you so much @hetty-rowan! I appreciate your thoughts very much :) After reading all these lovely comments, yours included, I've decided to not change a thing!

Lol! You’ve already answered your own question, @lynncoyle.

So, do I start commenting less, to try and write more posts of my own? That doesn't seem like the right choice to me.

So, you shouldn’t. Simple as that.

IMO, reaching 500SP is only considered to be such a milestone because you get the official slider. But there are plenty of other ways to spread your votes before you have 500SP.
So it is actually not such a big deal.
Oh, I forgot: you become a minnow instead of plankton/redfish at 500SP. Tomato, tomato (Right, that only works when you say it out loud, not when you write it, lol)

I can definitely relate to the issue of not having time to write your own posts. I try to follow up on so many people, and to reply to all comments I get, while trying to find some people that need a little extra cheering , that I often don’t have time left to write a decent post. Because most of them take me several hours to get them ready to post.

Fortunately, I live in a different time zone than most people on here, so I regularly take the morning off to write my posts. But while I’m writing, I’m aware of the fact that comments and posts-to-read are piling up again...

Bottom line: you should do what feels right. SteemIt should stay something you enjoy. If not, I guess you’ll get tired of it soon.
Don’t focus on those milestones. Or if you do, then turn it around in your head: you started with something like 15SP, and now you have 350SP. Way to go, @lynncoyle1!! ;0)

haha first things first: tomAto, tomUto haha that's not quite right either, but I get what you're saying!!

After reading and responding to these comments, I'm reminded of something I never do, and that is compare myself to others. Second, you're so right. This is supposed to be fun and when I start to put too much pressure on myself, it's time to take a step back a little.

Or if you do, then turn it around in your head: you started with something like 15SP, and now you have 350SP. Way to go, @lynncoyle1!! ;0)

haha you're awesome! That's actually a really good idea :)

Go Belgium tomorrow!!

To be honest, ' tomAto, tomUto' doesn't sound quit right either, lol - But I'm just happy you understood what I meant :0)

This isn't a competition (sounds strange, coming from me), although Asher did his best to make it one, lol.
You'd better grow slow while having fun, than grow fast but consider it to be a chore... :0)

You'd better grow slow while having fun, than grow fast but consider it to be a chore... :0)

That's the key right there, isn't it! That's what I decided after reading all of the comments here and it's what kept me here for this long. It is fun and needs to remain so.

Belgium won hey?!! A bit of an upset all things considered, but I knew they would :)

Sorry for the late reply, @lynncoyle1. Life got a little in the way this weekend.
Glad you could make up your mind :0)

And indeed, they won 😀 Quite a surprise, but they did!

No problem @simplymike!!! Real life always comes first :)

Sad about their loss today, but there's still hope for third place I guess!

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