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RE: A Question Of Growth

in #steemit6 years ago

My thoughts on this...might turn into a post withing a

First off there are a group of us out there who are trying to help the newest members of steemit onboard. We run around giving away upvote after upvote taking time to support these new members. For the most part we go widely unnoticed by the larger fish in the sea, or they notice and don't give a crap about the time and expense that we are investing to help make steemit a more viable platform. To those big fish, stop worrying about your short term ROI and start supporting those of us that are willing to invest our most valuable asset, TIME.

Picture what @pifc could accomplish with a delegation of say 50k SP. With that we could take newbies and get them enough SP to remove them from the delegated SP tit pretty quickly returning this to the pool. We could actually boost posts from newbies to a level that would excite them about the potential of steemit and hopefully get them to invest more time and reinvest their SBD into SP. The added growth of steemit by keeping more of the newbies active would push up prices for everyone.

Honestly I'd much rather have 10,000 members add 10sp to their accounts over the next week then 1 whale buy up another 100,000 increasing their dominance. Creating a growing group of small accounts will lead to a much more sustainable platform over time. To achieve this we need more resources allocated to those of us willing to invest our time.

Second. Self growth can be achieved while helping others, but it will be slowed at first. But long term IMO it will allow for the growth of a community of people who know that you are part of why they have succeeded and grown to the point they are at. These people should and will repay the favor over time giving you votes and other support which will help you start growing at a faster pace. This community growth is critical for long term success IMO.

The Give First and then Receive approach has been proven to be very effective as a way to reach your goals. Give people value in terms of your time, votes, and knowledge to help get them off the ground and long term I feel that you will end up with an army of people that will help you succeed.

As my vote keeps increasing and the votes of those around me increases we are all benefiting from each others growth.

The smaller members of steemit seem to all go their own way far to often. When in reality their voice could be very strong if they worked together. 100 accounts at 100sp is the same as 1 supporter with 10,000sp. It's far more likely that the 1 person misses a day vs all of the 100.

Now I'm ignoring the whales in this thought process as most of them have so much of their SP tied up in voting rings, bid bots, and other things that make getting a vote from them next to impossible so why invest your time worrying about them.

Third point: Honestly nobody should even slightly be concerned with voting for someone that doesn't return the favor on a regular basis. If you comment on a post and the author doesn't take the time to reply, upvote you, or look at your posts why are you there? Some people in their quest to kiss ass of the larger fish out there are just ending up with a mouth full of whale shit. These whale take all the penny votes on their posts giving nothing in return day after day after day. They keep growing stronger because the smallest members are so busy trying to get that elusive whale vote that will never come they waste 10-30% of their voting power...sometimes much more...on people that don't even kind of care about you.

Find people who will take the time to engage with you and support those people. They are the most likely to end turning into a 2 way street with both parties gaining from the relationship. Any relationship in which you give over and over with nothing in return is unhealthy. Cut those people from your life and focus on those who care.


First off thank you for stopping by and giving such an in depth comment. That is very much appreciated. I have actually delayed a bit my reply, in order to give it the full attention deserved.
I am in complete agreement with everything you have said here. Hopefully this has not come across as otherwise.

Picture what @pifc could accomplish with a delegation of say 50k SP. With that we could take newbies and get them enough SP to remove them from the delegated SP tit pretty quickly returning this to the pool.

I would like to add to that. The @pifc strives to find the highest quality work produced by new users. I myself have learned some discernment through my participation. Anyone wishing to support new users would do well to show that support through support to the @pifc project.
I can only imagine how discouraging it is to invest time and resources into helping a new account grow, only to see them vanish in the end.
The #payitforward criteria for quality content means each feature is someone who is already working at making a long term home on the platform. Some of those featured blogs have a great deal of thought and effort put in to them.
It would benefit us all if @pifc could adopt one of those for a more long term support.

This community growth is critical for long term success IMO.

Not only for the individual but for the platform as well. What I am understanding is that an endless supply of new accounts are continuously cycled through while a very small percentage stay and grow. The top levels for the most part collect their earnings growing fatter by the day while remaining oblivious to what is happening at the levels below. Meanwhile the mid level accounts are becoming more stagnant. This does not seem sustainable. The whales seem to not care they can simply swim off to the next investment opportunity. Being new here I am still figuring things out. I hope to be mistaken and will look for further insight.
Assuming the above to be true. It could very well be that the best workable strategy for mid level would be heavy emphasis on community. Using the power of numbers to push and pull one another up, creating a more healthy balance of larger accounts.

100 accounts at 100sp is the same as 1 supporter with 10,000sp. It's far more likely that the 1 person misses a day vs all of the 100.

Not to mention the dangers involved with catering to the whim of one fickle whale 😏

They keep growing stronger because the smallest members are so busy trying to get that elusive whale vote that will never come they waste 10-30% of their voting power...sometimes much more...on people that don't even kind of care about you.

This says it all. Some will use the revolving door of new accounts to milk as much as possible. Their actions show already they have no concern for the healthy growth of the platform.
Time effort and collective stake are a huge asset to those who hope for long term gains. Some serious brainstorming and discussion on where best to use those assets. I am learning much from these discussions as I make decisions for the future of my own account. I very much hope to see discussion continue, more solutions found, and Steemit to grow and thrive. I am very fortunate to be a part of it.
Thank you again I am overwhelmed by such a well thought out and insightful reply to my little musings.

I myself have learned some discernment through my participation.

I think that by hunting for great content week after week you not only find some great bloggers to follow, but you learn a lot about what makes a blog great. This helps you grow as a blogger and helps you spot true quality faster in the future. I'm amazed at how well people are getting at removing all the plagiarized content before entering now. It was almost 3-4 a week that I had to ask to change their entry in the past, now many weeks have none.

It would benefit us all if @pifc could adopt one of those for a more long term support.

There is a long term plan towards this. Right now I'm focused on getting @pifc up and running. Once that is fully funded if you will, I will start asking for support towards a new account. The next account will offer 1 upvote per day to those who enter the contest. The whole put your oxygen mask on first thing.

This will help grow the accounts of those who are out there helping others. All I will ask is that everyone adds that account to an autovote program like steemdunk at 100% for it's weekly update post. This will allow the account to keep growing and will likely use the SBD earned each week to lease more SP to increase the vote all participants are getting.

Then the next account I'd like to open is to support those who have been featured with daily upvotes. And same idea as the above with support from those getting votes.

Using the power of numbers to push and pull one another up, creating a more healthy balance of larger accounts.

This is only the beginning of something I'd like to turn into a major support system for redfish and minnows alike. I really think we can start to shape a real middle class on steemit. But it will take all involved understanding that each of us growing means we all grow and remembering that sometimes you will give more then the next person, but that is ok as someone else may be giving more then you. It's hard for many to view things with a viewpoint of abundance, but this truly is how you need to view things on steemit. There is more then enough to go around for all of us to have a brighter future.

Thank you again I am overwhelmed by such a well thought out and insightful reply to my little musings.

Glad to have had the platform to share my thoughts. Think we see things much the same about where things are and what is needed to move forward. There are some great whales and dolphins out there, but they like all of us have the people they follow and support. When one happens to stop by and give a nice vote you take it happily, but don't expect it to come again as you just never know.

Hi @thedarkhorse I must say you are right about the benefits of finding good features. I think my own posts have improved a great deal just from being out there seeing so many different posting styles. (still considering that second account for my dog )😄

The next account will offer 1 upvote per day to those who enter the contest. The whole put your oxygen mask on first thing.

That sounds like something that would benefit everyone especially over the long term. I am pretty sure everyone involved is already doing a vote to @pifc at least once a week. So that one is win/win. Surly the prosperity of the participants will translate into prosperity for the entire project. I really love your forward thinking approach.

It's hard for many to view things with a viewpoint of abundance, but this truly is how you need to view things on steemit.

The beauty of Steemit is the ability to give something and still keep it. Think about it every vote given regenerates we lose nothing. Even with delegations vote power is given but ownership is kept. Where else can you hand out money and still not lose it? Talk about having your cake and eating it too.
It is great to have a little peek into the long term vision for @pifc I agree this could really be the start of something huge.
Thanks again for sharing with us here. Sounds like some exciting but busy times ahead. We have all grown so much just in the short time I have been involved.Those first few contests seem a lifetime ago already for me.
So now here you are slaving away to get a huge project off the ground involving multiple accounts. Meanwhile I am thinking up dog parody. Yeah sounds about right😏

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