⏺Can you believe this?! I have been copied.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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So, the first incident occurred 2 days ago, when I found one of my most valued posts being duplicated. Someone decided to straight-up copy my work. Someone, more specifically known as @zeeshankhan.
This guy thought it was alright to completely duplicate my content. Thank you @saffisara for identifying this case, and letting me know at the time.

The first one we found was the post about my blind eye. He completely duplicated it, lying to his audience. You can see my ORIGINAL HERE. You can also see the DUPLICATE HERE. Since then, we took action, and had that post flagged to $0. Thanks to my friend @ausbitbank for assisting me with a downvote. Thanks for having my back, brother!

If you go and see the duplicate post now, you will see he changed it to saying 'OOPS'. You can easily tell my story is the truth simply by looking at the URL of the post, however.
Look, I come in peace. I understand you clearly find inspiration from my work, causing you to want to copy it, but seriously man, if you're going to do something, then at least do a decent job. Your duplicate made my work look tacky. You even miss-spelled 'Blind' for 'Bulind'. I mean, seriously?
So that was the first one I noticed. Then, today I go and look at his feed once again. What do you know..



Notice anything similar by any chance? That one post was only the start of his fun content-duplicating adventure.

If you guys see this man duplicating any more content, do not be afraid to put him in his place. He is a fraud, and being completely unethical.

I would like to give a special thanks to: @ausbitbank, @saffisara, @haleyaerith, and @longfield98. You guys are beasts.
I will admit, I did take this act as quite a compliment too! Until next time, cheers! Talk soon.
If you think someone you know deserves a shout-out, you are always welcome to let me know! Yes, you may nominate yourself, only if you really think your content deserves more exposure. Your results need to speak for themselves :) I choose a new person every week for the Shout-Out Saturday post! So stay tuned, it might be you!
More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!
I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!
I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!

My previous post:
Life is just too short. Just live! Part 2

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @cryptonet! Let's give him some support!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️Send-Back Sunday: Does life play tricks on us? Productivity killer!

My previous image-gallery post:
📽Anime gallery: Berserk (Part 2)

My previous milestone:
🖊 Thank you for 1000 followers!! New banner!

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.5K+ Followers.

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Ya man - take it as a compliment

Cool - that you exposed the copy cat - pretty easy to do here - which is pretty cool.

On another note - no more paid upvotes. I like you, so I will tune in to your narratives/shares.. The upvoting service is just something i don't have the time to continue managing. I got a lot of other projects in the works.

All the Best Brother

Thanks for that brother! Yeah, all good. I got the message now :) No more service. You have full right to your choice! I'm sure I will see you around.

Talk soon!

Thanks for the mention @enazwahsdarb!!!
And you are the beast! No one can dare copy your blogs! you are Original! Take it as a compliment. You are doing great! keep it up friend! 🤗

Thanks Haley :) No problem! You supported me when the indecent occurred! I appreciate that! Yeah I suppose it's all about how you take it hey :P One person could get super upset, clearing anything in their path, the other person could just see it as a good thing. LOL.

I don't think he's a bad person.. I hope he learnt his lesson though haha!

Talk soon.


@saffisara, I can't help but notice how much you are supporting @enazwahsdarb. For that, here is a 100% upvote! Stay awesome.

Why Thank you very much @photobomb 😆
He is worth every thought and all the support in the world 😉🤗 Being so amazing has its consequences, to be loved by many 😁💋
Zane Man-King

LOL (blushing)! That's a very pretty photo of you by the way Sara!

😊😄 LOL You are so crazy fun my friend. I bow and Thank you for your kind words dear 😙
I hope you are having a great Friday.
Talk later.

Whoo hoo... I was vote # 100

This is HECTIC

Does the word plagiarism mean anything to this person??

:( Where is @cheetah when you need her (or him, not too sure...)

Hey nice voting time ;) Well.. I went to Steem Cleaners, and after 2 days they finally responded. He is now on @cheetah's blacklist now. So yeah, that's dealt with. Copy my content, and see what happens :D All his posts are buried.

Go see for yourself: @zeeshankhan

Thanks for your support and for stopping by! I have given you a follow.

Talk soon!

Just a pleasure, and thank you

Flagged his newest one for you.

I don't mind people doing re-posts of articles they've found online, but blatantly duplicating a post from a fellow steemian isn't cool. Especially not when you can upvote something, resteem it and get curation rewards for doing so.

Totally agreed my man. I don't usually enjoy taking cruel action as such, and celebrating it, but I do think this kind of behavior needs to be punished. In which case, thank you for the support! :)

Talk soon.

No problem!

Look forward to your next update :-)

Sweet brother stay tuned :) Talk soon.

This is the price of being great! Keep up the good work!

Hahaha I love that man. Great attitude LOL! I appreciate that.

Talk soon.

So well written my friend, I really was stunned by his actions 😲 copied your intire post and pictures. And the funny thing that I couldn't help smiling about was also that bulint thing. First thing I saw and was like... Whaaat?
Not very smart eather to copie everything so easy to discover 😁
Noone does this to my friend @enazwahsdarb without consequences. So a great teamwork and he is Down 😉
Hey one more thing I was laughing about, did you notice that he actually makes people belive he want to prevent copy cats and spammer to be in this community and that he is against it.
Yeah..... And who are you again? 😁😁hilarious
Only credit is that he picked a person who he obviously thought really was a person who knows how to reach out to people with his amazing content and inspiring spirit 😊
Amen to that!
But I'm staying with my genuine original Man - King @enazwahsdarb
Best one there is 🤗lots of love❤️
And thanks @longfield98 @ausbitbank @haleyaerith You are so amazing 👉😉👈

Aww thank you @saffisara i think you are the most amazing! thanks for hardcore supporting our friend. I hope i can talk to u and lets be friend too.
always take care ^_^


My absolut Pleasure @haleyaerith 😊
Then we are all Amazing together, and great teamwork 👉👍👈
Of course we can talk, always fun with new friends 🤗 you are a sweatheart.
Have a great day and talk soon 🙋

Sara :)

I love your attitude! Your comments are like blog posts haha :D

Yeah it was quite pathetic that he made so many spelling errors. I also have to agree, I mean not to sound funny or anything, but my content is in bright, bold RED! Not very disguised LOL.

Yeah that's him just being a hypocrite haha!

Thanks for your awesome comment. Talk soon my friend.

Thank you so much dear Zane 🤗 so sweet
I never bogged in my intire life 😉 but mabye that's what I'm doing here. Wow @enazwahsdarb brings out the blogger in me... Lol 😁 you are the greatest.
Yes he really made a Big mistake, so many errors and also hypocrite.
Stay as you are my friend amazing and remember @saffisara always has your back
👉🕵️👈talk soon

Well to me what this says, or underlines is the fact their needs to be some authority on Steemit we can turn when people do things like this, or use Bots to Blackball your posts. I mean if you can prove your case, you should have someplace to submit it to be reviewed by Steemit peers and if they find a violation they come up with a solution. I'm not saying what that should be, but saying they should have some power to take some action as they see necessary.

Definitely agreed! I mean, the fact that we are losing voting power (In turn, money), by punishing these wrong-doers. It's crazy. There definitely needs to be a system implemented. Good suggestion.

Talk soon.

If you look through that guys posts, he has multiple ones talking about how he is here to fight the spammers and plagerists. For him I guess, it takes one to know one.

I know right! It's so ironic. LOL! Hypocrites haha! I think your example at the end there was definitely accurate :D

Talk soon.

I don't know how someone can do something like this and think they will get away with it, this is bad.

Totally agreed :D Or better yet, make it out to be an accident :D Oh but we shall see who has the last chuckle.

Thanks for stopping by @rynow! How have you been? Talk soon.

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